• Use the
commandto configure messaging reports for the following event types:
◦ ACL "deny" matches
◦ Dynamic ARP protection events
◦ DHCP snooping events
◦ DIPLD events
◦ Events recorded in the switch's Event Log
◦ IP routing events (IPv4 and IPv6)
◦ LACP events
◦ LLDP events
◦ SNMP events
◦ SSH events
• Use the
commandto select a subset of Event Log messages to send to an external device for
debugging purposes according to:
◦ Severity level
◦ System module
Hostname in syslog messages
The syslog now messages the sender identified by hostname.
The hostname field identifies the switch that originally sends the syslog message. Configurable through the CLI
and SNMP, the format of the hostname field supports the following formats:
• ip-address: The IP address of the sending interface will be used as the message origin identifier. This is the
default format for the origin identifier. The IP address of the sending interface (in dotted decimal notation) is the
default format.
• hostname: The hostname of the sending switch will be used as the message origin identifier.
• none: No origin identifier will be embedded in the syslog message. Nilvalue is used as defined by “-“.
This configuration is system-wide, not per syslog server. There is no support for fully-qualified domain name.
Logging origin-id
Use the
logging origin-id
command to specify the content for the hostname field.
logging origin-id [ip-address|hostname|none]
[no] logging origin-id [ip-address|hostname|none]
To reset the hostname field content back to default (IP-address), use the
form of the command.
Creates a filter to restrict which events are logged.
Chapter 13 Troubleshooting