HP C8000 - Workstation - 0 MB RAM Software Installation Manual Download Page 1


HP C8000 Workstation Installation Instructions 

for HP-UX 11i v1.0

Software installation instructions

If an ATI Fire GL X1 or ATI Fire GL T2-128 graphics card is installed, the hp C8000 Core Graphics 
Software CD must be installed before using the workstation. Basic drivers for the ATI Fire GL X1 and ATI 
Fire GL T2-128 are included in the Hardware Enablement Bundle (December 2003) and on factory-ignited 
workstations. These drivers are supported only for installing the full drivers from the hp C8000 Core 
Graphics Software CD.

To install the software from the CD:

1. Insert the C8000 Core Graphics Software for HP-UX 11i v1.0 Software CD (AB629-91001) into the 

DVD-ROM or CD-ROM drive.

2. As root, make the directory you wish to mount the CD on. 


$ mkdir/CD

3. Determine the correct device file to use for the 


command. Choose the /dev/dsk/.... file 

corresponding to the DVD or CD-ROM based on the output from running the following command as 

/usr/sbin/ioscan -fun -C disk



 reports multiple CD and/or DVD-ROM devices, it will be necessary to try the 



with each device.

4. As root, mount the CD to a directory based on the device file from step 3. 


$ mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 /CD

5. Change the directory. 


cd /CD

6. Execute the “install” script by entering: 


This script is included on the CD and contains the appropriate 


 command and options to install 

the software. 

Your hp C8000 Core Graphics software is now ready for use.

For Ignite-UX, the December 2003 (or later) release of Ignite-UX must be used on an Ignite server to boot 
target workstations having an ATI Fire GL X1 or ATI Fire GL T2-128 console. In order to generate a 
functioning and supported configuration, all of the prerequisite operating system software and all patches on 
the hp C8000 Core Graphics Software CD must be ignited on the target workstation.

For important information on re-configuring an existing graphics card (for example, creating the proper 
device files), refer to your workstation 

Technical Reference Guide 

or the 

Graphics Administration Guide.


These guides can be found on the HP website at


