Example: Positive
Voltage Compliance
This program checks the MEASURED voltage output from the DAC
channel being tested. If the measured channel output is
15.0V when the
output stops increasing, the program generates a "Test PASSED" indication.
If the measured channel output is < 15.0V when the output stops increasing,
the program generates a "Test FAILED" indication.
/* Positive Voltage Compliance Test E1328A */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sicl.h>
#define ADDR "hpib7,9,9"
/* Address of device */
void main ()
INST id;
/* Define id as an instrument */
float source = 0, value = 0, old_value = 0, result = 0;
int chan;
char *pass;
#if defined(__BORLANDC__) && !defined(__WIN32__)
/* Exit on error */
id = iopen (ADDR);
/* Open instrument session */
itimeout (id, 10000);
/* Set 10 sec timeout */
for(chan = 1; chan <= 4; chan++)
iprintf (id, "CAL%u:STAT OFF\n", chan);
iprintf (id, "VOLT%u MAX\n", chan);
source = 4.5;
value = 0;
printf ("\nVoltage Compliance Tests on Channel %u", chan);
source = 0.5;
old_value = value;
printf("\n Set source to %.1f Volts DC", source);
printf("\n Measure channel output (in V)");
printf("\n Enter channel output (in V): ");
scanf ("%f", &value);
printf("\n DC Source value = %.1f VDC", source);
printf("\n Channel %u output = %.1f VDC", chan, value);
result = value - old_value;
while (result != 0);
62 Verification Tests - C Programs
Appendix B