<SwitchC> system-view
[SwitchC] mld-snooping
[SwitchC-mld-snooping] quit
# Create VLAN 100, and assign HundredGigE 1/0/1 through HundredGigE 1/0/3 to the VLAN.
[SwitchC] vlan 100
[SwitchC-vlan100] port hundredgige 1/0/1 to hundredgige 1/0/3
# Enable MLD snooping, and enable dropping unknown IPv6 multicast data for VLAN 100.
[SwitchC-vlan100] mld-snooping enable
[SwitchC-vlan100] mld-snooping drop-unknown
[SwitchC-vlan100] quit
Configure Switch D:
# Enable MLD snooping globally.
<SwitchD> system-view
[SwitchD] mld-snooping
[SwitchD-mld-snooping] quit
# Create VLAN 100, and assign HundredGigE 1/0/1 and HundredGigE 1/0/2 to the VLAN.
[SwitchD] vlan 100
[SwitchD-vlan100] port hundredgige 1/0/1 to hundredgige 1/0/2
# Enable MLD snooping, and enable dropping unknown IPv6 multicast data for VLAN 100.
[SwitchD-vlan100] mld-snooping enable
[SwitchD-vlan100] mld-snooping drop-unknown
[SwitchD-vlan100] quit
Verifying the configuration
# Display statistics for MLD messages and IPv6 PIM hello messages learned through MLD snooping
on Switch B.
[SwitchB] display mld-snooping statistics
Received MLD general queries: 3
Received MLDv1 specific queries: 0
Received MLDv1 reports: 12
Received MLD dones: 0
Sent MLDv1 specific queries: 0
Received MLDv2 reports: 0
Received MLDv2 reports with right and wrong records: 0
Received MLDv2 specific queries: 0
Received MLDv2 specific sg queries: 0
Sent MLDv2 specific queries: 0
Sent MLDv2 specific sg queries: 0
Received IPv6 PIM hello: 0
Received error MLD messages: 0
The output shows that all switches except Switch A can receive the MLD general queries after Switch
A acts as the MLD snooping querier.
MLD snooping proxying configuration example (for VLANs)
Network requirements
, Router A runs MLDv1 and acts as the MLD querier. Switch A runs MLDv1
snooping. Configure MLD snooping proxying so that Switch A can perform the following actions: