HP 54501A Programming Reference Manual Download Page 1



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Summary of Contents for 54501A

Page 1: ... you support your product This manual provides the best information we could find It may be incomplete or contain dated information and the scan quality may not be ideal If we find a better copy in the future we will add it to the Agilent website Support for Your Product Agilent no longer sells or supports this product You will find any other available product information on the Agilent Test Measu...

Page 2: ...Programming Reference HP 54501A Digitizing Oscilloscope ...

Page 3: ...when a new edition is published A software code may be printed before the date this indicates the version of the software product at the time the manual or update was issued Many product updates and fixes do not require manual changes and conversely manual corrections may be done without accompanying product changes Therefore do not expect a one to one correspondence between product updates and ma...

Page 4: ...ual any page changed since the last edition is indicated by printing the date the changes were made on the bottom of the page If an update is incorporated when a new edition of the manual is printed the change dates are removed from the bottom of the pages and the new edition date is listed in the Printing History and on the title page Pages Effective Date ...

Page 5: ...service travel areas warranty service will be performed at the Buyer s faculty only upon Hewlett Packard s prior agreement and the Buyer shall pay Hewlett Packard s round trip travel expenses For products returned to Hewlett Packard for warranty service the Buyer shall prepay shipping charges to Hewlett Packard and Hewlett Packard shall pay shipping charges to return the product to the Buyer Howev...

Page 6: ...SED ON CONTRACT TORT OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY Assistance Product maintenance agreements and other customer assistance agreements are available for Hewlett Packard products For assistance contact your nearest Hewlett Packard Sales and Service Office Certification Hewlett Packard Company certifies that this product met its published specifications at the time of shipment from the factory Hewlett Pa...

Page 7: ...he HP IB Chapter 4 covers the conventions which are used to program the instrument as well as conventions used in the remainder of this manual This chapter also includes a complete command tree and alphabetic command cross reference Chapter 5 lists the Common Commands which are the commands defined by IEEE 488 2 These commands control some functions that are common to all IEEE 488 2 instruments Ch...

Page 8: ...mmands which control all X axis oscilloscope functions Chapter 16 lists the Trigger Subsystem Commands which control the trigger modes and parameters for each trigger mode Chapter 17 lists the Waveform Subsystem Commands which provide access to waveform data including active data from channels and functions as well as static data from waveform memories Appendix A provides details on how automatic ...

Page 9: ...Program Data 1 8 Program Message Terminator 1 9 Selecting Multiple Subsystems 1 10 Summary 1 10 Programming an Oscilloscope 1 11 Initialization 1 11 Autoscale 1 12 Setting Up the Instrument 1 12 Receiving Information from the Instrument 1 13 Response Header Options 1 14 Response Data Formats 1 15 String Variables 1 16 Numeric Variables 1 17 Definite Length Block Response Data 1 18 Multiple Queries...

Page 10: ...tions Protocols 3 1 Functional Elements 3 1 Protocol Overview 3 2 Protocol Operation 3 2 Protocol Exceptions 3 3 Syntax Diagrams 3 5 Syntax Overview 3 5 Device Listening Syntax 3 8 Device Talking Syntax 3 21 Common Commands 3 27 Status Reporting 3 28 Bit Definitions 3 30 Key Features 3 31 Serial Poll 3 32 Parallel Poll 3 34 Polling HP IB Devices 3 36 Configuring Parallel Poll Responses 3 36 Conduc...

Page 11: ...mands 4 7 Response Generation 4 7 Notation Conventions and Definitions 4 7 Syntax Diagrams 4 8 Command Structure 4 9 Common Commands 4 9 Root Level Commands 4 9 Subsystem Commands 4 9 Program Examples 4 11 Command Set Organization 4 12 I Common Commands CLS 5 4 ESE 5 5 ESR 5 7 IDN 5 9 IST 5 10 LRN 5 11 OPC 5 12 OPT 5 13 PRE 5 14 RCL 5 15 RST 5 16 SAV 5 18 SRE 5 19 STB 5 21 TRG 5 23 TST 5 24 WAI 5 ...

Page 12: ... BLANk 6 6 DIGitize 6 7 EOI 6 8 ERASe 6 9 LER 6 10 LTER 6 11 MENU 6 12 MERGe 6 13 PRINt 6 14 RUN 6 15 SERial 6 16 STOP 6 17 STORe 6 18 TER 6 19 VIEW 6 20 I System Subsystem Introduction 7 1 DSP 7 3 ERRor 7 4 HEADer 7 6 KEY 7 7 LONGform 7 9 SETup 7 10 Contents 4 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 13: ...Nts 8 6 TYPE 8 7 I Calibrate Subsystem Introduction 9 1 TNUL1 9 2 I Channel Subsystem Introduction 10 1 COUPling 10 3 ECL 10 4 HFReject 10 5 OFFSet 10 6 PROBe 10 7 RANGe 10 8 TTL 10 9 I Display Subsystem Introduction 11 1 COLumn 11 4 CONNect 11 5 DATA 11 6 FORMat 11 8 GRATicule 11 9 INVerse 11 10 LINE 11 11 MASK 11 12 PERSistence 11 14 HP 54501A Programming Contents 5 ...

Page 14: ...Set 12 7 ONLY 12 8 RANGe 12 9 SUBTract 12 10 VERSUS 12 11 I Hardcopy Subsystem Introduction 13 1 LENGth 13 2 PAGE 13 3 I Measure Subsystem Introduction 14 1 Measurement Setup 14 1 User Defined Measurements 14 1 Measurement Error 14 2 Making Measurements 14 2 ALL 14 11 COMPare 14 12 CURSor 14 14 DEFine 14 15 DELay 14 17 DESTination 14 18 DUTycycle 14 19 ESTArt 14 20 Contents 6 HP 54501A Programming...

Page 15: ... 35 RESults 14 36 RISetime 14 37 SCRatch 14 38 SOURce 14 39 STATistics 14 40 TDELta 14 41 TMAX 14 42 TMIN 14 43 TSTArt 14 44 TSTOp 14 45 TVOLt 14 46 UNITs 14 48 UPPer 14 49 VAMPlitude 14 50 VAVerage 14 51 VBASe 14 52 VDELta 14 53 VFIFty 14 54 VMAX 14 55 VMIN 14 56 VPP 14 57 VRELative 14 58 VRMS 14 60 VSTArt 14 61 VSTOp 14 62 VTIMe 14 63 VTOP 14 64 HP 54501A Programming Corrtents 7 ...

Page 16: ...e Pattern Trigger Mode 16 4 The State Trigger Mode 16 5 The Delay Trigger Mode 16 6 The TV Trigger Mode 16 7 CONDition 16 13 DELay 16 16 DELaySLOPe 16 17 DELay SOURce 16 18 FIELd 16 19 HOLDoff 16 20 LEVel 16 21 LINE 16 22 LOGic 16 23 MODE 16 24 Occurrence 16 25 OCCurrence SLOPe 16 26 OCCurrence SOURce 16 27 PATH 16 28 POLarity 16 29 QUALify 16 30 SLOPe 16 32 SOURce 16 33 STANdard 16 34 Contents 8 ...

Page 17: ...e 17 4 Conversion from Data Value to Time 17 4 Data Format for HP IB Transfer 17 5 WORD Format 17 5 BYTE Format 17 6 COMPRESSED Format 17 6 ASCII Format 17 6 COUNt 17 9 DATA 17 10 FORMat 17 12 POINts 17 13 PREamble 17 14 SOURce 17 16 TYPE 17 17 XINCrement 17 18 XORigin 17 19 XREFerence 17 20 YINCrement 17 21 YORigin 17 22 YREFerence 17 23 HP 54501A Programming Contents 9 ...

Page 18: ...equency A 5 Duty Cycle A 5 Risetime A 5 Falltime A 5 Vmax A 5 Vmin A 5 Vp p A 5 Vtop A 5 Vbase A 6 Vamp A 6 Vavg A 6 Vrms A 6 I Example Programs Introduction B l Vertical Channel Setup Program B 2 Timebase Program B 4 Measurement Setup Program B 6 Digitize Program B 9 Hardcopy Program Service Request using OPC B ll Waveform Template Program B 12 Quick Reference Guide Index Contents 10 HP 54501A Pr...

Page 19: ...data to the instrument Other more complicated tasks are accomplished with a combination of these four basic functions This chapter deals mainly with how to set up the instrument how to retrieve setup information and measurement results how to digitize a waveform and how to pass data to the controller The chapter is divided into two sections The first section page 1 2 concentrates on program syntax...

Page 20: ...use the OUTPUT statement for sending program messages to the HP 54501A and the ENTER statement for receiving response messages from the HP 54501A Messages are placed on the bus using an output command and passing the device address program message and terminator Passing the device address ensures that the program message is sent to the correct interface and instrument The following command turns t...

Page 21: ...the Since HP IB can address multiple devices through the same interface Instrument cazd the device address passed with the program message must include not only the correct interface select code but also the correct instrument address Interface Select Code Selects Interface Each interface card has a unique interface select code This code is used by the controller to direct commands and communicati...

Page 22: ...er the bus you must have an understanding of the command format and structure expected by the instrument The instrument is remotely programmed with program messages These are composed of sequences of program message units with each unit representing a program command or query A program command or query is composed of a sequence of functional elements that include separators headers program data an...

Page 23: ...s added The syntax is program mnemonic separator program data terminator Compound Command Header Compound command headers are a combination of two or more program mnemonics The first mnemonic selects the subsystem and the last mnemonic selects the function within that subsystem Additional mnemonics appear between the subsystem mnemonic and the function mnemonic when there are additional levels wit...

Page 24: ...range CHANNEL1 RANGE 4 sets the vertical range of channel 1 to 0 4 volts full scale TIMEBASE RANGE 1 sets the horizontal timebase to 1 second full scale CHANNELl and TIMEBASE are subsystem selectors and determine which range is being modified Common Command Header Common command headers control IEEE 488 2 functions within the instrument such as clear status etc Their syntax is command header termi...

Page 25: ...instrument is currently configured They are also used to get results of measurements made by the instrument with the query actually activating the measurement For example the command MEASURE RISETIME instructs the instrument to measure the risetime of your waveform and place the result in the output queue Note The output queue must be read before the next pro yam message is sent For example when y...

Page 26: ...e amount of controller memory needed for program storage and reduces the amount of I O activity Note The rules for shortform syntax are shown in the chapter Programming and Documentation Conventions Program Data Program data is used to convey a variety of types of parameter information related to the command header At least one space must separate the command header or query header from the progra...

Page 27: ...ntific notation For more information see the chapter Message Communication and System Functions The program codes within a data message are executed after the program message terminator is received The terminator may be either an NL New Line character an EOI End Or Identify asserted or a combination of the two All three ways are equivalent with the exact encodings for the program terminators liste...

Page 28: ...ubsystem For example program mnemonic data program mnemonic data terminator CHANNEL1 RANGE 0 4 TIMEBASE RANGE 1 Note Multiple commands may be any combination of compound and simple commands Summary The following illustration summarizes the syntax for programming over the bus PROGRAM MESSAGE UNIT DATA OUTPUT XXX SYSTEM HEADER ON T COMMAND E ADDRESS AM MNEMONICS ATOR Introduction to Programming an O...

Page 29: ...ument Then initialize the instrument to a preset state For example OUTPUT 707 RST initializes the instrument to a preset state Note The actual commands and syntax for initializing the instrument are discussed in the chapter Common Commands Refer to your controller manual and programming language reference manual for information on initializing the interface HP 54501A Programming Introduction to Pr...

Page 30: ...delay reference trigger mode trigger level and slope A typical example of the commands sent to the oscilloscope are CHANNEL1 RANGE 0 64 OPPSET 0 25 terminator TIMEBASE RANGE 1E 6 DELAY 20E 9 MODE TRIGGERED terminator TRIGGER LEVEL 0 25 SLOPE POSITIVE terminator This example sets the vertical to 0 64 volts full scale 80 mV div centered at 0 25 V The horizontal time is 1 ms full scale with 20 ns del...

Page 31: ...e current setting for the longform command in the string variable SettingS Note All results for queries sent in a program message must be read before another program message is sent For example when you send the query MEASURE RISETIME you must follow that query with the program statement ENTER Risetime to read the result of the query and place the result in a variable Risetime Sending another comm...

Page 32: ... depending on the particular query The following would be returned from a MEASURE FREQUENCY frequency measurement query data terminator with HEADER OFF MEAS FREQ separator data terminator with HEADER ON LONGFORM OFF MEASURE FREQUENCY separator data terminator with HEADER ON LONGFORM ON Note A command or query may be sent in either longform or shortform or in any combination of longform and shortfo...

Page 33: ...wing TRIGGER SLOPE POSITIVE terminator with HEADER ON LONGFORM ON TRIG SLOP POS terminator with HEADER ON LONGFORM OFF POSITIVE terminator with HEADER OFF LONGFORM ON POS terminator with HEADER OFF LONGFORM OFF Note Refer to the individual commands in this manual for information on the format alpha or numeric of the data returned from each query HP 54501A Introduction to Programming an Oscilloscop...

Page 34: ...umeric or character data depending on what is queried Refer to the specific commands for the formats and types of data returned from queries Note For the example programs assume that the device being programmed is at device address 707 The actual address will vary according to how you have configured the bus for your own application The following example shows the data being returned to a string v...

Page 35: ... receiving numeric data into numeric variables the headers should be turned off Otherwise the headers may cause misinterpretation of returned data The following example shows the data being returned to a numeric variable 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF 20 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 RANGE 30 ENTER 707 Rang 40 PRINT Rang 50 END After running this program the controller displays 1 HP 54501A Introduction to ...

Page 36: ...ng the number of digits in the decimal integer After the non zero digit is the decimal integer that states the number of 8 bit data bytes being sent This is followed by the actual data For example for transmitting 80 bytes of data the syntax would be NUMBER OF DIGITS THAT FOLLOW ACTUAL DATA 800000080 eighty bytes of dota terminator NUMBER OF BYTES TO BE TRANSMITTED i6500B03 The 8 states the number...

Page 37: ...RANGE range_setting TIMEBASE DELAY delay_setting If you do not need to see the headers when the numeric values are returned then you could use following program message to read the query TIMEBASE RANGE DELAY into multiple numeric variables ENTER 707 Resultl Result2 Note Instrument Status When you are receiving numeric data into numeric variables the headers should be turned off Otherwise the heade...

Page 38: ... 707 OUTPUT 707 OUTPUT 707 OUTPUT 707 OUTPUT 707 OUTPUT 707 ACQUIRE TYPE AVERAGE terminator ACQUIRE COMPLETE 100 terminator WAVEFORM SOURCE CHANNELl terminator WAVEFORM FORMAT ASCII tenninator ACQUIRE COUNT 4 terminator ACQUIRE POINTS 500 terminator DIGmZE CHANNELl terminator WAVEFORM DATA terminator This setup places the instrument into the average mode with four averages and defines the data rec...

Page 39: ...presented by signed six digit integers whose values range from 0 to 32 640 You must scale the integers to determine the voltage value of each point These integers are passed starting with the leftmost point on the instrument s display For more information refer to the chapter Waveform Subsystem HP 54501A Introduction to Programming an Oscilloscope Programming 1 21 ...

Page 40: ...sten addresses and various bus commands such as a group execute trigger GET The bus is in the data mode when the ATN line is false The data mode is used to convey device dependent messages across the bus The device dependent messages include all of the instrument command and responses found in chapters 5 through 17 of this manual Addressing By using the front panel controls the instrument can be p...

Page 41: ... used for various degrees of front panel control while a program is running The instrument will accept and execute bus commands while in local mode and the front panel will also be entirely active If the HP 54501A is in remote mode all controls except the power switch and the LOCAL key are entirely locked out Local control can only be restored by the controller or pressing the front panel LOCAL ke...

Page 42: ...GET same action produced by sending the RUN command Interface Clear The interface clear IFC command halts all bus activity This includes IFC unaddressing all listeners and the talker disabling serial poll on all devices and returning control to the system controller Status Annunciators The HP 54501A will display the HP IB status on the CRT The message will indicate whether the instrument is in the...

Page 43: ... system functions Protocols Functional Elements The protocols of IEEE 488 2 define the overall scheme used by the controller and the instrument to communicate This includes defining when it is appropriate for devices to talk or listen and what happens when the protocol is not followed Before proceeding with the description of the protocol a few system components should be understood Input Buffer T...

Page 44: ...s of program commands or instrument responses are placed program message s are sent by the controller to the instrument and response message s are sent from the instrument to the controller in response to a query message A query message is defined as being a program message which contains one or more queries The instrument will only talk when it has received a valid query message and therefore has...

Page 45: ...ecute trigger command should not be sent in the middle of a program message Protocol Exceptions If an error occurs during the information exchange the exchange may not be completed in a normal manner Some of the protocol exceptions are shown below Addressed to talk with nothing to say If the instrument is addressed to talk before it receives a query it will indicate a query error and will not send...

Page 46: ...of the instrument without being sent over the bus Interrupted Condition If the controller does not read the entire response message generated by a query message and then attempts to send another program message the device will generate a query error The unread portion of the response will then be discarded by the instrument The interrupting program message will not be affected Buffer Deadlock The ...

Page 47: ...e arrows If there is a path around an element that element is optional If there is a path from right to left around one or more elements that element or those elements may be repeated as many times as desired Syntax Overview This overview is intended to give a quick glance at the syntax defined by IEEE 488 2 It should allow you to understand many of the things about the syntax you need to know Thi...

Page 48: ...te of the message The recognition of the program message terminator or PMT by the parser serves as a signal for the parser to begin execution of commands The PMT also affects command tree traversal see the Programming and Documentation Conventions chapter 3 Multiple data parameters are separated by a comma 4 The first data parameter is separated from the header with one or more spaces 5 The header...

Page 49: ...Figure 3 1 program message Parse Tree HP 54501A Programming Message Communication and System Functions 3 7 ...

Page 50: ...equivalent The mnemonic RANGE has the same semantic meaning as the mnemonic range white space white space is defined to be one or more characters from the ASCII set of 0 32 decimal excluding 10 decimal NL white space is used by several instrument listening components of the syntax It is usually optional and can be used to increase the readability of a program wh i te spoce choracter Figure 3 2 whi...

