Chapter 3. Configuration
Figure 3.39. Add New User Wizard (Third Window)
Based on the level of access to be granted, select the Standard user, Restricted user,
or Other radio button. If the Other radio button is selected, choose the type of access
from the adjacent list box.
Click Finish. The new user information is added and the wizard closes. Record the user
information for reference if the appliance hard drive fails and must be restored.
If no other users are to be added, click OK to close the Users and Passwords dialog box.
Click close (X) at the upper right corner of the Control Panel window to return to the
Windows 2000 desktop.
Setting Appliance Date and Time
Audit and event logs are time-stamped with the appliance date and time. All managed product
system clocks are synchronized with the appliance date and time by default. To set the
appliance date and time:
At the Windows 2000 desktop, click Start at the left side of the task bar (bottom of the
desktop), then select Settings, then Control Panel. The Control Panel window displays.
Double-click the Date/Time icon. The Date/Time Properties dialog box displays with the
Date & Time page open (
hp StorageWorks HA-Fabric Manager Appliance Installation