Self-Test Errors
An error number (-330) is returned when the DAC self-test fails. If a
self-test error occurs, recycle power and repeat the self-test. If the error
repeats, see "Testing the DAC" to trouble shoot the DAC.
Operator Errors
Apparent failures may result from operator errors in sending SCPI messages
to the DAC. See Chapter 5 - 4-Channel D/A Converter Command
Reference in the HP E1328A User’s Manual for information on possible
SCPI command errors.
Catastrophic Failure
If a catastrophic failure occurs, see "Testing the DAC" to trouble shoot the
Performance Out of Specification
If the DAC performance is out of specification limits, use the adjustment
procedures in Chapter 5 - Adjustments to correct the problem.
If the condition repeats, see "Testing the DAC" to trouble shoot the DAC.
Testing the DAC
Table 8-1 lists the error messages associated with the DAC. Based on the
error returned from the DAC, you can use the tests and checks in Table 8-2
to isolate the problem to a user replaceable part on the DAC rear panel or to
the A1 PCA. See Figure 6-1 in Chapter 6 - Replaceable Parts for locations
of user-replaceable parts.
If the problem cannot be traced to a user-replaceable part listed in Table
6-1, return the counter to Hewlett-Packard for exchange. See Chapter 6 -
Replaceable Parts for procedures.
50 Service