Page 51: ...ot of the command tree after executing a complete program message Refer to the Tree Traversal Rules in the Programming and Documentation Conventions chapter for more details Figure 3 3 program message program message unit The program message unit is the container for individual commands within a program message commond messoge unil query messoge unit Figure 3 4 program message unit HP 54501A Progr...

Page 52: ...age unit separator A semicolon separates program message unit s or individual commands command program header query program header These elements serve as the headers of commands or queries They represent the action to be taken Message Communication and System Functions 3 10 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 53: ...rogram message unit separator simp Ie commond program header compound connmand progrom header corTmon command program heoder Figure 3 8 command program header HP 54501 A Programming Message Communication and System Functions 3 11 ...

Page 54: ...m mnemonic is defined as S4120 BL45 Where upper lower case alpha is defined as a single ASCII encoded byte in the range 41 5A 61 7A 65 90 97 122 decimal Where digit is defined as a single ASCII encoded byte in the range 30 39 48 57 decimal Where _ represents an underscore a single ASCII encoded byte with the value 5F 95 decimal Figure 3 8 command program header continued Message Communication and ...

Page 55: ...query program header is defined as progrom mnemon i c Where compound query program header is defined as Where common query program header is defined as progr am mnemon i c progr am mnemon i c M120 BL46 Figure 3 9 query program header HP 54501A Programming Message Communication and System Functions 3 13 ...

Page 56: ...P 54501A will accept the following data types character program data decimal numeric program data suffix program data string program data and arbitrary block program data Figure 3 10 program data progrom mnemon i c Figure 3 11 character program data Message Communication and System Functions 3 14 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 57: ...re mantissa is defined as opt i ono1 di gi ts digi t Where optional digits is defined as Where exponent is defined as wh i te spoce Figure 3 12 decimal numeric program data HP 54501A Programming Message Communication and System Functions 3 15 ...

Page 58: ...re shown in table 3 1 Table 3 1 suffixmult Value Mnemonic 1E18 1E15 1E12 1E9 1E6 1E3 1E 3 1E 6 1E 9 1E 12 1E 15 1E 18 EX PE T G MA K M U N P F A Suffix Unit The suffix units that the instrument will accept are shown in table 3 2 Table 3 2 suffix unit SufTix Referenced Unit V s Volt Second Message Communication and System Functions 3 16 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 59: ...ingle ASCII character of any value except 27 39 decimal Where inserted is defined as a single ASCII character with the value 22 34 decimal Where non double quote char is defined as a single ASCII character of any value except 22 34 decimal Figure 3 14 string program data HP 54501A Programming Message Communication and System Functions 3 17 ...

Page 60: ...cimal Where 8 bit byte is defined as an 8 bit byte in the range 00 ff 0 255 decimal Figure 3 15 arbitrary block program data program data separator A comma separates multiple data parameters of a command from one another wh i te spoce wh i te spacc Figure 3 16 program data separator Message Communication and System Functions 3 18 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 61: ...terminator or PMT serves as the terminator to a complete program message When the parser sees a complete program message it will begin execution of the commands within that message The PMT also resets the parser to the root of the command tree X While NL is defined as a single ASCII encodcd byte OA 10 decimal Figure 3 18 program message terminator HP 54501A Programming Message Communication and Sy...

Page 62: ...Figure 3 19 response message Tree Message Communication and System Functions 3 20 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 63: ...nse from the instrument It is the result of the instrument executing and buffering the results from a complete program message The complete response message should be read before sending another program message to the instrument Figure 3 20 response message response message unit This element serves as the container of individual pieces of a response Typically a query message unit will generate one...

Page 64: ...sponse mnemon i c Where compound response header is defined as response mnemon i c response mnemon i c 54120 BL60 Where common response header is defined as Figure 3 21 response message unit Message Communication and System Functions 3 22 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 65: ...ponse data The response data element represents the various types of data which the instrument may return These types include character response data nrl numeric response data integer nr3 numeric response data exponential string response data definite length arbitrary block response data and arbitrary ASCII response data response mnemonic Figure 3 22 character response data Figure 3 23 nrl numeric...

Page 66: ... digit digi t Figure 3 24 nr3 numeric response data Figure 3 25 string response data Message Communication and System Functions 3 24 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 67: ...erves the dual function for terminating this element as well as terminating the RESPONSE MESSAGE It is only sent once with the last byte of the indefinite block data The NL is presented for consistency with the RESPONSE MESSAGE TERMINATOR Figure 3 27 arbitrary ASCII response data response data separator A comma separates multiple pieces of response data within a single response message unit 54120 ...

Page 68: ...it s if multiple responses are returned Figure 3 30 response message unit separator response message terminator A response message terminator NL terminates a complete response message It should be read from the instrument along with the response itself Note If you do not read the response message terminator the HP 54501A will produce an interrupted error on the next message Message Communication a...

Page 69: ...mming and Documentation Conventions chapter Table 3 3 HP 54501A s IEEE 488 2 Common Commands Command Command Name CLS ESE ESE ESR IDN IST LRN OPC OPC OPT PRE PRE RCL RST SAV SRE SRE STB TRG TST WAI Clear Status Command Event Status Enable Command Event Status Enable Query Event Status Register Query Identification Query Individual Status Query Learn Device Setup Query Operation Complete Command Op...

Page 70: ... bit is set if the queue is not empty For registers the summary bit is set if any enabled bit in the event register is set The events are enabled via the corresponding event enable register Events captured by an event register remain set until the register is read or cleared Registers are read with their associated commands The CLS command clears all event registers and all queues except the outpu...


Page 72: ...r on Always 0 in the HP 54501A URQ user request Indicates whether a front panel key has been pressed CME command error Indicates whether the parser detected an error EXE execution error Indicates whether a parameter was out of range or inconsistent with current settings DDE device specific error Indicates whether the device was unable to complete an operation for device dependent reasons QYE query...

Page 73: ...if the device has received a trigger The TRG event register will stay set after receiving a trigger until it is cleared by reading it or using the CLS command If your application needs to detect multiple triggers the TRG event register must be cleared after each one If you are using the Service Request to interrupt a program or controller operation when the trigger bit is set then you must clear t...

Page 74: ...using HP BASIC 4 0 is Stat SPOLL 707 The address 707 is the address of the oscilloscope in this example The command for checking the printer is Stat SPOLL 701 because the address of that instrument is 01 on bus address 7 This command reads the contents of the HP IB Status Register into the variable called Stat At that time bit 6 of the variable Stat can be tested to see if it is set bit 6 1 The se...

Page 75: ...ster This command clears the bus automatically addresses the talker and listener sends SPE serial poll enable and SPD serial poll disable bus commands and reads the data For more information about serial poll refer to your controller manual and programming language reference manuals After the serial poll is completed the RQS bit in the HP 54501A Status Byte Register will be reset if it was set Onc...

Page 76: ...hen responding collectively the result is a logical AND True High or a logical OR True Low of the groups of the status bits Figure 3 32 shows the Parallel Poll Data Structure The summary bit is sent in response to a Parallel Poll This summary bit is the ist Individual Status local message The Parallel Poll Enable Register determines which events are summarized in the individual status local regist...

Page 77: ...ESB MAV LTF MSG LCL TRG 1 t 7654 3210 M501 BLZ1 5 s 1 1 p M i K 1 INDIVIDUAL STATUS READ BY IST STATUS BYTE REGISTER READ BY STB PARALLEL POLL SET BY PRE NRf Figure 3 32 Parallel Poll Data Structure HP 54501A Programming Message Communication and System Functions 3 35 ...

Page 78: ...r can be programmed by the PPC Parallel Poll Configure statement Multiple listeners cannot be specified in this statement If more than one device is to respond on a single bit each device must be configured with a separate PPC statement Example ASSIGN Device to 707 PPOLL CONFIGURE Device Mask The value of Mask any numeric expression can be specified is first rounded and then used to configure the ...

Page 79: ...PPOLL UNCONFIGURE 705 This statement disables all devices on interface select code eight from responding to a parallel poll PPOLL UNCONFIGURE 8 If no primary address is specified all bus devices are disabled from responding to a parallel poll If a primary address is specified only the specified devices which have the parallel poll configure capability are disabled HP IB Commands The following para...

Page 80: ... secondary command PPD disables the devices which have received the PPC command from responding to parallel poll Table 3 4 Parallel Poll Commands Command Parallel Poll Unconfigure Multiline Command Parallel Poll Configure Secondary Command Parallel Poll Enable Secondary Command Parallel Poll Disable Secondary Command Mnemonic PPU PPC PPE PPD Decimal Code 21 05 96 111 112 ASCII ISO Character NAK EN...

Page 81: ...Truncation Rules The truncation rule for the mnemonics used in headers and alpha arguments is The mnemonic is the first four characters of the keyword unless The fourth character is a vowel then the mnemonic is the first three characters of the keyword This rule will not be used if the length of the keyword is exactly four characters Some examples of how the truncation rule is applied to various c...

Page 82: ... HEADer POINts Leve 1 onds CAL ibrote CHANneKN DISPlay 1 COUP ECL HFRe RANG TTL 1 i ng ject e COLu CONN DATA FORM GRAT INVe LINE KUW SCRe ILX 1 mn ect ot i cu Ie rse i stence en FUNCtion ADD INVert MULTiply OFFSet ONLY RANGE SUBTract VERSUS 54501S30 This instrument contains four identical channel subsystems and two identical function subsystems The N in the Channel header must be 1 through 4 and t...

Page 83: ...Lta VFIFty VMAX VMIN VPP VRELoti ve VRMS VSTAr t VSTOp VTIMe VTOP TIMebose DELoy MODE RANGe REFerence WINDOW WINDOW DELay RANGe TRIGger CONDilion DELoy DELoy SLOPE SOURce FIELd HOLDoff LEVe I LINE LOGic MODE Occurrence OCCur rence SLOPe SOURce PATH POLar i ty OUAL i fy SLOPe SOURce STANdard WAVeform COUNt DATA FORMat POINts PREamble SOURce TYPE XINCrement XORig in XREFerence YINCrennent YOR i g i ...

Page 84: ...hree types The three types are Common commands Common commands are independent of the tree and do not affect the position of the parser within the tree These differ from root level commands in that root level commands place the parser back at the root Example RST Root Level commands The root level commands reside at the root of the command tree These commands are always parsable if they occur at t...

Page 85: ...e last mnemonic in the compound header as a reference point for example RANGE Then find the last colon above that mnemonic CHANNELl and that is where the parser will be Any command below that point can be sent within the current program message without sending the mnemonic s which appear above them OFFSET Examples The OUTPUT statements are written using HP BASIC 4 0 on a HP 9000 Series 200 300 Con...

Page 86: ...or will place the parser back at the root of the command tree A second way to send these commands is by placing TIMEBASE before the DELAY command as shown in example 2 Example 3 OUTPUT 707 TIM REF CENTER CHAN1 OFFSET 0 Comments The leading colon before CHAN1 tells the parser to go back to the root of the command tree The parser can then see the CHAN1 OFFSET command Infinity The representation of i...

Page 87: ...se The HP 54501A will buffer responses to a query when the query is parsed Notation Conventions and Definitions The following conventions are used in this manual in descriptions of remote HP IB operation Angular brackets enclose words or characters that are used to symbolize a program code parameter or an HP IB command is defined as For example A B indicates that A can be replaced by B in any stat...

Page 88: ...xactly as shown Words and phrases contained in rectangles are names of items used with the command and are described in the accompanying text of each command Each line can only be entered from one direction as indicated by the arrow on the entry line Any combination of commands and arguments that can be generated by following the lines in the proper direction is syntactically correct An argument i...

Page 89: ...ake the instrument out of a selected subsystem ROOt L6Vel The root level commands control many of the basic functions of the Commands instrument Subsystem There are several subsystems in this instrument Only one subsystem may Commands be selected at any given time At power on the command parser is set to the root of the command tree therefore no subsystem is selected Note When a program message te...

Page 90: ...d and written on the screen Function controls the waveform math functions of the oscilloscope Hardcopy controls the parameters used during the printing of waveforms Measure selects the automatic measurements to be made Timebase controls all X axis oscilloscope functions Trigger controls the trigger modes and parameters for each trigger mode Waveform provides access to waveform data including activ...

Page 91: ...n send the command query using upper case capital letters or lower case small letters both work the same Also the data can be sent using almost any form you wish If you were sending a channel 1 range value of 100 mV that value could be sent using a decimal 1 or an exponential le 1 or l OE 1 or a suffix 100 mV or 100MV As an example set channel 1 range to 100 mV by sending one of the following comm...

Page 92: ... of commands is described in the following chapters Each of the chapters contain a brief description of the subsystem a set of syntax diagrams for those commands and finally the commands for that subsystem in alphabetic order The commands are shown in the longform and shortform using upper and lowercase letters As an example AUToscale indicates that the longform of the command is AUTOSCALE and the...

Page 93: ...Root Level Command SYSTem Subsystem MEASure Subsystem CHANnel Subsystem Root Level Command Root Level Command Command ERRor ESE ESR ESTArt ESTOp FALLtime PIELd FORMat FORMat FREQuency GRATicule HEADer HFReject HOLDoff IDN INVeise INVen 1ST KEY LENGth LER LEVel LIMittest LINE UNE LOGic LONGfonn LOWer LRN LTER Where Used SYSTem Subsystem Common Command Common Command MEASure Subsystem MEASure Subsys...

Page 94: ... Subsystem MEASure Subsystem Common Command WAVefonn Subsystem MEASure Subsystem MEASure Subsystem Root Level Command Command PROBe PWIDth QUALify RANGe RANGe RANGe RCL REPerence RESults RISetime ROW RST RUN SAV SCRatch SCReen SERial SETup SLOPe SOURce SOURce SOURce SOURce SRE STANdard STATistics STB STOP STORe STRing Where Used CHANnel Subsystem MEASure Subsystem TRIGger Subsystem CHANnel Subsyst...

Page 95: ...bsystem MEASure Subsystem MEASure Subsystem MEASure Subsystem MEASure Subsystem FUNCtion Subsystem MEASure Subsystem Root Level Command Command VMARker VMAX VMIN VPP VRELative VRMS VSTArt VSTOp VTIMe VTOP WAI WINDOW WINDowDELay WINDowRANGe XINCrement XORigin XREPerence YINCrement YORigin YREPerence Where Used DISPlay Subsystem MEASure Subsystem MEASure Subsystem MEASure Subsystem MEASure Subsystem...

Page 96: ...age ACQUIRE COUNT 1024 CLS TYPE AVERAGE is received by the instrument the instrument will set the acquire count and type and clear the status information This would not be the case if some other type of command were received within the program message For example the program message ACQUIRE COUNT 1024 AUTOSCALE ACQUIRE TYPE AVERAGE would set the acquire count complete the autoscale then set the ac...

Page 97: ...Figure 5 1 Common Commands Syntax Diagram Common Commands 5 2 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 98: ...t definitions in the enable registers mask_value An integer 0 through 255 This number is the sum of all the bits in the mask corresponding to conditions that are enabled Refer to the IST query recall_buffer_number An integer 0 through 4 save_buffer_number An integer 1 through 4 Figure 5 1 Common Commands Syntax Diagram continued HP 54501A Programming Common Commands 5 3 ...

Page 99: ... queue This command also clears the Request for OPC flag If the CLS command immediately follows a PROGRAM MESSAGE TERMINATOR the output queue and the MAV message available bit will be cleared Command Syntax CLS Example OUTPUT 707 CLS Note Refer to chapter 3 for a complete discussion of status Common Commands 5 4 HP 54501 A Programming ...

Page 100: ...ter a zero will disable the bit Refer to table 5 1 for the information about the Standard Event Status Enable Register bits bit weights and what each bit masks The ESE query returns the current contents of the register Command Syntax ESE mask Where mask 0 to 255 Example OUTPUT 707 ESE 64 In this example the ESE 64 command will enable URQ user request bit 6 of the Standard Event Status Enable Regis...

Page 101: ... Register Event Status Enable Register High Enables the ESR bit Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Weight 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 Enables PON Power On URQ User Request CME Command Error EXE Execution Error DDE Device Dependent Error QYE Query Error RQC Request Control OPC Operation Complete Note Refer to chapter 3 for a complete discussion of status Common Commands 5 6 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 102: ...he Standard Event Status Register Note Reading the register clears the Standard Event Status Register Query Syntax ESR Returned Format status ML Where status 0 to 255 integer NR1 format Example OUTPUT 707 ESR ENTER 707 Event PRINT Event HP 54501A Programming Common Commands 5 7 ...

Page 103: ... PON URQ CME EXE DDE QYE RQC OPC Condition 1 an OFF to ON transition has occurred 0 no front panel key has been pressed 1 front panel key has been pressed 0 no command errors 1 a command error has been detected 0 no execution error 1 an execution error has been detected 0 no device dependent errors 1 a device dependent error has been detected 0 no query errors 1 a query error has been detected 0 r...

Page 104: ...revision of this instrument The first two parameters represent the month and the second two parameters represent the day of the month An IDN query must be the last query in a message Any queries after the IDN query in this program message will be ignored Query Syntax IDN Returned Format HEWLETT PACKARD 54501A XXXXAYYYYY MMDD NL Example DIM id 50 OUTPUT 707 IDN ENTER 707 ld PRINT ld HP 54501A Progr...

Page 105: ...e IEEE 488 1 defined ist local message in the instrument The response to this query is dependent upon the current status of the instrument Query Syntax IST Returned Format id NL Where id Oor 1 Where 0 indicates the ist local message is false 1 indicates the ist local message is true Example OUTPUT 707 iST ENTER 707 ld PRINT ld Common Commands 5 10 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 106: ...mand performs the same function as the SYSTEM SETUP query The data can be sent to the instrument using the SYSTEM SETUP command Note The returned header for the LRN query is SYSTEM SETUP The SYSTEM HEADER command does NOT effect this returned header Query Syntax LRN Returned Format SYSTem SETup setup NL Where setup 800001024 learn string NL The learn string is 1024 data bytes in length Example DIM...

