[SwitchB-mrib] quit
# Enable IGMP proxying on VLAN-interface 100.
[SwitchB] interface vlan-interface 100
[SwitchB-Vlan-interface100] igmp proxy enable
[SwitchB-Vlan-interface100] quit
# Enable IGMP on VLAN-interface 200.
[SwitchB] interface vlan-interface 200
[SwitchB-Vlan-interface200] igmp enable
[SwitchB-Vlan-interface200] quit
Verifying the configuration
# Display multicast group membership information maintained by the IGMP proxy on Switch B.
[SwitchB] display igmp proxy group
IGMP proxy group records in total: 1
IGMP proxy group records in total: 1
Group address Member state Expires Delay 00:00:02
Troubleshooting IGMP
No membership information on the receiver-side router
When a host sends a report for joining multicast group G, no membership information of multicast
group G exists on the router closest to that host.
To resolve the problem:
Use the
display igmp interface
command to verify that the networking, interface connection,
and IP address configuration are correct.
Use the
display current-configuration
command to verify that multicast routing is enabled. If
it is not enabled, use the
multicast routing
command in system view to enable IP multicast
routing. In addition, verify that IGMP is enabled on the associated interfaces.
Use the
display igmp interface
command to verify that the IGMP version on the interface is
lower than that on the host.
Use the
display current-configuration interface
command to verify that no multicast group
policies have been configured to filter IGMP reports for multicast group G.
If the problem persists, contact Hewlett Packard Enterprise Support.
Inconsistent membership information on the routers on the
same subnet
Different memberships are maintained on different IGMP routers on the same subnet.
To resolve the problem: