For best measurement accuracy, perform an HP 3458A multimeter ACAL
not more than 24 hours prior to these tests.
Test Procedure
(Positive Voltage
1. Set three jumpers on each channel to the V position
2. Connect DC Source and HP 3458A to Channel 1 (see Figure 4-1 )
3. Set non-cal mode on Channel 1 with CAL1:STAT OFF
4. Set Channel 1 to max voltage output ( + 12V) with VOLT1 MAX
5. Set DC source to + 5V and measure channel output (in V)
6. Increase DC source output by +0.5V and measure new channel output
(in V)
7. Repeat step 6 until channel output stops increasing. If the output voltage
+ 15.0V when the output stops increasing, the test passes.
8. Repeat steps 2 through 7 for Channels 2, 3, and 4 (use CALchan: STAT
OFF and VOLTchan MAX)
9. Remove power and disconnect test equipment
Figure4-1. Voltage Compliance Test Connections
22 Verification Tests
Chapter 4