Page 107: ...andard Event Status Register when all pending device operations have finished The OPC query places an ASCII 1 in the output queue when all pending device operations have finished Command Syntax OPC Example OUTPUT 707 OPC Query Syntax OPC Returned Format 1 ML Example OUTPUT 707 AUTOSCALE OPC ENTER 707 0p Common Commands 5 12 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 108: ...PT query is used to report the options installed in the instrument This query will always return a zero because the HP 54501A does not have any possible options to report OPT 0 NL OUTPUT 707 OPT ENTER 707 Value PRINT Value HP 54501A Programming Common Commands 5 13 ...

Page 109: ...value Command Syntax PRE mask Where mask 0 to 255 Example OUTPUT 707 PRE16 Note This example will allow the HP 54501A to generate an ist when a message is available in the output queue When a message is available the MAVbit in the Status Byte Register will be high Query Syntax PRE Returned Format mask_vaiue ML Where mask_value sum of all bits that are set 0 through 255 integer NR1 format Example O...

Page 110: ...gh 4 are general purpose and can be used with the SAV command Register 0 is special because it recalls the state that existed before the last AUTOSCALE RECALL ECL or TTL operation Note An error message will appear on screen if nothing has been previously saved in the specified register Command Syntax RCL reregister Where reregister Othrough4 Example OUTPUT 707 RCL 3 NL HP 54501A Programming Common...

Page 111: ...e 5 3 Reset Conditions or the HP 54501A Timebase Menu reference Time Div delay timebase window Channel Menu Channel 1 Channel 2 3 and 4 Volts Div offset coupling probe attenuation Trigger Menu Mode triggering source level slope holdoff cntr 100 is O OOs off on off 500 mV 0 00 dc 1 000 1 edge auto Channel 1 0 0 V positive 40ns Common Commands 5 16 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 112: ...ath Menu fl f2 display chan mem operator chan mem function sensitivity function offset Waveform Save Menu waveform pixel nonvolatile display source Define Meas Menu meas def limit continuous statistics Utility Menu clicker norm minimum axes off 1 off off off off off chani chani 1 00 V div 0 0V waveform ml off chani meas on off on HP 54501A Programming Common Commands 5 17 ...

Page 113: ... a save register The data parameter is the number of the save register where the data will be saved Registers 1 through 4 are valid for this command Command Syntax SAV save_register Where save_register 1 through 4 Example OUTPUT 707 SAV 3 Common Commands 5 18 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 114: ...r to table 5 5 for the bits in the Service Request Enable Register and what they mask The SRE query returns the current value Command Syntax SRE mask Where mask Oto255 Example OUTPUT 707 SRE i6 Note This example enables a service request to be generated when a message is available in the output queue When a message is available the MAY bit will be high Query Syntax SRE Returned Format mask NL Wher...

Page 115: ...Enable Register High Enables the SRE bit Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Weight 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 Enables not used RQS Request Service ESB Event Status Bit MAV Message Available LTF Limit Test Fail MSG Message LCL Local TRG Trigger Common Commands 5 20 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 116: ...es whether or not the device has at least one reason for requesting service Refer to table 5 6 for the meaning of the bits in the status byte Note To read the instrument s status byte with RQS reported on bit 6 use the HP IB Serial Poll Query Syntax Returned Format Example STB value NL Where value 0 through 255 integer NR1 OUTPUT 707 STB ENTER 707 Value PRINT Value HP 54501A Programming Common Com...

Page 117: ...ent is requesting service no event status conditions have occurred an enabled event status condition has occurred no output messages are ready an output message is ready no limit test has failed limit test has failed no message has been displayed message has been displayed a remote to local transition has not occurred a remote to local transition has occurred no trigger has occurred a trigger has ...

Page 118: ...er command The TRG command has the same effect as the Group Execute Trigger GET That effect is as if the RUN command had been sent Command Syntax TRG Example OUTPUT 707 TRG HP 54501A Programming Common Commands 5 23 ...

Page 119: ...disconnected A 0 indicates the test passed and a non zero value indicates the test failed If a test fails refer to the troubleshooting section of the Service Manual Query Syntax TST Returned Format result ML Where result 0 or non zero value Where 0 indicates the test passed non zero indicates the test ailed Example OUTPUT 707 TST ENTER 707 Result PRINT Result Common Commands 5 24 HP 54501A Program...

Page 120: ... WAI Wait command The WAI command has no function in the HP 54501A but is parsed for compatibility with other instruments Command Syntax WAI Example OUTPUT 707 WAi HP 54501A Programming Common Commands 5 25 ...

Page 121: ...recognized by the parser if they are prefixed with a colon regardless of current command tree position After executing a root level command the parser is positioned at the root of the command tree Figure 6 1 lists the root level commands syntax diagram Figure 6 1 Root Level Commands Syntax Diagram HP 54501A Programming Root Level Commands 6 1 ...

Page 122: ...Figure 6 1 Root Level Commands Syntax Diagram continued Root Level Commands 6 2 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 123: ...W CHANnel FUNCtion WMEMory pMEMorv chonneI_num funct i on_num wmemory_num pmemory_num channel_num an integer 1 2 3 or 4 function_num an integer 1 or 2 wmemory_num an integer 1 through 4 pmemory_num an integer 1 or 2 ser_arg a 10 character quoted string Figure 6 1 Root Level Commands Syntax Diagram continued HP 54501A Programming Root Level Commands 6 3 ...

Page 124: ...windows memories and connect the dots If input signals are present on more than one vertical input the sweep will be triggered on channel 1 if a signal is present on that channel If a signal is not present on channel 1 then the oscilloscope will be triggered on channel 4 if a signal is present on that channel If a signal is not present on channel 4 then the oscilloscope will be triggered on channe...

Page 125: ...nt without an argument the beeper will be sounded without effecting the current mode of the instrument The BEEPER query returns the current state of the beeper mode Command Syntax BEEPer ON 11 OFF o Example OUTPUT 707 BEEPER 1 Query Syntax BEEPer Returned Format BEEPer l 0 NL Example OUTPUT 707 BEEP ENTER 707 Click PRINT ClickS HP 54501A Programming Root Level Commands 6 5 ...

Page 126: ...and BLANK CHANNEL 1121314 To blank a waveform memory display use BLANK WMEMORY 1121314 to blank a pixel memory display use the command BLANK PMEMORY 112 and to blank a function use the command BLANK FUNCTION 112 Command Syntax BLANk display Where display CHANnel l 2 3 4 FUNCtion l 2 WMEMoiy l 2 3 4 PMEMoiy l 2 Example OUTPUT 707 BLANK CHANNELI Root Level Commands 6 6 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 127: ...he DIGITIZE command in the chapter Introduction to Programming an Oscilloscope Note Sending the DIGITIZE command will turn off any unused channels When the Digitize operation is complete the instrument is placed in the stopped mode When the instrument is restarted with a RUN command or the front panel RUN key the digitized data stored in the channel buffers will be overwritten Therefore ensure all...

Page 128: ... byte of a response is usually a new line character ASCII decimal 10 LF Note EOI must be turned on for response messages to be in compliance with IEEE 488 2 The EOI query returns the current state of EOI Command Syntax EOI ON 11 OFF 0 Example OUTPUT 707 EOI OFF Query Syntax EOI Returned Format EOI l 0 NL Example OUTPUT 707 EOI ENTER 707 End PRINT End Root Level Commands 6 8 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 129: ...xecuted the instrument will momentarily stop acquiring data clear the CRT and continue with data acquisition Erasing pixel memory 1 or 2 clears the specified pixel memory and anything on the display from that pixel memory Note Once you erase pixel memory lor 2 there is no way to retrieve the original information Command Syntax ERASe PMEMoryO PMEMoiyl I PMEMoiy2 Example OUTPUT 707 ERASE PMEMORY1 HP...

Page 130: ...es a remote to local transition has not taken place Once this bit is set it can only be cleared by reading the Event Register or sending a CLS command A Service Request SRQ can only be generated when the bit transitions from 0 to 1 therefore the bit must be cleared each time you would like a new Service Request to be generated Query Syntax LER Returned Format LER l 0 NL Example OUTPUT 707 LER ENTE...

Page 131: ...ctive and a limit test has failed After the Limit Test Event Register is read it is cleared A Service Request SRQ can only be generated when the bit transitions from 0 to 1 therefore the bit must be cleared each time you would like a new Service Request to be generated Query Syntax LTER Returned Format LTER l 0 NL Example OUTPUT 707 LTER ENTER 707 Lmt PRINT Lmt HP 54501A Programming Root Level Com...

Page 132: ... NL Where name TIMebase CHANnel TRIGger DISPlay DELTa MATH SAVE MEASure UTILity SHOW Example OUTPUT 707 MENU DISPLAY Query Syntax MENU Returned Format MENU name NL Where name TIMebase CHANnel TRIGger DISPlay DELTa MATH SAVE MEASure UTILity SHOW Example DIM Name 30 OUTPUT 707 MENU ENTER 707 Name PRINT NameS Root Level Commands 6 12 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 133: ...he specified pixel memory The pixel memories are PMEMORY 1 or 2 This command has a similar function as the add to memory key in the pixel menu of the Waveform Save menu Command Syntax MERGe PMEMoiyl PMEMoiy2 Example OUTPUT 707 MERGE PMEMoiy2 HP 54501A Programming Root Level Commands 6 13 ...

Page 134: ...t includes the displayed waveforms the graticule time and voltage markers trigger setup and measurement results Query Syntax PRINt Example OUTPUT 707 HARDCOPY PAGE AUTOMATIC OUTPUT 707 PRINT SEND7 UNTUNL SEND 7 LISTEN 1 Assumes printer is at address 1 SEND 7 TALK 7 SEND 7 DATA Root Level Commands 6 14 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 135: ...so occurs when the front panel SINGLE key is pressed when the instrument is STOPPED If the timebase mode is AUTO or TRIGGERED the RUN command will enable the trigger repeatedly and display the data it acquires continuously on the CRT This is the same thing that happens when the front panel RUN key is pressed See the TIMEBASE MODE command for a description of the various modes Command Syntax RUN Ex...

Page 136: ... unprotected position to write a new serial number to the instrument This serial number is part of the string returned for the IDN query Note A serial number corresponding to the serial number of the board in the HP 54501A is loaded at the factory Do not use this command unless you need to serialize the instrument for a different application Command Syntax SERial string Where string 10 character s...

Page 137: ... command causes the instrument to stop acquiring data for the active display The RUN command must be executed to restart the acquisition Command Syntax STOP Example OUTPUT 707 STOP HP 54501A Programming Root Level Commands 6 17 ...

Page 138: ...urce can be specified as any channel function or waveform memory The second parameter is the destination of the waveform which can only be waveform memory 1 through 4 Command Syntax STORe source destination where source CHANnel l 2 3 4 FUNCtion l 2 WMEMoiy l 2 3 4 destination WMEMoiy l 2 3 4 Example OUTPUT 707 STORE CHANNEL2 WMEMORY4 Root Level Commands 6 18 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 139: ...occurred If a trigger event is not found and the sweep is auto triggering this bit will not be set A Service Request SRQ can only be generated when the bit transitions from 0 to 1 therefore the bit must be cleared each time you would like a new Service Request to be generated Query Syntax TER Returned Format TER i 0 NL Example OUTPUT 707 TER ENTER 707 Trg event PRINT Trg_event HP 54501A Programmin...

Page 140: ...f you want to display a pixel memory use the parameter VIEW PMEMory l 2 To display a function send the command VIEW FUNCtion l 2 The BLANK command causes the instrument to turn off stop displaying a specified channel function pixel memory or waveform memory Command Syntax VIEW CHANnel l 2 3 4 FUNCtion l I 2 PMEMoiy l 2 WMEMory l 2 3 4 Example OUTPUT 707 VIEW CHANNELl Root Level Commands 6 20 HP 54...

Page 141: ...trol the way in which query responses are formatted simulate front panel key presses and enable reading and writing to the advisory line of the instrument Refer to figure 7 1 for System subsystem commands syntax diagram HP 54501A Programming System Subsystem 7 1 ...

Page 142: ...dsp_arg any quoted string key_arg keycode 1 through 44 block_data block data in IEEE 488 2 format Figure 7 1 System Subsystem Commands Syntax Diagram System Subsystem 7 2 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 143: ...rom the message queue The message queue is cleared when it is read Therefore the displayed message can only be read once over the bus Command Syntax SYSTem DSP quoted ASCII string Example OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM DSP This is a message Query Syntax SYSTem DSP Returned Format SYSTem DSP stringxNL Where string string response data containing the last information written on the advisory line Example DIM Disp...

Page 144: ...s used in the query only the numeric error code is output When the STRING parameter is used the error number is output followed by a comma and a quoted string If no parameter is specified then the numeric error code is output No parameter specified is the same as specifying NUMBER See table 7 1 for the ERROR numbers Query Syntax 8YSTein ERRor NUMBer STRing no_param Returned Format SYSTem ERRor err...

Page 145: ... long Missing non numeric argument Too many arguments Argument delimiter error Invalid message unit delimiter No Can Do generic execute error Not executable in local mode Settings lost due to rtl or power on Trigger ignored Legal command but settings conflict Argument out of range Busy doing something else Insufficient capability or configuration Output buffer full or overflow Device failure Inter...

Page 146: ...ADER ON Query Syntax SYSTem HEADer Returned Format SYSTem HEADer 1 0 NL Where 1 ON 0 OFF Example DIM Hdr 20 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER ENTER 707 Hdr PRINT Hdr The following example shows the response to the query CHANNEL1 RANGE with the headers on and off With headers set to ON longform ON CHANNEL1 RANGE 6 40000E 01 With headers set to ON longform OFF CHAN1 RANG 6 40000E 01 With headers set to OFF 6...

Page 147: ...r the last key pressed from the front panel or the last simulated key press over the HP IB Key codes range from 1 to 44 zero represents no key and will be returned after power up Refer to table 7 2 for key codes Command Syntax SYSTem KEY keycode Where keycode 1 to 44 Example OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM KEY 2 Query Syntax SYSTem KEY Returned Format SYSTem KEY keycode NL Where keycode 0 through 44 integer NR1...

Page 148: ...Select 6 Function Select 7 FINE sV mmV p s ns CLEAR Shift blue key KEY CODE l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 KEY minus decimal pt 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RUN STOP SINGLE CLEAR DISPLAY LOCAL HARDCOPY AUTO SCALE RECALL SAVE SHOW no key KEY CODE 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 0 The function select keys are at the right of the CRT and are numbered...

Page 149: ...to the HP 54501A in either the longform or shortform regardless of how the LONGFORM command is set For more information refer to the HEADER command in this chapter The LONGFORM query returns the state of the LONGFORM command Note Even though the Longform command can be sent using an alpha or numeric argument the response is always a 1 or 0 I for ON 0 for OFF Command Syntax Example Query Syntax Ret...

Page 150: ...UP query outputs the current HP 54501A setup in the form of a learn string to the controller The SETUP query operates the same as the LRN query The learn string is sent and received as a binary block of data The format for the data transmission is the format defined in the IEEE 488 2 specification Command Syntax SYSTem SETup setup Example OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM SETUP setup Where setup 800001024 setup d...

Page 151: ...r 60 ENTER 707 USING K Set Store the setup 70 PAUSE Change the setup as desired 80 OUTPUT 707 USING K SYST SETUP Set 90 Returns the instrument to the first setup 100 END Note The logical order for this instruction is to send the query first followed by the command at a time of your choosing The query causes the learn string to be sent to the controller and the command causes the learn string to be...

Page 152: ...ber of Averages There is a coupling between the front panel and the ACQUIRE subsystem parameters This means that when the HP IB parameters for ACQUIRE TYPE or COUNT are changed the front panel will change Also when the front panel parameters are changed the HP IB parameters will change Normal Persistence Mode The ACQUIRE TYPE NORMAL command will set the HP 54501A to the variable persistence mode T...

Page 153: ...he front panel select the Display menu then select Average Changing the number of averages changes the COUNT value Envelope Mode The ACQUIRE TYPE ENVELOPE command sets the HP 54501A to the Envelope mode A count value can be set in the envelope mode This value determines the number of values to be used at each time point when constructing the envelope The count value cannot be set from the front pa...

Page 154: ... of values to average for each time point when in averaged mode or the number of hits per each time point to form the envelope in Envelope Acquisition mode points_arg 32 64 128 256 500 512 or 1024 Figure 8 1 Acquire Subsystem Commands Syntax Diagram HP 54501A Programming Acquire Subsystem 8 3 ...

Page 155: ... command is 0 to 100 and indicates the percentage of time buckets that must be full before the acquisition is considered complete If the complete value is set to 100 all time buckets must contain data for the acquisition to be considered complete If the complete value is set to 0 then one acquisition cycle will take place The COMPLETE query returns the completion criteria for the currently selecte...

Page 156: ...an be sent however the value will be rounded to the nearest power of 2 When the acquisition type is set to ENVELOPE the count can be any value between 1 and 2048 The COUNT query returns the currently selected count value Command Syntax ACQuire couNt count Where count 1 to 2048 Example OUTPUT 707 ACQUlRE TYPE AVERAGE COUNT 1024 Query Syntax ACQuire couNt Returned Format ACQuire couNt count NL Where...

Page 157: ... is sent an error is produced The POINTS query returns the number of time buckets to be acquired Note Always query the Waveform Subsystem Points value to determine the actual number of time buckets acquired Command Syntax ACQuire POINts points_arg Where points_arg 32 to 1024 see above for legal values Example OUTPUT 707 ACQ POiNTS 512 Query Syntax ACQuire POINts Returned Format ACQuire POINts poin...

Page 158: ...RMAL AVERAGE and ENVELOPE The ACQUIRE TYPE query returns the current acquisition type Command Syntax ACQuire TYPE NORMal AVERage ENVelope Example OUTPUT 707 ACOUIRE TYPE ENVELOPE Query Syntax ACOuire TYPE Returned Format ACQuire TYPE type NL Where type NORMal AVERage ENVelope Example DIM Tpe 50 OUTPUT 707 ACQU1RE TYPE ENTER 707 Tpe PRINT Tpe HP 54501A Programming Acquire Subsystem 8 7 ...

