Spanning Tree
to update the switch configuration. Your changes take effect immediately but are not
retained across a switch reset unless you click
Save Configuration
Viewing CST Port Details or Editing CST Port Settings
To configure CST settings for one or more interfaces, select the interfaces to configure and click
The same settings are applied to all selected interfaces. To view additional information about an inter-
face's role in the CST topology, select the interface to view, and then click
The fields on the Edit CSST Port Entry page and Details of CST Port Entry page are the same.
Figure 31. Edit CST Port Entry Page
Port Priority
The priority for the port within the CST. This value is used in determining which port on a
switch becomes the root port when two ports have the same least-cost path to the root. The
port with the lower priority value becomes the root port. If the priority values are the same, the
port with the lower interface index becomes the root port.
Port Path Cost
The path cost from the port to the root bridge.