Networks built into many integrated circuits provide some protection, but in many cases,
the discharge contains enough power to alter device parameters or melt silicon junctions.
To prevent damage to the device when you remove or install internal
components, observe these precautions:
Keep components in their electrostatic-safe containers until you are ready to install
Before touching an electronic component, discharge static electricity by using the
guidelines described in
Personal grounding methods and equipment on page 32
Avoid touching pins, leads, and circuitry. Handle electronic components as little as
If you remove a component, place it in an electrostatic-safe container.
Generating static electricity
Follow these static electricity guidelines:
Different activities generate different amounts of static electricity.
Static electricity increases as humidity decreases.
Table 4-1
Static electricity occurrence based on activity and humidity
Relative humidity
Walking across carpet
Walking across vinyl floor
Motions of bench worker
Removing DIPs (dual in-line packages) from plastic tube
7,500 V
3,000 V
400 V
400 V
15,000 V
5,000 V
800 V
700 V
35,000 V
12,000 V
6,000 V
2,000 V
Removing DIPs from vinyl tray
Removing DIPs from polystyrene foam
Removing bubble pack from PCB (printed circuit board)
Packing PCBs in foam-lined box
2,000 V
3,500 V
7,000 V
5,000 V
4,000 V
5,000 V
20,000 V
11,000 V
11,500 V
14,500 V
26,500 V
21,000 V
Generating static electricity