Page 159: ...s Note The time null is set in the Probe Cal menu of the Utility menus For more information refer to the HP 54501A Front Panel Reference Manual TNULI fTNULI r valuel channel 1 to channel 2 skew value2 channel 1 to channel 3 skew value3 channel 1 to channel 4 skew Figure 9 1 Calibrate Subsystem Commands Syntax Diagram HP 54501A Programming Calibrate Subsystem 9 1 ...

Page 160: ...ue1 channel 1 to channel 2 skew null_value2 channel 1 to channel 3 skew null_value3 channel 1 to channel 4 skew Example OUTPUT 707 CAL TNUL null_value1 null_value2 null_value3 Query Syntax CAUbrate TNUU Returned Format CAUbrate TNUU null_value1 null_value2 null_value3 NL Where null_value1 channel 1 to channel 2 skew exponential NR3 format null value2 channel 1 to channel 3 skew exponential NR3 for...

Page 161: ...e coupling and range functions The channel commands can be sent with a channel number specified or not specifed If a channel number is specified in the command then the specified channel is affected however if the channel number is not specified then channel 1 is affected The channel displays are toggled on and off with the root level commands VIEW and BLANK HP 54501A Programming Channel Subsystem...

Page 162: ...the center of the display range probe_arg A real number from 0 9 to 1000 0 specifying the probe attenuation with respect to 1 range_arg A real number specifying the size of the acquisition window in volts Figure 10 1 Channel Subsystem Commands Syntax Diagram Channel Subsystem 10 2 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 163: ... The COUPLING query returns the current coupling for the specified channel Command Syntax CHANnei N coupiing AC DC Where N 1 2 3 or4 Example OUTPUT 707 CHAN2 coup DC Query Syntax CHANnei N coupiing Where N 1 2 3 or4 Returned Format CHANnei N coupiing AC DC NL Example DIM Ch 50 OUTPUT 707 CHAN2 COUPLING ENTER 707 Ch PRINT Ch HP 54501A Programming Channel Subsystem 10 3 ...

Page 164: ...hannel for optimum viewing of ECL signals The offset and trigger level are set to 1 3 volts and the range is set to 12 8 volts full scale Channel coupling is set to DC There is no query form of this command Command Syntax CHANnei N ECL Example OUTPUT 707 CHAN1 ECL Where N 1 2 3 or4 Channel Subsystem 10 4 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 165: ...ilter may be used when either AC or DC coupling is used The HFREJECT query returns the current setting Command Syntax CHANnel N HFReject ON I 1 I OFF I 0 Where N 1 2 3 or4 Example OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL2 HFR ON Query Syntax CHANnel N HFReject Where N 1 2 3 or4 Returned Format CHANnel N HFReject 1 0 NL Example DIM Hf 50 OUTPUT 707 CHAN HFR ENTER 707 Hf PRINT Hf HP 54501A Programming Channel Subsystem 1...

Page 166: ...y be set to the nearest legal value The OFFSET query returns the current offset value for the selected channel Command Syntax CHANnel N OFFSet value Where Example Query Syntax Returned Format N l 2 3 or4 value offset value OUTPUT 707 CHAN1 OFFS 200M CHAN2 OFFSET 20E 3 CHANnel N OFFSet CHANnel N OFFSet valuexNL Where N 1 2 3 or4 value offset value in volts exponential NR3 format Example OUTPUT 707 ...

Page 167: ... factors and for automatic measurements trigger levels etc The PROBE query returns the current probe attenuation factor for the selected channel Command Syntax CHANnel N PROBe atten Where Example Query Syntax Returned Format N 1 2 3 or4 atten 0 9 to 1000 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL2 PROBE 10 CHANnel N PROBe Where N 1 2 3 or 4 CHANnel N PROBe attenxNL Where N 1 2 3 or 4 atten 0 9 to 1000 exponential NR3 for...

Page 168: ... attenuation is changed the range value is multiplied by the probe attenuation factor The RANGE query returns the current range setting for the specified channel Command Syntax CHANnel N RANGe range Where N 1 2 3 or4 range range value Examples OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 RANGE 60 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL2 RANGE 1 2 V CHANnel N RANGe CHANnel N RANGe rangexNL Where Query Syntax Returned Format N 1 2 3 or4 range r...

Page 169: ...r optimum viewing of TTL signals The offset is set to 2 5 volts The trigger level is set to 1 4 volts and the range is set to 8 0 volts full scale Channel coupling is set to DC There is no query form of this command Command Syntax CHANnei N TTL Example OUTPUT 707 CHAN1 TTL Where N 1 2 3 or4 HP 54501A Programming Channel Subsystem 10 9 ...

Page 170: ...lay of data voltage and time markers text and graticules Note The command that changes the Display mode is 4CQUIRE TYPE The command that controls the number of averages is ACQUIRE COUNT Figure 11 1 Display Subsystem Commands Syntax Diagram HP 54501A Programming Display Subsystem 11 1 ...

Page 171: ...Figure 11 1 Display Subsystem Commands Syntax Diagram continued Display Subsystem 11 2 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 172: ...at mask_arg An integer 0 through 255 pers_arg An real number 0 1 through 11 pmemory_num An integer 0 through 3 row_arg An integer 0 through 24 string_arg Any quoted string Figure 11 1 Display Subsystem Commands Syntax Diagram continued HP 54501 A Programming Display Subsystem 11 3 ...

Page 173: ...re the next LINE or STRING will start Command Syntax DISPlay COLumn number Where number Othrough72 Example OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY COLUMN 50 Query Syntax Dispiay coLumn Returned Format DISPIay COLumn number NL Where number 0 through 72 pnteger NR1 format Example DIM cimn 30 OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY COLUMN ENTER 707 Clmn PRINT Clmn Display Subsystem 11 4 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 174: ...e connect the dots function The returned status is indicated by using a 1 for on and a 0 for off Command Syntax Dispiay coNNect ON 11 OFF o Example OUTPUT 707 DlSPLAY CONNECT ON Query Syntax Dispiay coNNecr Returned Format Dispiay GONNect 1 O NL Example DIM Cnn soi OUTPUT 707 DISP CONNECT ENTER 707 Cnn PRINT Cnn HP 54501A Programming Display Subsystem 11 5 ...

Page 175: ...LAY DATA query is used to write waveform data from one of the pixel planes in the HP 54501A The pixel planes available are planes 0 through 3 The DATA query causes the HP 54501A to output pixel data from the specified plane If plane 0 is specified the HP 54501A will transfer the active display IfPMEMORYl or PMEMORY2 is specified that memory will be transferred When PMEMORY3 is specifed the half br...

Page 176: ...T 707 SYST HEADON EOI ON 40 OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY SOURCE PMEMORYO DATA 50 ENTER 707 USING K Plane 60 OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY SOURCE PMEM1 70 OUTPUT 707 USING K Plane 80 END This example transfers data from the active display memory to the controller then transfers the data back to pixel memory 1 in the HP 54501A HP 54501A Programming Display Subsystem 11 7 ...

Page 177: ... range FORMAT 2 sets the number of screens to 2 and uses four divisions for the full scale range FORMAT 4 provides four display areas on the CRT and uses two divisions for the full scale range The FORMAT query returns the current display format DISPlay FORMat 1 2 4 OUTPUT 707 DISP FORMAT 1 DISPlay FORMat DISPlay FORMat 1 2 4 NL DIM Frmt 30 OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY FORMAT ENTER 707 Frmt PRINT Frmt Displa...

Page 178: ... type of graticule displayed Command Syntax Display GRATicule OFF GRID AXES FRAMe Example OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY GRATICULE AXES Query Syntax DlSPIay GRATicule Returned Format DlSPIay GRATicule type NL Where type OFF GRID AXES FRAMe Example DIM Qrt 30 OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY GRATICULE ENTER 707 Grt PRINT Grt HP 54501A Programming Display Subsystem 11 9 ...

Page 179: ...f the inverse attribute is on the text will be written in inverse video The INVERSE query returns the current state of this command Command Syntax Display INVerse ON 11 OFF o Example OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY INVERSE OFF Query Syntax Display iNVerse Returned format Display lNVerse 1 O NL Example DIM iv 30 OUTPUT 707 DISP INVERSE ENTER 707 lv PRINT lv Display Subsystem 11 10 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 180: ...vailable space on the current line the text will wrap to the start of the same line In any case the ROW value is incremented by one and the COLUMN value remains the same The next DISPLAY LINE command will write on the next line of the display starting at the same column as the previous text After writing line 24 the last line in the display area ROW is reset to 0 Command Syntax DISPIay LINE quoted...

Page 181: ...r in which each bit controls writing to an area of the screen A zero inhibits writing to the area represented by the bit and a 1 enables writing to that area The MASK query returns the current value of the MASK Command Syntax Dispiay MASK value Where value 0 to 255 integer NR1 format Example OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY MASK 67 The previous example enables writing to the Menu Area bit 6 the Status Line bit ...

Page 182: ... Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Weight 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 Screen Area Effected unused Menu Area Timebase Information Measurement Result Area Graticule Area unused Status Line Advisory Area HP 54501A Programming Display Subsystem 11 13 ...

Page 183: ...er than 10 seconds will set the PERSISTENCE to INFINITE When the key word SINGLE is sent as the argument for this command the persistence value is set to minimum The PERSISTENCE query returns the current persistence value When Minimum is displayed the value returned is 0 When Infinite is displayed the value returned is 11 DISPIay PERSistence INPinite SINGIe 0 1 through 11 OUTPUT 707 DlSPLAY PERSIS...

Page 184: ...the LINE command The ROW value is 0 through 24 The ROW query returns the current value of ROW Command Syntax DISPIay ROW row number Where row number 0 through 24 Example OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY ROW io Query Syntax DISPLAY ROW Returned Format DISPIay ROW rownumber NL Where row number 0 through 24 integer NR1 format Example DIM Rw 30 OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY ROW ENTER 707 Rw PRINT Rw HP 54501A Programming Disp...

Page 185: ...r The SCREEN query returns the current setting of this function The returned status is indicated by using a 1 for on and a 0 for off The command DISPLAY TEXT BLANK removes only the text from the display Command Syntax oispiay scReen ON 11 OFF o Example OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY SCREEN ON Query Syntax DISPlay SCFteen Returned Format Display SCReen 1 O NL Example DIM Srn 50 OUTPUT 707 DISP SCREEN ENTER 707...

Page 186: ...f bright portion of the display graticule markers and displayed memories Example 10 CLEAR 707 20 DIM Plane 17000 30 OUTPUT 707 SYST HEAD ON EOI ON 40 OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY SOURCE PMEMORYO DATA ENTER 707 USING K Plane 50 60 70 80 OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY SOURCE PMEM1 OUTPUT 707 USING K Plane END Query Syntax Returned Format Example This example transfers data from the active display to the controller and th...

Page 187: ...n limit is reached column 72 the excess text is written over the text on the left side of that line If 90 or more characters are sent an error is produced The STRING command does not increment the ROW value however the LINE command does Command Syntax DISPIay STRing quoted string Example OUTPUT 707 oisp STRiNG INPUT SIGNAL TO CHANNEL 2 Display Subsystem 11 18 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 188: ...he user text area on the CRT All text on the entire screen will be blanked This command has only one parameter There is no query form of this command Command Syntax Dispiay TDcr BLANk Example OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY TEXT BLAN HP 54501A Programming Display Subsystem 11 19 ...

Page 189: ...y TMARker ON 11 OFF o Example OUTPUT 707 DISP TMAR OFF Query Syntax Dispiay TMARker Returned Format Dispiay TMARker 1 O NL Example DIM Tmr 30 OUTPUT 707 DISP TMARKER ENTER 707 Tmr PRINT Tmr Note It is a recommendedpractice to turn the Tmarkers on before attempting to set them using a MEASURE TSTART or MEASURE TSTOP command Display Subsystem 11 20 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 190: ...MARker ON 11 OFF o Example OUTPUT 707 DISP VMARKER ON Query Syntax DISPlay VMARker Returned Format Display VMARker 1 O NL Example DIM Vmrk 30 OUTPUT 707 DISP VMARKER ENTER 707 Vmrk PRINT Vmrk Note It is a recommended practice to turn the Vmarkers on before attempting to set them using a MEASURE VSTART or MEASURE VSTOP command HP 54501A Programming Display Subsystem 11 21 ...

Page 191: ... operators are ADD SUBTRACT MULTIPLY VERSUS ONLY and INVERT If a channel or memory that is not on is specified as an operand then that channel is enabled See figure 12 1 for a syntax diagram of the Function subsystem commands Channel 1 through 4 and waveform Memories 1 through 4 are available for functions HP 54501A Programming Function Subsystem 12 1 ...

Page 192: ...l FUNCtion_ j fund ion_num Figure 12 1 Function Subsystem Commands Syntax Diagram Function Subsystem 12 2 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 193: ... 4 function_num 1 or 2 offset_arg 0 to voltage full scale range_arg full screen voltage wmemory_num 1 2 3 or 4 Figure 12 1 Function Subsystem Commands Syntax Diagram continued HP 54501A Programming Function Subsystem 12 3 ...

Page 194: ... the two defined operands Command Syntax FUNCtion N ADD operand operand Where N 1 or2 operand CHANnell CHANnel2 CHANnelS CHANnel4 WMEMoryl WMEMory2 WMEMoryS WMEMory4 Example OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION2 ADD WMEMORY3 WMEMORY4 Function Subsystem 12 4 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 195: ...mand inverts the operand Command Syntax FUNCtion N INVert operand Where N 1 or2 operand CHANneh CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 WMEMoryl WMEMory2 WMEMory3 WMEMory4 Example OUTPUT 707 FUNCT10N2 INVERT WMEMORY3 HP 54501A Programming Function Subsystem 12 5 ...

Page 196: ...lgebraically multiply the two operands Command Syntax FUNCtion N MULTiply operand operand Where N 1 or2 operand CHANnell CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 WMEMoryl WMEMoryZ WMEMory3 WMEMory4 Example OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION2 MULTIPLY CHANNEL1 CHANNEL2 Function Subsystem 12 6 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 197: ...ue for the selected function Command Syntax FUNCtion N OFFSet offset Where N 1or2 offset offset value see above Example OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION1 OFFSET 650E 4 Query Syntax FUNCtion N OFFSet Where N 1 or2 Returned Format FUNCtion N OFFSet offset NL Where N 1 or2 offset offset value see above exponential NR3 format Example DIM Off 50 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION2 OFFSET ENTER 707 0ff PRINT Off HP 54501 A Program...

Page 198: ...or scaling channels and memories with the FUNCTION N RANGE and FUNCTION N OFFSET commands Command Syntax FUNCtion N ONLY operand Where N 1 oi2 operand CHANnell CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 WMEMoryl WMEMory2 WMEMory3 WMEMory4 Example OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION2 ONLY WMEMORY4 Function Subsystem 12 8 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 199: ...unction Command Syntax FUNCtion N RANQe range Where N 1 or2 range voltage value Example OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION2 RANGE 400 MV Query Syntax FUNCtion N RANGe Where N 1 or2 Returned Format FUNCtion N RANGe range NL Where N 1 or2 range current range setting exponential NR3 format Example DIM Rng 50 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION2 RANGE ENTER 707 Rng PRINT Rng HP 54501A Programming Function Subsystem 12 9 ...

Page 200: ... FUNCtion N SUBTract operand operand Where N 1 or2 operand CHANnell CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANneM WMEMoryl WMEMory2 WMEMory3 WMEMory4 Example OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION2 SUBTRACT WMEMORY3 WMEMORY2 In this example Waveform Memory 2 would be algebraically subtracted from Waveform Memory 3 Function Subsystem 12 10 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 201: ...ge and offset is always equal to that of the second operand It can only be changed by changing the vertical settings of the second operand This will also change the Y axis vertical sensitivity and offset Command Syntax FUNCtion N VERSUS Y_operand X_operand Where N 1 or 2 Y_operand CHANneh CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 WMEMory l WMEMory2 WMEMoryS WMEMory4 X_operand CHANnel l CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4...

Page 202: ... sent The portion of the waveform to be copied must be placed on the display To actually make the hardcopy print refer to the root level command PRINT for the sequence of bus commands that actually get the data to the printer Refer to figure 13 1 for the syntax diagram of the Hardcopy subsystem commands Figure 13 1 Hardcopy Subsystem Commands Syntax Diagram V HP 54501A Programming Hardcopy Subsyst...

Page 203: ...inches The LENGTH query returns the current length setting Command Syntax HARDcopy LENGth n 112 Example OUTPUT 707 HARDCOPY LENGTH 12 Query Syntax HARDcopy LENGth Returned Format HARDcopy LENG h 11 112 NL Example OUTPUT 707 HARDCOPY LENGTH ENTER 707 Lgth PRINT Lgth Hardcopy Subsystem 13 2 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 204: ...he end of the hardcopy otherwise the page will scroll up by 4 lines The PAGE query returns the current state of the page command Command Syntax HARDcopy PAGE MANual AUTomatic Example OUTPUT 707 HARD PAGE AUT Query Syntax HARDcopy PAGE Returned Format HARDcopy PAGE MANual AUTomatic NL Example DIM pg 30 OUTPUT 707 HARDCOPY PAGE ENTER 707 Pg PRINT Pg HP 54501A Programming Hardcopy Subsystem 13 3 ...

Page 205: ... must be displayed For a pulse width measurement the entire pulse must be displayed For a risetime measurement the leading positive going edge of the waveform must be displayed For a falltime measurement the trailing negative going edge of the waveform must be displayed Note When WINDOW is ON measurements are ONLY applied to the windowed portion of the waveform User Defined When User Defined Measu...

Page 206: ... measurements The 10 and 90 voltage values are used in the risetime and falltime measurements when standard measurements are selected The 50 voltage value is used for measuring frequency period pulse width and duty cycle with standard measurements selected The measurements can also be made using user defined parameters instead of the standard measurement values When the command form of the front p...

