Configuring common IPv6 PIM features
For the configuration tasks in this section, the following rules apply:
The configurations made in IPv6 PIM view are effective on all interfaces. The configurations
made in interface view are effective only on the current interface.
A configuration made in interface view always has priority over the same configuration made in
IPv6 PIM view, regardless of the configuration sequence.
Configuration task list
Configuring an IPv6 multicast data filter
Configuring a hello message filter
Configuring IPv6 PIM hello options
Configuring the prune delay timer
Configuring common IPv6 PIM timers
Configuring join/prune message sizes
Configuring IPv6 PIM to work with BFD
Setting the DSCP value for IPv6 PIM messages
Configuration prerequisites
Before you configure common IPv6 PIM features, complete the following tasks:
Enable IPv6 forwarding and configure an IPv6 unicast routing protocol so that all devices in the
domain are interoperable at the network layer.
Configure IPv6 PIM-DM (or IPv6 PIM-SM or IPv6 PIM-SSM).
Determine the IPv6 ACL rule for filtering IPv6 multicast data.
Determine the IPv6 ACL rule defining a legal source address range for hello messages.
Determine the priority for DR election (global value/interface level value).
Determine the IPv6 PIM neighbor timeout timer (global value/interface value).
Determine the prune message delay (global value/interface level value).
Determine the prune override interval (global value/interface level value).
Determine the prune delay.
Determine the hello interval (global value/interface level value).
Determine the maximum delay between hello message (interface level value).
Determine the assert timeout timer (global value/interface value).
Determine the join/prune interval (global value/interface level value).
Determine the join/prune timeout (global value/interface value).
Determine the IPv6 multicast source lifetime.
Determine the maximum size of join/prune messages.
Determine the maximum number of (S, G) entries in each join/prune message.