This adjustment is used to update the stored current constants for each DAC
channel, and should be performed:
On initial setup
Periodically (24 hours or 90 days) to maintain specified output accuracy
(see Appendix A - Specifications of the HP E1328A User’s Manual)
When temperature has changed more than
5°C from last adjustment
When the type of load is changed
Any time accuracy is in doubt
For best measurement accuracy, perform an HP 3458A multimeter ACAL
not more than 24 hours prior to these adjustments. Each DAC channel to
be adjusted MUST be in the non-calibrated mode (CALx:STAT OFF), or
errors in the adjustment constants will occur.
Equipment Setup
Connect the HP 3458A multimeter and a 500
resistor to the channel to be
adjusted, as shown in Figure 5-2. Be sure to set all three channel jumpers to
the I (current) position. Set the HP 3458A to DCI function and set NPLC
Figure 5-6. Current Adjustment Connections
40 Adjustments