Page 207: ...to the first specified source and VMarker 2 is assigned to the second specified source VDELTA is the only measurement that uses two sources Most measurements can only be made on a single source If one of these measurements is made with two sources specified the measurement is made on the first source specified More information about measurement algorithms can be found in Appendix A If the horizont...

Page 208: ...Figure 14 1 Measure Subsystem CommandsSyntax Diagram Measure Subsystem 14 4 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 209: ...c I e DUTycycle FALLtime FALLt ime FREOuency V FREOuency slope and occurrence sIooe ond occur rence Figure 14 1 Measure Subsystem Commands Syntax Diagram continued HP 54501A Programming Measure Subsystem 14 5 ...

Page 210: ...hoo t oVERshoot PERiod PERiod7 POSTfoilure POSTfoi lure PRECision I t PRECision pREShoot PREShoot pWIDTh RESults RISelime Figure 14 1 stem USER I7o I spoce COARse PWIDthT 5 501S26 Measure Subsystem Commands Syntax Diagram continued HP 54501 Programminc ...

Page 211: ...Figure 14 1 Measure Subsystem Commands Syntax Diagram continued HP 54501 A Programming Measure Subsystem 14 7 ...

Page 212: ... I opeondoccu r rence UNITS fjspace r PERCen tV r VOLTs CUNITS UPPer VAMPI i tude VAMPI i tude VAVerage vAVerage VBASe B VBASe VDELto7 VFIFty 54501S26 Figure 74 7 Measure Subsystem Commands Syntax Diagram continued ystem HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 213: ...VPP vRELoti ve V Figure 14 1 Measure Subsystem Commands Syntax Diagram continued HP 54501A Programming Measure Subsystem 14 9 ...

Page 214: ...cluding 0 specifying a displayed edge tstart_arg Time in seconds from trigger tstop_arg Time in seconds from trigger tvolt_arg A real number specifying voltage upperjimit Upper limit for compare upperlimit_value Upper threshold value in percent or volts vrel_arg An integer 0 to 100 vstart_arg A real number within voltage range vstop_arg A real number within voltage range vtime_arg A real number in...

Page 215: ...formation on how the measurements are made and the returned format of the measurement results MEASure ALL MEASure FREQuency result PERiod result PWlDth result NWIDth result RISetime result FALLtime result VAMPIitude result VPP result PREShoot result OVERshoot result DUTycycle result VRMS result VMAX result VMIN result VTOP result VBASe result VAVerage result NL Where result individual measurement ...

Page 216: ...ers The COMPARE query returns the current specification Command Syntax MEASure COMPare measurement upperjimit lowerjimit Where measurement RISetime FALLtime FREOuency PERiod PWIDth NWlDth VAMPIitude VBASe VTOP VPP VAVerage VMAX VMIN VRMS DUTycycle DELAY upper limit High limit value lower_limit Low limit value Note When setting the limits for Frequency the suffix HZ can be used Example OUTPUT 707 M...

Page 217: ...mp 50 OUTPUT 707 MEASure COMPare VPP ENTER 707 Cmp PRINT Cmp For example the sequence required to do a limit test on frequency is OUTPUT 707 MEASURE FREO Select measurement OUTPUT 707 MEASURE COMPARE FREO 1000HZ 10HZ Set measurement limits OUTPUT 707 MEASURE LlMITTEST MEASURE Start test Note The only way to see if a limit test failure has occurred over the bus is by checking if bit 3 of the status...

Page 218: ...RT is specified the positions of the start marker and VMarker 1 are returned If STOP is specified the positions of the stop marker and VMarker 2 are returned Query Syntax MEASure CURsor DELTa I STARt STOP Returned Format MEASure CURSoc time voltage NL Where time delta time start time or stop time voltage delta voltage VMarker 1 voltage or VMarker 2 voltage Example OUTPUT 707 MEAS SOURCE CHAN1 OUTP...

Page 219: ...nteger 127 to 127 excluding 0 specifying a displayed edge level MIDDIe UPPer LOWer Example OUTPUT 707 MEAS DEFINE DELAY POS1TIVE 1 UPPER NEGATIVE 2 MIDDLE This example will set the parameters for a time measurement from the first positive edge at the upper threshold level to the second negative edge at the middle threshold If one source is specifed both parameters apply to that signal If two sourc...

Page 220: ...ay polarity edge_num level polarity edge_num level PWlDth MIDDIe UPPer LOWer NWIDth MIDDIe UPPer LOWer Where polarity POSitive NEGative edge_num 127 to 127 excluding 0 integer NR1 format level MIDDIe UPPer LOWer Example DIM Dfn ioo OUTPUT 707 MEASure DEFine DELay ENTER 707 Dfn PRINT Dfn Measure Subsystem 14 16 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 221: ...the MEASURE SOURCE command If user defined measurement specifications are selected ensure the defined measurement is displayed The DELAY query returns the specified delay value Command Syntax MEASure DELay Example OUTPUT 707 MEAS DEL Query Syntax MEASure DELay Returned Format MEASure DELay delay_value NL Where delay_value time value in seconds exponential NR3 format Example DIM Diy 50 OUTPUT 707 M...

Page 222: ...e destination currently specified Note If WMEMORIES are used as the destination the source must be set up separately using the WAVEFORM SOURCE command Command Syntax MEASure DESTination WMEMory 1 2 3 4 PMEMory 1 2 OFF Example OUTPUT 707 MEAS DEST PMEMORY2 Query Syntax MEASure DESTination Returned Format MEASure DESTination WMEMory 1 2 3 4 PMEMory 1 2 OFF NL Example DIM Dst 50 OUTPUT 707 MEAS DEST ...

Page 223: ...atio of the positive pulse width to period The positive pulse width and the period of the specified signal are measured then the duty cycle is calculated The duty cycle is calculated with the following formula duty cycle pulse width period Command Syntax MEASure DUTycycle Example OUTPUT 707 MEASURE DUTYCYCLE Query Syntax MEASure DUTycycle Returned Format MEASure DUTycycle value NL Where value rati...

Page 224: ...on a negative going waveform edge If VMarker 1 does not intersect the waveform as specified the error message Edges required not found is displayed The ESTART query returns the currently specified edge Note The short form of this command does not follow the defined convention The short form EST is the same for ESTART and ESTOP so be careful not to send this form for the ESTART command Sending EST ...

Page 225: ...ry Syntax MEASure ESTAn Returned Format MEASure ESTArt edge NL Where edge edge number integer NR1 format Example OUTPUT 707 MEAS ESTART ENTER 707 Estart PRINT Estart HP 54501A Programming Measure Subsystem 14 21 ...

Page 226: ...a negative going waveform edge If VMarker 2 does not intersect the waveform as specified the error message Edges required not found is displayed The ESTOP query returns the currently specified edge Note The short form of this command does not follow the defined convention The short form EST is the same for ESTART and ESTOP so be careful not to send this form for the ESTOP command Sending EST will ...

Page 227: ...ry Syntax MEASure ESTOp Returned Format MEASure ESTOp edge NL Where edge edge number integer NR1 format Example OUTPUT 707 MEASURE ESTOP ENTER 707 Estop PRINT Estop HP 54501A Programming Measure Subsystem 14 23 ...

Page 228: ...termined by measuring the time at the upper threshold of the falling edge then measuring the time at the lower threshold of the falling edge and calculating the falltime with the formula fall time time at lower threshold point time at upper threshold point If the horizontal scaling is questionable when this measurement is made and error 11 is placed in the error queue MEASure FALLtime OUTPUT 707 M...

Page 229: ... User Defined measurements are selected The algorithm is if first edge on screen is rising then frequency l time at second rising edge time at First rising edge else frequency l time at second falling edge time at first falling edge Command Syntax MEASure FREQuency Example OUTPUT 707 MEASURE FREO Query Syntax MEASURE FREQuency Returned Format MEASure FREQuency value NL Where value frequency in Her...

Page 230: ...h the MEASURE parameter then the instrument starts the test If the OFF parameter is sent the test is stopped The LTF limit test failure bit of the status byte will be set when a failure is found Command Syntax MEASure LIMittest MEASure I OFF Example OUTPUT 707 MEAS LIM MEAS Measure Subsystem 14 26 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 231: ...e LOWER query returns the current setting of the lower measurement threshold Command Syntax MEASure LOWer lowlimil_value Where lowlimit_value user defined lower threshold in percent or volts Example OUTPUT 707 MEASURE LOWER 47 Query Syntax MEASure LOWer Returned Format MEASure LOWer lowlimit_valuexNL Where lowlimit_value user defined lower threshold in percent or volts Example DIM Lwr 50 OUTPUT 70...

Page 232: ... MODE query returns the current mode setting Command Syntax MEASure MODE STANdard I USER Example OUTPUT 707 MEAS MODE STAN Query Syntax MEASure MODE Returned Format MEASure MODE STANdard I USER NL Example DIM Md so OUTPUT 707 MEASURE MODE ENTER 707 Md PRINT Md Measure Subsystem 14 28 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 233: ...easurement is made at the mid threshold value The algorithm is if the first edge on screen is rising then width time at second rising edge time at First falling edge else width time at First rising edge time at first falling edge Command Syntax MEASure NWiDth Example OUTPUT 707 MEAS NW1DTH Query Syntax MEASure NWiDth Returned Format MEASure NWiDth value NL Where value negative pulse width in secon...

Page 234: ...on screen with the following algorithm if the first edge on screen is rising then overshoot Vmax Vtop VampIitude else overshoot Vbase Vmin Vamplitude Command Syntax MEASure ovERshoot Example OUTPUT 707 MEAS OVER Query Syntax MEASure ovERshoot Returned Format MEASure ovERshoot value NL Where value ratio of overshoot to Vamplitude exponential NR3 format Example DIM Ow 50 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE OVERSHOOT...

Page 235: ...eform when User Defined measurements are selected The algorithm for this measurement is if the first edge on screen is rising then period time at second rising edge time at first rising edge else period time at second falling edge time at first falling edge Command Syntax MEASure PERiod Example OUTPUT 707 MEAS PERIOD Query Syntax MEASure PERiod Returned Format MEASure PERiod valuexNL Where value w...

Page 236: ...lation is found the violation will be written to the desired location If a waveform memory is selected as the destination then all subsequent violations will overwrite the previous violation The POSTFAILURE query returns the current selection Command Syntax MEASure POSTfailure CONTinue STOP Example OUTPUT 707 MEAS POST Query Syntax MEASure POSTfailure Returned Format l MEASure POST ailure CONTinue...

Page 237: ...o effect on the HP 54501A The PRECISION query always returns COARSE in the HP 54501A Command Syntax MEASure PRECision COARse Example OUTPUT 707 MEAS PREC COARSE Query Syntax MEASure PRECision Returned Format MEASure PRECision COARse NL Example DIM Pc 50 OUTPUT 707 MEAS PRECISION ENTER 707 Pc PRINT Pc HP 54501A Programming Measure Subsystem 14 33 ...

Page 238: ...n screen with the following algorithm if the first edge on screen is rising then preshoot Vbase Vmin Vamplitude else preshoot Vmax Vtop Vamplitude Command Syntax MEASure pREShoot Example OUTPUT 707 MEASURE PRES Query Syntax MEASure pREShoot Returned Format MEASure pREShoot value NL Where value ratio of preshoot to Vamplitude exponential NR3 format Example DIM Prs 50 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE PRESHOOT ENT...

Page 239: ...easurements selected and at the mid level threshold value with User Defined measurements selected The algorithm for this measurement is if the first edge on screen is falling then width time at second falling edge time at first rising edge else width time at first falling edge time at First rising edge MEASure PWIDth OUTPUT 707 MEAS PWIDTH MEASure PWIDth MEASure PWIDth valuexNL Where value width o...

Page 240: ...n the pass ratio will be returned instead of the average If the number of measurements returned is 0 then no measurement s are returned Query Syntax MEASure RESuits Returned Format MEASure RESuits No of Meas measurement NL Where No of Meas number of measurements displayed on the CRT 0 through 8 integer NR1 format measurement measurement_name measurement_result Example DIM Mr ioo OUTPUT 707 MEASURE...

Page 241: ...the time at the lower threshold of the rising edge then the time at the upper threshold of the rising edge and calculating the rise time with the formula rise time time at upper threshold point time at lower threshold point If the horizontal scaling is questionable when this measurement is made an error 11 is placed in the error queue MEASure RISetime OUTPUT 707 MEAS RIS MEASure RISetime MEASure R...

Page 242: ...atch command The MEASURE SCRATCH command clears the measurement results from the oscilloscope display Command Syntax MEASure scRatch Example OUTPUT 707 MEASURE SCRATCH Measure Subsystem 14 38 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 243: ...asurement will use that source for both of its parameters The SOURCE query returns the current source selection If the specified sources are different both will be returned otherwise one source will be returned MEASure SOURce source1 source2 Where Example Query Syntax Returned Format source1 and source2 CHANnel 1 2 3 4 FUNCtion 1 2 WMEMory 1 2 3 4 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE SOURCE CHANNEL1 WMEMORY1 MEASur...

Page 244: ...will be returned to the controller The STATISTICS query returns the current mode Note Average will be replaced by pass ratio when limit test is selected and after failure is set to continue Pass ratio lists the percentage of times a certain test passed Command Syntax Example Query Syntax Returned Format Example MEASure STATistics ON 1 OFF 0 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE STAT ON MEASure STATistics MEASure STA...

Page 245: ...here Tstart is the time at the start marker and Tstop is the time at the stop marker Query Syntax MEASure TDELta Returned Format MEASure TDELta value NL Where value difference between start and stop markers exponential NR3 format Example DIM Tdi 50 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE TDELTA ENTER 707 Tdl PRINT Tdl HP 54501A Programming Measure Subsystem 14 41 ...

Page 246: ...ns the time at which the first maximum voltage occurred Query Syntax MEASure TMAX Returned Format MEASure TMAX time at max voltage NL Example DIM Tmx 50 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE TMAX ENTER 707 Tmx PRINT Tmx Measure Subsystem 14 42 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 247: ...rns the time at which the first minimum voltage occurred Query Syntax MEASure TMiN Returned Format MEASure TMIN time at min voltage NL Example DIM Tmn 50 OUTPUT 707 MEAS TMIN ENTER 707 Tmn PRINT Tmn HP 54501A Programming Measure Subsystem 14 43 ...

Page 248: ...STOP so be careful not to send this form for the TSTART command Sending TST will produce an error Command Syntax MEASure TSTArt start marker time Where start marker time time at start marker in seconds exponential NR3 format Example OUTPUT 707 MEASURE TSTART 30 NS Query Syntax MEASure TSTArt Returned Format MEASure TSTArt valuexNL Where value time at start marker in second exponential NR3 format E...

Page 249: ... TSTART and TSTOP so be careful not to send this form for the TSTOP command Sending TST will produce an error Command Syntax MEASure TSTOp stop marker time Where stop marker time time at stop marker in seconds Example OUTPUT 707 MEAS TSTOP 40 NS Query Syntax MEASure TSTOp Returned Format MEASure TSTOp vaiue NL Where value time at stop marker in seconds exponential NR3 format Example DIM Tst 50 OUT...

Page 250: ...n Once this voltage crossing is found the oscilloscope will output the time at that crossing in seconds with the trigger point time zero as the reference If the specified crossing cannot be found the oscilloscope outputs 9 99999E 37 This will happen if the waveform does not cross the specified voltage or if the waveform does not cross the specified voltage for the specified number of times in the ...

Page 251: ...MEASure TVOLt time NL Where time time in seconds of specified voltage crossing exponential NR3 format Example DIM Tvit 50 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE TVOLT 250 3 ENTER 707 Tvlt PRINT Tvlt HP 54501A Programming Measure Subsystem 14 47 ...

Page 252: ... be set to PERCENT or VOLTS The UNITS query returns the currently selected units Command Syntax MEASure UNITS pERCent VOLTS Example OUTPUT 707 MEASURE UNITS PERCENT Query Syntax MEASure UNiTs Returned Format MEASure UNiTs PERCent I VOLTs NL Example DIM um 50 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE UNITS ENTER 707 Unt PRINT Unt Measure Subsystem 14 48 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 253: ... threshold Command Syntax MEASure UPPer value Where value upper threshold value in percent or volts Example OUTPUT 707 MEAS UPPER 90 Query Syntax MEASure UPPer Returned Format MEASure UPPer upperjhreshold value NL Where upperjhreshold value upper threshold value in percent or volts exponential NR3 format Example DIM upp 50 OUTPUT 707 MEAS UPP ENTER 707 Upp PRINT Upp HP 54501A Programming Measure S...

Page 254: ...ll not normally be the same as the Vp p value if the input signal is a pulse The Vamplitude value is calculated with the formula Vamplitude Vtop Vbase Command Syntax MEASure VAMPIitude Example OUTPUT 707 MEAS VAMP Query Syntax MEASure VAMPIitude Returned Format MEASure VAMPIitude value NL Where value difference between top and base voltages exponential NR3 format Example DIM vmp 50 OUTPUT 707 MEAS...

Page 255: ...ates the average voltage over the waveform or the displayed data points Command Syntax MEASure VAVerage Example OUTPUT 707 MEAS VAV Query Syntax MEASure VAVerage Returned Format MEASure VAVerage avg_value NL Where avg_value calculated average voltage exponential NR3 format Example DIM vv 50 OUTPUT 707 MEAS VAV ENTER 707 W PRINT Vv HP 54501A Programming Measure Subsystem 14 51 ...

Page 256: ...ase of the waveform The base voltage of a pulse is normally not the same as the TninimHm value MEASure VBASe OUTPUT 707 MEAS VBASE MEASure VBASe MEASure VBASe valuexNL Where value voltage at base of selected waveform exponential NR3 format Command Syntax Example Query Syntax Returned Format Example DIM vbs 50 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE VBASE ENTER 707 Vbs PRINT Vbs Measure Subsystem 14 52 HP 54501A Progra...

Page 257: ...elta voltage value that is output is the current value This is the same value as the front panel delta V VDELTA Voltage at VMarker 2 Voltage at VMarker 1 Query Syntax MEASure VDELta Returned Format MEASure VDELta value NL Where value delta V value in volts exponential NR3 format Example DIM Vdi 50 OUTPUT 707 MEAS VDELTA ENTER 707 Vdl PRINT vdl HP 54501A Programming Measure Subsystem 14 53 ...

