To specify a new SSL server policy for HTTPS, first execute the
form of this command to delete
the existing HTTPS-based local portal Web service.
When you specify the listening TCP port number for the HTTPS-based local portal Web service,
follow these restrictions and guidelines:
For the HTTPS-based local portal Web service and other services that use HTTPS:
If they use the same SSL server policy, they can use the same TCP port number to listen to
If they use different SSL server policies, they cannot use the same TCP port number to
listen to HTTPS.
Do not configure the HTTPS listening TCP port number as the port number used by a known
protocol (except HTTPS) or other service. For example, do not specify port numbers 80 and 23,
which are used by HTTP and Telnet, respectively.
Do not configure the same TCP port number for HTTP and HTTPS local portal Web services.
# Create an HTTP-based local portal Web service and enter its view.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] portal local-web-server http
[Sysname-portal-local-websvr-http] quit
# Create an HTTPS-based local portal Web service and associate SSL server policy
with the
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] portal local-web-server https ssl-server-policy policy1
[Sysname-portal-local-websvr-https] quit
# Change the SSL server policy to
[Sysname] undo portal local-web-server https
[Sysname] portal local-web-server https ssl-server-policy policy2
[Sysname-portal-local-websvr-https] quit
# Create an HTTPS-based local portal Web service. In the service, the associated SSL server policy
and the listening port number is 442.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] portal local-web-server https ssl-server-policy policy1 tcp-port 442
[Sysname-portal-local-websvr-https] quit
Related commands
portal local-web-server
ssl server-policy
portal log enable
portal log enable
to enable logging for portal user logins and logouts.
undo user log enable
to disable logging for portal user logins and logouts.
portal log enable
undo portal log enable