Manufacturing date:
The manufacturing date is defined by the serial number.
CCSYWWZZZZ (serial number format for this product)
Valid date formats include:
• YWW, where Y indicates the year counting from within each new decade, with 2000 as the starting point;
for example, 238: 2 for 2002 and 38 for the week of September 9. In addition, 2010 is indicated by 0, 2011
by 1, 2012 by 2, 2013 by 3, and so forth.
• YYWW, where YY indicates the year, using a base year of 2000; for example, 0238: 02 for 2002 and 38 for
the week of September 9.
Turkey RoHS material content declaration
Ukraine RoHS material content declaration
Turkey RoHS material content declaration