Page 258: ...h the source command the VFIFty command sets both voltage markers VMarker 1 and VMarker 2 to the 50 voltage level on that source If two sources are specified with the source command VMarker 1 is set to the 50 level of the first specified source and VMarker 2 is set to the 50 level of the second specified source There is no query form of this command Command Syntax MEASure VRFty Example OUTPUT 707 ...

Page 259: ...ts the absolute maximum voltage present on the selected waveform Command Syntax MEASure VMAX Example OUTPUT 707 MEAS VMAX Query Syntax MEASure VMAX Returned Format MEASure VMAX value NL Where value maximum voltage of selected waveform exponential NR3 format Example DIM Vmx 50 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE VMAX ENTER 707 Vmx PRINT Vmx HP 54501A Programming Measure Subsystem 14 55 ...

Page 260: ...N measurement The VMIN query measures and outputs the absolute minimym voltage present on the selected waveform MEASure VMlN OUTPUT 707 MEAS VMIN MEASure VMlN MEASure VMlN valuexNL Where value minimum voltage value of the selected waveform exponential NR3 format Example DIM Vmn 50 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE VMIN ENTER 707 Vmn PRINT Vmn Measure Subsystem 14 56 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 261: ...outputs that value The peak to peak voltage Vpp is calculated with the formula Vpp Vmax Vmin where Vmax and Vmin are the maximum and minimum voltages present on the selected source Command Syntax MEASure vpp Example OUTPUT 707 MEAS vpp Query Syntax MEASure vpp Returned Format MEASure vpp vaiue NL Where value voltage peak to peak exponential NR3 format Example DIM Vp 50 OUTPUT 707 MEAS VPP ENTER 70...

Page 262: ... 0 movement from the current position As an example when the following values are sent the markers are moved to the following percentage values of their current position 10 moves VMarker 1 to 10 and VMarker 2 to 90 20 moves VMarker 1 to 20 and VMarker 2 to 80 50 moves both markers to 50 80 moves VMarker 1 to 20 and VMarker 2 to 80 90 moves VMarker 1 to 10 and VMarker 2 to 90 The starting position ...

Page 263: ... 707 MEASURE VRELATlVE 20 Query Syntax MEASure VRELative Returned Format MEASure VRELative value NL Where value Vmarker 2 relative position in percent 50 through 100 integer NR1 format Example DIM Vri 50 OUTPUT 707 MEAS VREL ENTER 707 Vrl PRINT Vrl HP 54501A Programming Measure Subsystem 14 59 ...

Page 264: ...the display Note This RMS measurement is an AC RMS measurement This means that the average value of the waveform is subtracted from each data point before RMS is computed Command Syntax MEASure VRMS Example OUTPUT 707 MEAS VRMS Query Syntax MEASure VRMS Returned Format MEASure VRMS value NL Where value rms voltage of displayed points exponential NR3 format Example DIM Vrm 50 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE VRM...

Page 265: ...onvention The short form VST is the same for VSTART and VSTOP so be careful not to send this form for the VSTART command Sending VST will produce an error Command Syntax MEASure VSTArt voltage Example OUTPUT 707 MEAS VSTA 10MV Where voltage voltage value for Vmarker 1 Query Syntax MEASure VSTArt Returned Format MEASure VSTArt value NL Where value voltage at VMarker 1 exponential NR3 format Example...

Page 266: ... for VSTARTand VSTOP so be careful not to send this form for the VSTOP command Sending VST will produce an error Command Syntax MEASure VSTOp voltage Where voltage voltage value for Vmarker 2 Example OUTPUT 707 MEAS VSTO IOOMV Query Syntax MEASure VSTOp Returned Format MEASure VSTOp value NL Where value voltage at VMarker 2 exponential NR3 format Example DIM vst 50 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE VSTOP ENTER 7...

Page 267: ...nt and must be on screen Query Syntax MEASure vTIMe time Where tinne displayed time from trigger in seconds Returned Format MEASure vTIMe value NL Where value voltage at specified time exponential NR3 format Example DIM Vtm 50 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE vTIME 001 ENTER 707 vtm PRINT Vtm HP 54501A Programming Measure Subsystem 14 63 ...

Page 268: ...query returns the voltage at the top of a waveform Command Syntax MEASure vrop Example OUTPUT 707 MEASURE VTOP Query Syntax MEASure vrop Returned Format MEASure vTOP value NL Where value voltage at top of waveform exponential NR3 format Example DIM Vtp OUTPUT 707 MEASURE vTOP ENTER 707 Vtp PRINT Vtp Measure Subsystem 14 64 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 269: ...s oscilloscope functions The TIMEBASE subsystem also contains the commands that control the Timebase Window mode The Timebase Window mode allows a second timebase to be used The Window settings are WINDOW DELAY window position and WINDOW RANGE window width HP 54501A Programming Timebase Subsystem 15 1 ...

Page 270: ...ubsystem 15 2 delay_value A real number maximum depends on sweep range range_value A real number 20 ns through 50 s in a 1 2 5 sequence Figure 15 1 Timebase Subsystem Commands Syntax Diagram HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 271: ... DELAY query returns the current delay value Command Syntax TIMebase DELay delay Where delay timein seconds from trigger to on screen delay reference point Maximum value depends on time division setting Example OUTPUT 707 TIM DEL 2MS Query Syntax TIMebase DELay Returned Format TIMebase DELay delay NL Where delay time from trigger to display reference in seconds Display reference is left center or ...

Page 272: ... unit will not sweep and the data acquired on the previous trigger will remain on screen If the SINGLE mode is selected the screen will be cleared and the instrument will be stopped The RUN command will arm the trigger then data will be acquired when the trigger is found To make a single acquisition a RUN command should be sent The MODE query returns the current mode Command Syntax TIMebase MODE A...

Page 273: ...turns the current range value Command Syntax TIMebase RANGe range range 20ns to 50s in a 1 2 5 sequence Example OUTPUT 707 TIM RANG 100 MS Query Syntax TIMebase RANGe Returned Format TIMebase RANGe range NL Where range 20 ns to 50 s exponential NR3 format Example DIM Rng 50 OUTPUT 707 TIMEBASE RANGE ENTER 707 Rng PRINT Rng HP 54501 A Programming Timebase Subsystem 15 5 ...

Page 274: ...of the screen The REFERENCE query returns the current display reference Command Syntax TIMebase REFerence LEFT CENTer RIGHt Example OUTPUT 707 TIMEBASE REFERENCE LEFT Query Syntax TIMebase REFerence Returned Format TIMebase REFerence LEFT CENTer RIGHt NL Example DIM Rf 30 OUTPUT 707 TIMEBASE REFERENCE ENTER 707 Rf PRINT Rf Timebase Subsystem 15 6 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 275: ...s are taken on the second expanded timebase When the Timebase Window is on the second timebase data can be acquired over the HP IB by sending the command WAVEFORM DATA however care must be taken in order to ensure valid data is present when the data is requested The WINDOW query returns the current state of this command TlMebase WINDow ON 1 OFF 0 OUTPUT 707 TIM WlND 1 TIMbase WlNDow TlMebase WINDo...

Page 276: ...in sweep display The WINDOW DELAY query returns the current value Command Syntax TIMebase WINDow DELay wid_delay Where wid_delay time in seconds from trigger to on screen delay reference point Maximum value depends on time division setting Example OUTPUT 707 TIM WIND DEL 20 NS Query Syntax TIMebase WINDow DELay Returned Format TIMebase WINDow DELay wid_delayxNL Where wid_delay current setting in s...

Page 277: ...ery returns the current range value Command Syntax TIMebase WlNDow RANGe range Where range 1 ns to 50 s depends on main sweep setting Example OUTPUT 707 TIM W1ND RANG 100 NS Query Syntax TIMebase WINDow RANQe Returned Format TIMebase WlNDow RANGe range NL Where range 1 ns to 50 s depends on main sweep setting exponential NR3 format Example DIM Wmg 50 OUTPUT 707 TIMEBASE WINDOW RANGE ENTER 707 Wrng...

Page 278: ...rom the front panel or over the HP IB One method of insuring the instrument is in the proper trigger mode is to send the TRIGGER MODE command in the same program message as the parameter to be set As an example send TRIGGER MODE TV LEVEL 200 MV This will place the instrument in the TV Trigger Mode and set the trigger level to 200 mV This is necessary because the LEVEL command is also valid for the...


Page 280: ...ust be set in this mode is the trigger level This value is set using the LEVEL command and can be set for each trigger source The trigger level values that are set in this mode are used for all modes except TV Trigger Mode or conversely the LEVELS set in the PATTERN STATE or DELAY modes will set the EDGE LEVELS as weU The trigger level is used in the PATTERN and STATE mode to define the voltage th...

Page 281: ...nts HIGH LOW and DONTCARE to set the trigger on bit pattern The next command sets the when field on the front panel This is set with the CONDITION command This command is used in several of the trigger modes therefore it has parameters that are not valid in this mode The valid parameters for the CONDITION command in the Pattern Trigger Mode are ENTER EXIT GT LT and RANGE When the command TRIGGER C...

Page 282: ...POSITIVE Next the TRIGGER PATH command can be used with the TRIGGER LOGIC command to set the three bit logic pattern to qualify the clock trigger These commands could be sent using the following syntax TRIGGER PATH CHAN2 TRIGGER LOGIC LOW or TRIGGER PATH CHAN2 LOGIC LOW The TRIGGER CONDITION command in the State Trigger Mode will set the is is not present state using the parameters TRUE for is pre...

Page 283: ... the delay to time use the command TRIGGER DELAY TIME time and to set the delay to count use the command TRIGGER DELAY EVENT number_events If the trigger delay is set to Event count you can then set the delay source and slope To set the delay source use the command TRIGGER DELAY SOURCE CHANNEL2 and to set the delay slope use the command TRIGGER DELAY SLOPE POSITIVE Next on the front panel is the t...

Page 284: ... The SOURCE command allows the selection of channel 1 through 4 using the command TRIGGER SOURCE CHANNEL2 The trigger level is set by sending the command TRIGGER LEVEL value With the standard set to 525 or 625 the commands that can be used are POLARITY FIELD and LINE The POLARITY command can accept NEGATIVE and POSITIVE as its parameters and sets the edge for the trigger The FIELD command uses 1 a...

Page 285: ...trigger the qualified conditions must be met within the specified time To set the time values send TRIGGER CONDITION RANGE gt_value lt_value The next field trigger on is set with the OCCURRENCE command and OCCURRENCE SLOPE command To set the number of occurrences send the command TRIGGER OCCURRENCE number and to set the slope for the occurrences send the command TRIGGER OCCURRENCE SLOPE POSITIVE T...

Page 286: ...Figure 16 1 Trigger Subsystem Commands Syntax Diagram HP 54501A Programming Trigger Subsystem 16 9 ...

Page 287: ...f _ LEVel space j level_arg ho Idof f_t ime LINE LINE LOG i c i ne arg LOW HIGM LOGIC MODE EDGE PATTern STATe DELoy Figuw 76 7 Trigger Subsystem Commands Syntax Diagram continued Trigger Subsystem 16 10 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 288: ...Figure 16 1 Trigger Subsystem Commands Syntax Diagram continued HP 54501A Programming Trigger Subsystem 16 11 ...

Page 289: ...An integer 1 to 625 depends on video STANDARD selected lt_arg A lime value 20 ns to 160 ms range_gt A time value 20 ns to 159 999 ms value must be less than range_lt rangejt A time value 30 ns to 160 ms value musl be greater than range_gt time_arg A time value 30 ns to 160 ms ccur_ar An integer 1 to 16000000 Figure 16 1 Trigger Subsystem Command s Syntax Diagram continued Trigger Subsystem 16 12 H...

Page 290: ...tern trigger mode can be specified to be greater than a value GT less then a value LT or between two values RANGE These are the same settings that are specified using the front panel when key in the Pattern Trigger Mode In the State Trigger Mode the valid parameters for the CONDITION command are TRUE is present and FALSE is not present In the Delay Trigger Mode the CONDITION command is valid when ...

Page 291: ..._gt rangejt Where in STATE or DELAY STATE mode argument TRUE FALSe Where in TV mode argument RANGe range_gt rangeJt Where value 20ns to 160 ms range_gt 20 ns to 159 999 ms must be less than rangejt rangejt 30 ns to 160 ms must be greater than range_gt Example OUTPUT 707 TRIG COND RANGE 22ms 33ms Trigger Subsystem 16 14 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 292: ...NGe range_gt rangejt Where in STATE or DELAY STATE mode argument TRUE FALSe Where in TV mode argument RANGe range_gt rangejt Where value 20ns to 160ms range_gt 20ns to 159 999ms must be less than rangejt rangejt 30 ns to 160 ms must be greater than range_gt Example DIM Con 50 OUTPUT 707 CONDITION ENTER 707 Con PRINT Con HP 54501A Programming Trigger Subsystem 16 15 ...

Page 293: ... returns the current delay setting Command Syntax TRIGger DELay TIME time_value EVENt event_value Where Example Query Syntax Returned Format time_value time of delay from 30 ns to 160 ms event_value number of events from 1 to 16000000 OUTPUT 707 TRIGGER DELAYTIME 1 23E 01 TRIGger DELay TRIGger DELay TIME time_value EVENt event_value NL Where time_value time of delay from 30 ns to 160 ms event_valu...

Page 294: ...and is valid in the Delay Trigger Mode The DELAY SLOPE query returns the current delay slope Command Syntax TRIGger DELay SLOPe POSitive I NEGative Example OUTPUT 707 TRIG DEL SLOP POS Query Syntax TRIGger DELay SLOPe Returned Format TRIGger DELay SLOPe POSitive I NEGative NL Example DIM Tos 50 OUTPUT 707 TRIGGER DELAY SLOP ENTER 707 Tos PRINT Tos HP 54501A Programming Trigger Subsystem 1 17 ...

Page 295: ...through CHANNEL4 This command is only valid in the Delay Trigger Mode The DELAY SOURCE query returns the source of the delay in the Delay Trigger Mode TRIGger DELay SOURce CHANnell CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 OUTPUT 707 TRIG DEL SOURCE CHANNEL2 TRIGger DELay SOURce TRIGger DELay SOURce CHANnell CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 NL DIM Tos 50 OUTPUT 707 TRIGGER DELAY SOUR ENTER 707 Tos PRINT Tos Trigger Su...

Page 296: ...set to 525 or 625 The only valid parameters for this command are 1 or 2 The FIELD query returns the current setting of the FIELD command Command Syntax TRiGger RELd 1 12 Example OUTPUT 707 TRIGGER FIEL 2 Query Syntax TRiGger RELd Returned Format TRiGger RELd 1 2 NL Example DIM p 50 OUTPUT 707 TRIG FIELD ENTER 707 F PRINT F HP 54501A Programming Trigger Subsystem 16 19 ...

Page 297: ...mmand Syntax TRIGger HOLDof TIME holdoff_value Where Examples Query Syntax Returned Format Example holdoff_value 40 ns to 320 ms rounded to nearest 20 ns increment OUTPUT 707 TRIGGER HOLDOFF TIME 216 US OUTPUT 707 TRIGGER HOLDOFF TIME 2 16E 4 TRIGger HOLDoff TRIGger HOLDoff holdoff_value NL Where holdoff_value 40 ns to 320 ms exponential NR3 format DIM Ho 50 OUTPUT 707 TRIGGER HOLD ENTER 707 Ho PR...

Page 298: ...des The LEVEL query returns the trigger level of the current trigger mode Command Syntax TRIGger LEVel level Where level 140 0 volts to 140 0 volts maximum value depends on volts division and offset settings Examples OUTPUT 707 TRIGGER LEVEL 30 OUTPUT 707 TRIGGER LEV 300MV OUTPUT 707 TRIG LEV 3E 1 Refer to chapter 3 for the syntax of using values with multipliers Query Syntax TRIGger LEVel Returne...

Page 299: ...e LINE query returns the current line of the selected standard Command Syntax TRIGger LINE line_number Where line_number 1 to 625 depends on STANDARD and FIELD selection Example OUTPUT 707 TRlG LlNE 22 Query Syntax TRIGger LINE Returned Format TRIGger LINE line_numberxNL Where linejiumber 1 to 625 depends on STANDARD and FIELD selection integer NR1 format Example DIM Ln 50 OUTPUT 707 TRIGGER LINE ...

Page 300: ...level that must exist before that part of the pattern is considered valid If the signal on a selected path is greater than the trigger level that signal is considered HIGH If it is less than the trigger level it is considered LOW The LOGIC query returns the last specified logic level of the currently enabled path TRIGger LOGic HIGH LOW DONTcare OUTPUT 707 TRIG LOGIC DONT TRIGger LOGic TRIGger LOGi...

Page 301: ...returns the currently selected trigger mode Command Syntax TRIGger MODE EDGE PATTern I STATe DELay TV Example OUTPUT 707 TRIGGER MODE PATT Query Syntax TRIGger MODE Returned Format TRIGger MODE EDGE PATTern I STATe DELay TV NL Example DIM Mode 50 OUTPUT 707 TRIGGER MODE ENTER 707 Mode PRINT Mode Trigger Subsystem 16 24 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 302: ...ent value of occurrence if the oscilloscope is in the Delay Trigger Mode or in the TV Trigger Mode with USER DEFINED selected Command Syntax TFUGger OCCurrence occ_number Where occ_number 1 to 16000000 Example OUTPUT 707 TRiGGER occ 14 Query Syntax TRIGger OCCurrence Returned Format TRIGger OCCurrence occ_number NL Where occ_number 1 to 16000000 integer NR1 format Example DIM Oc 50 OUTPUT 707 TRIG...

Page 303: ...the Delay Trigger Mode and the TV Trigger Mode The OCCURRENCE SLOPE query returns the slope of the current mode Command Syntax TRIGger OCCurrence SLOPe POSitive NEGative Example OUTPUT 707 TRiG occ SLOP POS Query Syntax TRIGger OCCurrence SLOPe Returned Format TRIGger OCCurrence SLOPe POSitive NEGative NL Example DIM Tos so OUTPUT 707 TRIGGER OCCURRENCE SLOP ENTER 707 Tos PRINT Tos Trigger Subsyst...

