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If a fault occurs the boiler will be shut down immediately.
There is a differentiation between blocking and locking.
Blocking means that the boiler can restart itself when
there is no more failure. After repairing locking fault it is
necessary to press the Reset-key to confirm, so the boiler
can start again.
The failure will be shown on the display of the boiler. The
error code shows whether it is a blocking or locking fault
and provides closer specification of the error type.
P xx
Blocking faults ->
continuous display of the error code
E xx
Locking faults ->
flashing display of the error code
If a blocking or locking fault is pending, the main/boiler
pump runs continuously (heating mode).
Blocking actions
P 17 Return > (flow + 10K) for 30 seconds
If the return temperature exceeds the flow temperature by
at least 10 K for a duration of at least 30 seconds while
the burner is running, a blocking fault is triggered.
P 18 Flow temperature too high
If the set flow temperature limit of 95 °C is exceeded, block-
ing of the boiler is triggered. There is a hysteresis of 5 K.
P 19 Return temperature too high
If the set return temperature limit of 95 °C is exceeded,
block ing of the boiler is triggered. There is a hysteresis
of 5 K.
P 25 Flow temperature increase too high
If the gradient limit curve to be defined under parameter
15 (2BE) is exceeded, blocking is triggered. Before the
block is applied, there is a reduction to minimum speed,
for which there is also a limit curve, to be defined via pa-
ra meter 16 (2BF).
P 26 Gas pressure too low / gas pressure switch
defective / external blocks
Appears if the burner is requested and the gas pressure
is too low. Also, externally requested blockings trigger this
error code if they are connected to X2.4 / X2.11.
External main gas valve does not close when
an external blockage is triggered!
P 27 Water pressure too low
If the water pressure drops too sharply, the water pressu-
re switch signals this. This results in the boiler being
block ed (X2.6 / X2.13).
P 28 Blocking input open
(external blocking, e.g. danger switch)
A normally closed contact connected at the blocking input
(ex ternal burner switch - contact open = burner off) trig
gers blocking of the boiler when activated (X1.3 / X1.7).
P 29 Flow rate monitor
If the flue gas temperature rises to more than 40 °C above
the flow temperature, the boiler is blocked. A hysteresis of
10 K must be present before the "flow rate monitor" block
is lifted. Monitoring applies both in heating and in DHW
ope ration.
P 30 Difference between flow and return temperature
too high
As soon as the temperature difference between flow and
return is greater than the value defined under parame
ter 59 (2GD) +15K, the blocking P30 is triggered. In the
range between the value +10K defined by parameter 59
(2GD), the fan is modulated back to the minimum fan
speed under parameter 40 (2EH). This means the last 5K
up to blocking are carried out with the minimum fan speed
parameter 40 (2EH).
P 52 Flue gas temperature block
If the limit temperature defined under parameter 58 (2GC)
is exceeded, the boiler is blocked.
Locking actions
E 01 Flow sensor short circuit
If a temperature threshold of 125 °C is exceeded, the
con nec ted flow sensor is considered to be short-circuited,
re sul ting in locking. This locking fault is also triggered by
tem pe ra ture leaps greater than 50 °C/seconds.
E 02 Locking temperature, flow
If the flow sensor exceeds a temperature threshold of
100 °C, a locking fault is triggered.
E 03 Flow sensor interrupt
If the temperature falls below a temperature threshold of
-20 °C, the flow sensor is considered to be damaged, trig
gering locking.
Summary of Contents for TopGas classic 100
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