Test Procedure
(Positive Current
1. Set three jumpers on each channel to the I position
2. Connect source and HP 3458A to Channel 1 (see Figure 4-2)
3. Set non-cal mode on Channel 1 with CAL1:STAT OFF
4. Set Channel 1 max output (+24 mA) with CURR1 MAX
5. Set DC source to + 12.0V and measure channel output (in mA)
6. Increase DC source output by +0.5V and measure channel output (in mA)
7. Repeat step 6 until channel output is 90% of max (21.6 mA). If the
SOURCE voltage is
13.0V when the output decreases to 90% of max, the
test passes.
8. Repeat steps 2 through 7 for Channels 2, 3, and 4. (Use CALchan:STAT
OFF and CURRchan MAX.)
9. Remove power and disconnect test equipment
Test Procedure
(Negative Current
1. Set three jumpers on each channel to the I position
2. Connect source and HP 3458A to Channel 1 (see Figure 4-2)
3. Set non-cal mode on Channel 1 with CAL1:STAT OFF
4. Set Channel 1 min current output (-24 mA) with CURR1 MIN
5. Set DC source to -12.0V and measure channel output (in mA)
6. Increase DC source output by -0.5V and measure channel output (in mA)
7. Repeat step 6 until channel output is 90% of min (-21.6 mA). If the
SOURCE voltage is
-13.0V when the output decreases to 90% of min, the
test passes.
8. Repeat steps 2 through 7 for Channels 2, 3, and 4 (use CAL chan:STAT
OFF and CURR chan MIN)
26 Verification Tests
Chapter 4