Page 304: ...de The OCCURRENCE SOURCE query returns the source of the occurrence in the Delay Trigger Mode Command Syntax TRIGger OCCurrence SOURce CHANneh CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 Example OUTPUT 707 TRIG OCC SOURCE CHANNEL2 Query Syntax TRIGger OCCurrence SOURce Returned Format TRIGger OCCurrence SOURce CHANnell CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 NL Example DIM Tos 50 OUTPUT 707 TRIGGER OCCURRENCE SOUR ENTER 707 To...

Page 305: ...urce for future logic commands The PATH query returns the current trigger source of the present mode Command Syntax TRIGger PATH path_name Where path_name CHANnell CHANne 2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 Example OUTPUT 707 TRIGGER PATH CHANNELS Query Syntax TRIGger PATH Returned Format TRIGger PATH CHANnel 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 NL Example DIM Tp so OUTPUT 707 TRIG PATH ENTER 707 Tp PRINT Tp Trigger Subsystem 16 28 HP ...

Page 306: ...gger when the STANDARD is set to 525 or 625 The valid parameters for this command are POSITIVE and NEGATIVE The POLARITY query will return the current polarity setting TRlGger POLarity POSitive NEGative OUTPUT 707 TR1GGER POL NEGATIVE TRlGger POLarity TRlGger POLarity POSitive NEGative NL DIM Tp 50 OUTPUT 707 TR1G POL ENTER 707 Tp PRINT Tp HP 54501A Programming Trigger Subsystem 1 29 ...

Page 307: ... this command when in the TV Trigger Mode are LOW HIGH The QUALIFY query returns the current setting of the QUALIFY command in the currently selected mode Command Syntax TRIGger QUAUfy qualify_parameter Where in Delay Trigger Mode qualify_parameter EDGE PATTern STATe Where in TV Trigger Mode qualify_parametec LOW HIGH Example OUTPUT 707 TRIGGER QUALIFY PATT Trigger Subsystem 16 30 HP 54501A Progra...

Page 308: ...Ify Query Syntax TRIGger QUAUfy Returned Format TRIGger OUAUfy EDGE PATTern I STATe LOW HIGH NL Example DIM Tq 50 OUTPUT 707 TRIG OUAL1FY ENTER 707 Tq PRINT Tq HP 54501A Programming Trigger Subsystem 16 31 ...

Page 309: ...DGE or STATE is selected as the qualifier The SLOPE query returns the current slope for the currently selected trigger mode Command Syntax TRlGger SLOPe NEGative I POSitive Example OUTPUT 707 TRIGGER SLOPE POSITIVE Query Syntax TRlGger SLOPe Returned Format TRlGger SLOPe POSitive I NEGative NL Example DIM Ts 50 OUTPUT 707 TR1G SLOP ENTER 707 Ts PRINT Ts Trigger Subsystem 16 32 HP 54501A Programmin...

Page 310: ...mmand is valid when EDGE or STATE is selected as the qualifier The SOURCE query returns current source for the selected trigger mode Command Syntax TRIGger SOURce CHANnell I CHANnel2 CHANnelS CHANnel4 Example OUTPUT 707 TRIGGER SOURCE CHAN2 Query Syntax TRIGger SOURce Returned Format TRIGger SOURce CHANnell I CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 NL Example DIM Src 30 OUTPUT 707 TRIGGER SOURCE ENTER 707 Src ...

Page 311: ...mmand 525 625 and USER defined The STANDARD query returns the currently selected standard Command Syntax TRIGger STANdard 525 I 625 USER Example OUTPUT 707 TRIGQER STAN USER Query Syntax TRIGger STANdard Returned Format TRIGger STANdard 525 I 625 I USER NL Example DIM Ts 50 OUTPUT 707 TRIG STANDARD ENTER 707 Ts PRINT Ts Trigger Subsystem 16 34 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 312: ...key is pressed The Preamble values are based on the settings of variables in the ACQUIRE subsystem or the front panel setup if the store key is pressed Although the preamble values can be changed with a controller the way the data was acquired cannot be changed Changing the preamble values cannot change the type of data that was actually acquired the number of points actually acquired etc Therefor...

Page 313: ...S command Each of these increments in time is referred to as a time bucket with each time bucket having a fixed time associated with it Normal Normal data consists of the last data point hit in each time bucket This data is transmitted over HP IB in a linear fashion starting with time bucket 0 and going through time bucket n 1 where n is the number returned by the WAVEFORM POINTS query Time bucket...

Page 314: ...oth the minimum and maximum values The two arrays are transmitted one at a time over the HP IB linearly starting with time bucket 0 on the left side of the CRT and proceeding through time bucket m 1 where m is the value returned by the WAVEFORM POINTS query The array with the minimum values is sent first The first value of each array corresponds to the data point on the left of the CRT The last va...

Page 315: ...om waveform memories 1 4 to a Data Value tO voltage value is Voltage voltage data value yreference yincrement yorigin Conversion from The time value of a data point can be determined by the position of the Data Value to Time data point As an example the third data point sent with XORIGIN 16 ns XREFERENCE 0 and XINCREMENT 2ns Using the formula time data point number xreference xincrement xorigin wo...

Page 316: ...ow 512 indicates that 512 data bytes binary follow WORD Format In the WORD format the number of data bytes is twice the number of words data points The number of data points is the value returned by the WAVEFORM POINTS query The number of data bytes is followed by a sequence of bytes representing the data points with the most significant byte of each word transmitted first In this format the data ...

Page 317: ...e returned by the WAVEFORM POINTS query Eight bits of resolution are retained in the COMPRESSED format So that a hole in the data may be represented a data value of 255 is mapped to 254 and 255 is used to represent a hole This mode will give greater vertical precision than BYTE formatted data with faster transfer times than WORD formatted data but will probably require more time once transferred t...

Page 318: ...Figure 17 1 Waveform Subsystem Commands Syntax Diagram HP 54501 A Programming Waveform Subsystem 17 7 ...

Page 319: ...encepV channel_number 1 2 3 or 4 block_data_spec A block of data in format preamble_data Refer to PREAMBLE command wmemory_number An integer 1 through 4 Figure 17 1 Waveform Subsystem Commands Syntax Diagram continued Waveform Subsystem 17 8 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 320: ...this instrument for compatibility with other Hewlett Packard instruments The value returned for this query has no meaning for the HP 54501A Query Syntax WAVeform couNt Returned Format WAVeform couNt 1 NL Example DIM Cnt 50 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM COUNT ENTER 707 Cnt PRINT Cnt HP 54501A Programming Waveform Subsystem 17 9 ...

Page 321: ... sent to them Note The format of the data being sent must match the format previously specifiedby the waveforms preamble for the destination memory The DATA query tells the instrument to output the waveform record stored in the waveform memory or channel buffer previously specified with a WAVEFORM SOURCE command over the HP IB Command Syntax WAVe orm DATA binary block data in format Example OUTPUT...


Page 323: ...eparated by a comma WORD formatted data transfers as 16 bit binary integers in two bytes with the most significant byte of each word sent first BYTE and COMPRESSED formatted data is transfered as 8 bit bytes The FORMAT query returns the current output format for transfer of waveform data WAVeform FORMat ASCii WORD BYTE COMPressed OUTPUT 707 WAV FORMAT WORD WAVeform FORMat WAVeform PORMat modexNL W...

Page 324: ...tual number of points will be less than requested These are shown below With the sweep speed set to 2 ns per division the number of points actually acquired will be 32 64 128 or 200 With the sweep speed set to 5 ns per division the number of points actually acquired will be 32 64 128 256 or 500 With the sweep speed set to 10 ns per division the number of points actually acquired will be 32 64 128 ...

Page 325: ...nts NR1 count NR1 xincrement NR3 xorigin NR3 xreference NR3 yincrement NR3 yorigin NR3 yreference NR3 Query Syntax WAVeform PREamble Returned Format WAVeform PREamble preamble block ML Where preamble block format NR1 type NR1 points NR1 count NR1 xincrement NR3 xorigin NR3 xreference NR1 yincrement NR3 yorigin NR3 yreference NR1 Where format 0 for ASCII format 1 for BYTE format 2 for WORD format 4...

Page 326: ...60 END Note In line 50 of the program example a space is inserted between the word PREAMBLE and the closed quotation mark This space must be inside the quotation mark because in this format K the data is packed together Failure to add the space will produce a word that is not a proper command word Example The following program example brings the preamble in a numeric array 10 DIMPreamble 1 10 20 O...

Page 327: ...y selected source for the waveform commands Command Syntax WAVeform SOURce CHANnel 1 I 2 3 I 4 I WMEMory 1 2 3 4 Example OUTPUT 707 WAV SOURCE WMEMORY3 Query Syntax WAVeform SOURce Returned Format WAVeform SOURce souree NL Where source CHANnel 1 2 3 4 WMEMory 1 2 3 4 Example DIM Src 30 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM SOURCE ENTER 707 Src PRINT Sre Waveform Subsystem 17 16 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 328: ...e for the previously specified waveform source Query Syntax wAVeform TYPE Returned Format WAVeform TYPE mode NL Where mode AVERage ENVelope NORMal Example DIM Typ 30 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM TYPE ENTER 707 Typ PRINT Typ HP 54501A Programming Waveform Subsystem 17 17 ...

Page 329: ...e is the time difference between consecutive data points for NORMAL AVERAGE or ENVELOPE data Query Syntax WAVeform XINCrement Returned Format WAVeform XINCrement value NL Where value x increment in the current preamble exponential NR3 format Example DIM xin 50 OUTPUT 707 WAV XINCREMENT ENTER 707 Xin PRINT Xin Waveform Subsystem 17 18 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 330: ...alue is the time of the first data point in the memory with respect to the trigger point Query Syntax WAVeform XORigin Returned Format WAVeform XORigin value NL Where value x origin value currently in preamble exponential NR3 format Example DIM xr 50 OUTPUT 707 WAV XORIGIN ENTER 707 Xr PRINT Xr HP 54501A Programming Waveform Subsystem 17 19 ...

Page 331: ... data point associated with the x origin data value For the HP 54501A this value is always zero Query Syntax WAVeform XREFerence Returned Format WAVe orm XREFerence value ML Where value x reference value in the current preamble always 0 integer NR1 format Example DIM Xrf 50 OUTPUT 707 WAV XREFERENCE ENTER 707 Xrf PRINT Xrf Waveform Subsystem 17 20 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 332: ...rce This value is the voltage difference between consecutive data points Query Syntax WAVeform YINCrement Returned Format WAVeform YINCremBnt value NL Where value y increment value in the current preamble exponential NR3 format Example DIM Yin 50 OUTPUT 707 WAV YINCREMENT7 ENTER 707 Yin PRINT Yin HP 54501A Programming Waveform Subsystem 17 21 ...

Page 333: ...t specified source This value is the voltage at center screen Query Syntax WAVeform YORigin Returned Format WAVeform YORigin value NL Where value y origin in the current preamble exponential NR3 format Example Dim Yr 50 OUTPUT 707 WAV YORIGIN ENTER 707 Yr PRINT Yr Waveform Subsystem 17 22 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 334: ...d source This value specifies the data point where the y origin occurs Query Syntax WAVeform YREFerence Returned Format WAVeform YREFerence value NL Where value y reference value in the current preamble integer NR1 format Example DIM Yrf 50 OUTPUT 707 WAV YREFERENCE ENTER 707 Yrf PRINT Yrf HP 54501A Programming Waveform Subsystem 17 23 ...

Page 335: ...ncy measurements the entire pulse must be displayed for width measurements the leading edge of the waveform must be displayed for risetime measurements and all other edge measurements the trailing edge of the waveform must be displayed for falltime measurements and all other edge measurements Making Measurements If more than one waveform edge or pulse is displayed the measurements are made on the ...

Page 336: ...he maximum or minimum voltage present on the waveform Consider a pulse that has slight overshoot It would be wrong to select the highest point of the waveform as the top since the waveform normally rests below the perturbation Top Base performs a histogram on the waveform and finds the most prevalent point above and below the waveform midpoint The most prevalent point is one that represents greate...

Page 337: ... Definitions delay There are three types of delay measurement jitter standard user defined Jitter occurs only under the following circumstances standard user defined key is set to standard two delay parameters are the same display mode is envelope if first edge on minimum waveform is rising then delay mid threshold of first rising edge of max waveform minus mid threshold of first rising edge on mi...

Page 338: ...ossible User defined delay second channel edge minus first channel edge width The width algorithm has standard and user defined considerations if first edge is rising then width mid threshold crossing of first falling edge mid threshold crossing of first rising edge else width mid threshold crossing of second falling edge mid threshold crossing of first rising edge User defined is the same as Stan...

Page 339: ...ncy Duty Cycle Risetime Falttime Vmax Vmin Vp p Vtop period second falling edge first falling edge frequency I period duty cycle width period 100 Note width is always calculated using mid threshold risetime time at upper threshold time at lower threshold falltime time at lower threshold time at upper threshold Vmax voltage of the maximum point on screen Vmin voltage of the minimum point on screen ...

Page 340: ...signal is measured If a complete cycle is not present the oscilloscope will average all data points Vrms The nns voltage of the first cycle of the displayed signal is measured If a complete cycle is not present the measurement will compute rms on all data points Vrms ac 1 n j i Vj2 1 n S j i Vj 172 Algorithms A 6 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 341: ...ddress 1 and the system bus at 700 The input signal used is the AC CAL signal from the rear panel of the instrument This signal is connected to channel 1 with a 10 1 probe All programs were developed on an HP Series 200 300 controller using HP BASIC 4 0 Several examples use the BASIC command ENTER 2 This pauses program execution until the ENTER key is depressed on the controller This is used to se...

Page 342: ...NS WAVEFORM ON S 210 ENTER 2 220 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM DSP 230 240 The following Unes vary the channel 1 offset 250 260 FOR J l TO 18 270 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 OFFSET Offset Set 280 Offset 0ffset l 290 WAIT 5 300 NEXT J 310 320 OUTPUT 707 BEEPER 330 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM OSP PRESS ENTER VERTICAL RANGE SCALES SIGNAL 340 ENTER 2 350 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM OSP EOI ON Tur RST Res kno AUTOSCALE Aut BNC PROBE BNC ACOU...

Page 343: ...35 440 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 RANGE Range 450 Range Range 05 460 WAIT 3 470 NEXT J 480 490 500 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM DSP ENO OF PROGRAM 510 WAIT 15 520 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM OSP 530 LOCAL 707 540 END Center screen at 400 mV Set vertical range to 880 mV Sets Range variable to 880 mV Sets new range Returns instrument to local HP 54501A Programming Example Programs B 3 ...


Page 345: ...The following lines vary the horizontal timebase range 430 440 FOR J l TO 15 450 OUTPUT 707 TIMEBASE RANGE Sens 460 Sens Sens 1 7 470 WAIT 3 480 NEXT J 490 500 510 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM DSP END OF PROGRAM 520 WAIT 15 530 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM DSP 540 LOCAL 707 Returns instrument to local 550 END HP 54501A Programming Example Programs B 5 ...


Page 347: ...fset Set up Tdelay and Voffset 600 as variables 610 Tde1ay 0 Unitialize Tdelay variable 620 Voffset 0 Initialize Toffset variable 630 640 The following lines move the time and voltage start and 650 stop markers 660 670 FOR J l TO 21 680 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE TSTART l E 3 Tde1ay Move time start marker 690 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE TSTOP l E 3 Tde1ay Move time stop marker 700 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE VSTART 4 Voffs...

Page 348: ...CCURATELY MEASURE RISE TIME 910 ENTER 2 920 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM OSP 930 940 OUTPUT 707 TIMEBASE RANGE 5E 4 Expand the display 950 WAIT 2 Must wait to acquire new data 960 after changing the timebase 970 range 980 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE RISETIME Measure the rise time 990 1000 ENTER 707 Measure 1010 PRINT Measure 1020 1030 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM DSP ENO OF PROGRAM 1040 WAIT 15 1050 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM OSP 1060 L...

Page 349: ...ASE RANGE 1E 7 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM SOURCE CHANNELl OUTPUT 707 ACQUIRE COMPLETE 30 OUTPUT 707 ACQUIRE POINTS 32 OUTPUT 707 DI6ITIZE CHANNELl REAL Pts Cmp INTEGER J OUTPUT 707 BEEPER OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM DSP PRESS ENTER CHANGES NUMBER OF POINTS DISPLAYED ENTER 2 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM DSP Pts 32 i The following lines increase the number of points for each acquisition record HP 54501A Programming Device clea...

Page 350: ...RE POINTS 128 128 points for each acquisition record Cmp 100 Sets Cnip variable to 100 The following lines reduce the completion criteria for each acquisition FOR J l TO 7 OUTPUT 707 ACQUIRE COMPLETE Cmp Sets new completion criteria OUTPUT 707 DIGITIZE CHANNELl Cmp CMP 15 WAIT 2 NEXT J i OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM OSP END OF PROGRAM WAIT 15 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM DSP LOCAL 707 Returns instrument to local END Ex...

Page 351: ...T 707 OUTPUT 707 SEND 7 UNT UNL SEND 7 TALK 7 SEND 7 LISTEN 1 SEND 7 DATA GOTO 190 A SPOLL 707 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM DSP PRINT IS COMPLETE WAIT 15 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM DSP END CLS ESE 1 SRE 32 HARDCOPY PAGE AUTOMATIC HARDCOPY LENGTH 12 PRINT OPC Device clear command initializes HP IB registers Turn on EOI Exit printing routine after SRO Enables SRQ on bus 7 C1ear status data structures Enab1e OPC Enable ...

Page 352: ...s instrument is cor DELAY 0 LEVEL 4 MODE EDGE COMPLETE 100 TYPE AVERAGE COUNT 4 POINTS 512 Example Programs B 12 This sample program demonstrates how to use some of the commands in the HP 54501A to make a waveform template for comparing waveforms This program assumes that the AC CAL signal from the rear panel of the instrument is connected to channel 1 through a 10 1 probe Device clear command ini...

Page 353: ...b lO Vo1ttoVlOO MAT Wavemin Waveform MAT Wavemax Waveform FOR Timecntr l TO Length PRINT Timecntr FOR Time pt Tiine cntr Time tics TO Time cntr Time tics IF Timept 0 AND Timept Length THEN OISPLAY 6RATICULE FRAME SYSTEM HEADER OFF WAVEFORM SOURCE CHANNELl WAVE FORM FORMAT WORD OIGITIZE CHANNELl WAVEFORM PREAMBLE Turn headers off Se1ects channel 1 as WORD format for data transfers 0utput waveform p...

Page 354: ...C800001024 1060 1070 OUTPUT 707 USING W Wavemax 1080 OUTPUT 707 VIEW WMEMORY1 1090 Funct_range Range_va1ue 2 1100 Range Va1 Funct_range Selects Wmemory 2 as source Send waveform preamble to Wmeinory 2 Send waveform record to Wmemory 2 Selects Winemory 1 as source Send waveform preamble to Wmemory 1 Send waveform record to Wmemory 1 1110 OUTPUT 707 1120 OUTPUT 707 1130 OUTPUT 707 1140 OUTPUT 707 11...

Page 355: ...0 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE VMIN 1260 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE COMPARE VMIN 200 0 1270 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE LIMITTEST MEASURE 1280 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE POSTFAILURE STOP 1290 END HP 54501A Programming Example Programs B 15 ...

Page 356: ...of uppercase and lowercase letters The following definitions are used block data definite length block data integer integer NR1 format real number exponential NR3 format string string of alphanumeric characters measurement name of measurement upper high limit value lower low limit value The suffix multipliers available for arguments are EX 1E18 M 1E 3 PE 1E15 U 1E 6 T 1E12 N 1E 9 G 1E9 P 1E 12 MA ...

Page 357: ... ESR IDN IST LRN OPC OPC OPT PRE PRE RCL RST SAV SRE SRE STB TRG TST WAI HP 54501A Quick Reference Guide 2 Programming Argument 0 255 0 255 0 4 1 4 0 255 Returned Format 0 255 0 255 string 1 or 0 b1ock data 1 0 0 255 0 255 0 255 integer ...

Page 358: ...eference Guide 3 DIGitize EOI EOI ERASe LER LTER MENU Argument ON or 1 OFF or 0 CHANnel 1 4 FUNCtion 1 or 2 WMEMory 1 4 PMEMory 1 or 2 CHANnel 1 4 ON or 1 OFF or 0 PMEMory 0 2 TIMebase CHANnel TRIGger DISPlay DELTa MATH SAVE MEASure UTILity SHOW Returned Format 1 or 0 1 or 0 1 or 0 1 or 0 ...

Page 359: ...SAVE MEASure UTILity 1 SHOW MERGe PRINt RUN SERial STOP STORe TER VIEW PMEMoryl or 2 string CHANnel 1 4 WMEMory 1 4 FUNCtion 1 or 2 WMEMory 1 4 WMEMory 1 4 WMEMory 1 4 CHANnel 1 4 FUNCtion I or 2 WMEMoryI 4 PMEMory I or 2 1 or 0 Quick Reference Guide 4 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 360: ...SYSTeni HEADer SYSTem HEADer SYSTem KEY SYSTem KEY SYSTem LON6fon7i SYSTeni LON6forni SYSTem SETup SYSTem SETup string NUMBer STRing ON or 1 OFF or 0 1 44 ON or 1 OFF or 0 b1ock data string integer integer integer string 1 or 0 0 44 1 or 0 b1ock data HP 54501A Programming Quick Reference Guide 5 ...

Page 361: ...Quire POINts ACQuire POINts ACQuire TYPE 0 100 1 2048 32 1024 NORMal AVERage ENVelope 0 100 1 2048 32 1024 ACQuire TYPE NORMal AVERage ENVelope Calibrate Subsystem Commands CALibrate TNUL1 CALibrate TNUL1 rea1 number rea1 nuinber rea1 nuniber rea1 nuniber rea1 number rea1 number Quick Reference Guide 6 HP 54501A Programming ...

Page 362: ...Fifty CHANne1 l 4 ECL CHANne1 l 4 HFReject ON or 1 OFF or 0 CHANne1 l 4 HFReject rea1 number 0 9 1000 rea1 number CHANne1 l CHANne1 l CHANne1 l CHANne1 l CHANne1 l 4 OFFSet 4 OFFSet 4 PROBe 4 PROBe 4 RANGe CHANne1 l 4 RAN6e CHANne1 l 4 TTL 1 or 0 rea1 number 0 9 1000 rea1 nuniber HP 54501A Programming Quick Reference Guide 7 ...

Page 363: ... OISP1ay MASK OISP1ay PERSistence DISP1ay PERSistence DISP1ay ROW DISPlay ROW DISP1ay SCReen Quick Reference Guide 8 Argument Display Subsystem Commands 0 72 ON or 1 OFF or 0 b1ock data 1 2 or 4 OFF GRID AXES FRAMe ON or 1 OFF or 0 string 0 255 INFinite SINGIe 0 1 11 0 24 ON or 1 OFF or 0 Returned Format 0 72 1 or 0 b1ock data 1 2 or 4 OFF GRID AXES FRAMe 1 or 0 0 255 INFinite SINGIe 0 1 11 0 24 H...

Page 364: ...Ction l or 2 OFFSet FUNCtion l or 2 OFFSet CHANnel 1 4 CHANnel 1 4 WMEMory 1 4 WMEMory 1 4 CHANnel 1 4 WMEMory 1 4 CHANnel 1 4 CHANnel 1 4 WMEMory 1 4 WMEMory 1 4 rea1 nuniber CHANnel 1 4 WMEMory 1 4 CHANnel 1 4 WMEMory1 4 CHANnel 1 4 WMEMory1 4 CHANnel 1 4 WMEMory 1 4 rea1 number FUNCtion l or 2 ONLY FUNCtion l FUNCtion l FUNCtion l or 2 or 2 or 2 RANGe RANSe SUBTract CHANnel 1 4 WMEMory 1 4 rea1...

Page 365: ...ual AUTomatic 11 or 12 MANual AUTomatic Measure Subsystem Commands MEASure ALL MEASure COMPare MEASure COMPare MEASure CURSor MEASure DEFine nieasureinent upper 1ower measurements DELTa STARt STOP DELay rea1 nuniber PWIDth MIDD1e PWIDth UPPer PWIDth LOWer NWIDth MIDD1e NWIDth UPPer NWIDth LOWer rea1 nuniber rea1 number rea1 number rea l number rea1 nuinber rea1 number rea1 number rea1 number rea1 ...

Page 366: ...TOp FALLtime FALLtime FREQuency FREQuency LIMittest LOWer LOWer MODE MODE Argument DELay PWIDth PWIDth PWIDth NWIDth NWIDth NWIDth WMEMory1 4 PMEMory 1 or 2 OFF or integer or integer MEASure OFF rea1 nuniber STANdard USER Returned Format rea1 number MIODIe UPPer LOWer MIDDte UPPer LOWer rea1 number WMEMory1 4 PMEMory 1 or 2 OFF rea1 number integer integer rea1 number rea1 number rea1 nuniber STANd...

Page 367: ... CONTinue STOP COARse rea1 nuniber rea1 number rea1 nuniber CONTinue STOP COARse rea1 number rea1 number 1 8 string string 0 MEASure RISetime MEASure RISet1ine MEASure SCRatch MEASure SOURce CHANnel 1 4 FUNCtion 1 or 2 WMEMory1 4 rea1 nuniber MEASure SOURce CHANnel 1 4 FUNCtion 1 or 2 WMEMory 1 4 MEASure STATist1cs MEASure STATistics MEASure TDELta MEASure TMAX MEASure TMIN ON or 1 OFF or 0 1 or 0...

Page 368: ...VMIN MEASure VMIN MEASure VPP MEASure VPP MEASure VRELative MEASure VRELative MEASure VRMS MEASure VRMS MEASure VSTArt MEASure VSTArt MEASure VSTOp Argument rea1 nuniber rea1 nuniber rea1 number or integer PERCent VOLTs rea1 number 0 100 rea1 number rea1 number Returned Format rea1 number rea1 number rea1 number PERCent VOLTs rea1 number rea1 number rea1 number rea1 number rea1 nuinber rea1 number...

Page 369: ...gered SINSIe rea1 number TIMebase MODE AUTO TRIGgered SINGIe rea1 nuinber TIMebase RANGe TIMebase RANGe TIMebase REFerence LEFT CENTer RIGHt rea1 nuinber TIMebase REFerence TIMebase WINDow TIMebase WINDow TIMebase WINDow DELay TIMebase WINDow DELay TIMebase WINDow RANGe TIMebase WINDow RANGe ON or 1 OFF or 0 rea1 number rea1 nuinber LEFT CENTer RIGHt 1 or 0 rea1 number rea1 number Quick Reference ...

Page 370: ...ea l nuniber rea1 number TRUE FALSe TRIGger DELay TRI6ger DELay TRI6ger DELay SLOPe TRI6ger DELay SLOPe TRIGger DELay SOURce TRIGger DELay SOURce TRI6ger FIELd TRI6ger PIELd TRI6ger HOLDoff TRI6ger HOLOoff TIME rea1 number EVENt rea1 number POSitive NEGative CHANnel 1 4 1 or 2 TIME rea1 nuniber TIME rea1 nuniber EVENt rea1 number POSitive NEGative CHANnel 1 4 1 or 2 rea1 nuniber HP 54501A Programm...

Page 371: ...16 Programming Occurrence Occurrence Occurrence SLOPe Occurrence SLOPe Occurrence SOURce Occurrence SOURce PATH PATH POLarity POLarity Argument rea1 number 1 625 HIGH LOW DONTcare EDGE PATTern STATe OELay TV 1 16000000 POSItive NEGative CHANnel 1 4 CHANnel 1 4 POSitive NEGative Returned Format rea1 number 1 625 HIGH LOW DONTcare EDGE PATTern STATe DELay TV 1 16000000 POSitive NEGative CHANnel 1 4 ...

Page 372: ... SLOPe TRIGger SLOPe TRIGger SOURce TRIGger SOURce TRIGger STANdard TRIGger STANdard EDGE PATTern STATe LOW HIGH POSitive NEGative CHANnel 1 4 525 625 USER EDGE PATTern STATe LOW HIGH POSitive NEGative CHANnel 1 4 525 625 USER HP 54501A Programming Quick Reference Guide 17 ...

Page 373: ...INCrement WAVefonn XORigin WAVeform XREFerence WAVeforni YINCrenient yAVefonn YORigin WAVefonn YREFerence HP 54501A Quick Reference Guide 18 Programming Argument b1ock data ASCit WORD BYTE COMPressed rea1 nuniber CHANnel 1 4 WMEMory 1 4 Returned Format 1 b1ock data ASCii WORD BYTE COMPressed integer rea1 nuinber CHANnel 1 4 WMEMory 1 4 AVERage ENVelope NORMal rea1 nuniber rea1 number 0 rea1 nunibe...

Page 374: ... A 2 AUToscale Command 6 4 AVERAGE Type 17 2 Averaging Mode 8 2 BEEPer Command Query 6 5 BLANk Command 6 6 6 20 block data 1 18 3 23 Buffer Deadlock 3 4 BYTE format 17 5 c Calibrate Subsystem 9 1 Syntax Diagram 9 1 TNUL1 Command Query 9 2 can age return 4 5 Channel Subsystem 10 1 COUPling Command Query 10 3 ECL Command 10 4 HFReject Command Query 10 5 OFFSet Command Query 10 6 PROBe Command Query ...

Page 375: ...11 18 DISPlay TEXT 11 19 DISPlay TMARker 11 20 DISPlay VMARker 11 21 EOI 6 8 Index 2 Command continued ERASe 6 9 ESE 5 5 ESR 5 7 Function Subsystem 12 1 FUNCtionN ADD 12 4 FUNCtionN INVert 12 5 FUNCtionN MULTiply 12 6 FUNCtionN OFFSet 12 7 FUNCtionN ONLY 12 8 FUNCtionN RANGe 12 9 FUNCtionN SUBTract 12 10 FUNCtionN VERSUS 12 11 Hardcopy Subsystem 13 1 HARDcopy LENGth 13 2 HARDcopy PAGE 13 3 HEADer ...

Page 376: ...ts 8 6 PRE 5 14 PRINt 6 14 RCL 5 15 Root Level 4 4 Root Level Commands 6 1 HP 54501A Programming Command continued RST 5 16 RUN 6 15 SAV 5 18 SERial 6 16 SRE 5 19 STB 5 21 STOP 6 17 STORe 6 18 System Subsystem 7 1 SYSTem DSP 7 3 SYSTem ERRor 7 4 SYSTem HEADer 7 6 SYSTem KEY 7 7 SYSTem LONGform 7 9 SYSTem SETup 7 10 TER 6 19 Timebase Subsystem 15 1 TIMebase DELay 15 3 TIMebase MODE 15 4 TIMebase RA...

Page 377: ...mmon Commands 3 27 4 4 5 1 CLS 5 4 ESE 5 5 ESR Query 5 7 IDN Query 5 9 IST Query 5 10 Common Commands continued LRN Query 5 11 OPC Command Query 5 12 OPT Query 5 13 PRE Command Query 5 14 RCL 5 15 RST 5 16 SAV Command 5 18 SRE Command Query 5 19 STB 5 21 Syntax Diagram 5 1 TRG Command 5 23 TST 5 24 WAI Command 5 25 COMPare Command Query 14 12 COMPlete Command Query 8 4 Compound command header 1 5 ...

Page 378: ...e A 5 DUTycycle Command Query 14 19 E ECL Command 10 4 Edge Definition A 2 Enter statement 1 2 Entered 16 4 Envelope Mode 8 2 ENVELOPE Type 17 2 EOI 1 9 EOI Command Query 6 8 ERASe Command 6 9 ERASE PMEMORYO 6 9 error number 7 4 ERRor Query 7 4 error queue 5 4 ESB event status bit 3 30 ESE Command Query 5 5 ESR Query 5 7 ESR event summary 5 5 ESTArt Command Query 14 20 ESTOp Command Query 14 22 Ev...

Page 379: ...eger NR1 3 23 Interface Capabilities 2 1 Interface select code HP IB 1 3 Interrupted Condition 3 4 interrupted error 3 26 INVerse Command Query 11 10 INVert Command 12 5 IST Query 5 10 Hardcopy Subsystem 13 1 LENGth Command Query 13 2 PAGE Command Query 13 3 Syntax Diagram 13 1 HEADer command 1 14 HEADer Command Query 7 6 headers 4 1 HFReject Command Query 10 5 HOLDoff Command Query 16 20 HP IB 1 ...

Page 380: ...d Query 14 32 PRECision Command Query 14 33 Measure Subsystem continued PREShoot Command Query 14 34 PWIDth Command Query 14 35 RESults Query 14 36 RISetime Command Query 14 37 SCRatch Command 14 38 SOURce Command Query 14 39 STATistics Command Query 14 40 Syntax Diagram 14 4 TDELta Query 14 41 TMAX Query 14 42 TMIN Query 14 43 TSTArt Command Query 14 44 TSTOp Command Query 14 45 TVOLt Query 14 46...

Page 381: ...2 7 ONLY Command 12 8 OPC Command Query 5 12 OPC operation complete 3 30 Operation Complete 3 31 OPT Query 5 13 OUTPUT command 1 3 Output Queue 3 2 3 4 5 12 Output statement 1 2 Overlapped Commands 4 7 OVERshoot Command Query 14 30 P PAGE Command Query 13 3 Parallel Poll 3 34 Parallel Poll Configure 3 34 3 36 Parallel Poll Register Enable 3 34 Parallel Poll Unconfigure 3 37 Parser 3 2 3 9 parsing ...

Page 382: ...Command Query 15 6 Response data 1 18 3 23 response data separator 3 25 Response Generation 4 7 Response header 3 21 response header separator 3 26 response message 3 2 3 3 3 21 response message terminator 3 26 response message unit 3 21 response message unit separator 3 26 response messages 3 2 RESults Query 14 36 risetime A 5 RISetime Command Query 14 37 risetime measurement 14 1 risetime measur...

Page 383: ... Byte 5 19 status data structures 5 4 status register 5 1 Status registers 1 19 Status Reporting 3 28 STB Query 5 21 STOP command 6 15 6 17 STORe Command 6 18 STRing Command 11 18 string program data 3 14 string response data 3 23 String variables 1 16 Subsystem Acquire 8 1 Calibrate 9 1 Channel 10 1 Display 11 1 Function 12 1 Hardcopy 13 1 Measure 14 1 System 7 1 Timebase 15 1 Trigger 16 1 Wavefo...

Page 384: ...16 1 16 3 Trigger Logic command 16 4 16 5 Trigger Mode 16 1 EDGE 16 1 16 3 TV 16 1 Trigger Occurrence command 16 6 16 8 Trigger Occurrence Slope command 16 8 Trigger Path command 16 4 16 5 Trigger Polarity command 16 7 Trigger Qualify command 16 6 16 8 Trigger Slope command 16 3 Trigger Source command 16 3 16 7 Trigger Standard command 16 7 Trigger Subsystem 16 1 CONDition Command Query 16 13 DELa...

Page 385: ...5 VMAX Command Query 14 55 Vmin A 5 VMIN Command Query 14 56 Voltage measurements 14 2 Vp p A 5 VPP Command Query 14 57 VRELative Command Query 14 58 Vrms A 6 VRMS Command Query 14 60 VSTArt Command Query 14 61 VSTOp Command Query 14 62 VTIMe Query 14 63 Vtop A 5 VTOP Command Query 14 64 w WAI Command 5 25 Waveform Data Conversion 17 4 Waveform Subsystem 17 1 COUNt Query 17 9 DATA Command Query 17...

Page 386: ...x XINCrement Query 17 18 XORigin Query 17 19 XREFerence Query 17 20 Y YINCrement Query 17 21 YORigin Query 17 22 YREFerence Query 17 23 HP 54501A Programming ...
