4 219 316 / 00
Changing from natural gas H to liquid gas propane
Compliance with the special local provisions
(VKF/DVGW/ÖVGW) for operating a boiler on
liquid gas is imperative in each case.
Ensure that the fuel type in the measuring de-
vice has been set correctly!
The conversion kit for liquid gas propane consists of:
- 2 yellow “Change of set gas type: liquid gas” stickers
for the data plate
- 1 sticker with the performance data for propane liquid
gas type
- 1 "liquid gas" gas pressure monitor
- “Notes” package insert
For a boiler which is already connected:
- Close the gas cock
- Set the blocking switch to “0” and disconnect the heat
generator from the mains (e.g. main switch, fuse).
Remove the boiler cover.
Dismantle "natural gas" gas pressure monitor and fit new
gas pressure monitor for "liquid gas". Wire gas pres sure
monitor (AMP connector at positions 1 and 3).
Attach the yellow sticker "Change of set gas type:
liquid gas" to boiler rating plate.
- A sticker on the gas valve
- A sticker under the data plate
Attach sticker with the performance data for propane li-
quid gas on the data plate (cover performance data of the
data plate, see “Notes” package insert).
For a boiler which is already connected:
- Open the gas cock
- Energise the heat generator (e.g. main switch, fuse)
and set blocking switch to “I”.
Adjust fan speed in accordance with parameter list "Ad-
justments for liquid gas" (parameters 35-41).
Danger of explosion due to leaking gas con-
nec tion.
• Following installation of the boiler, check
the gas connection for leaks.
Set CO
) content according to chapter at nom-
inal output and minimum output to CO
= 9,9 - 10,2 (O
5,9 - 5,5) vol.-% (dry).
Install the boiler cover.
Handover to the operator
4.7.1 Instructions for the operator
Have the operator confirm with his signature that
• instructions for operation, maintenance and safety
equip ment of the system have been received.
• he has received and noted the content of the operating
and maintenance instructions and where applicable oth-
er documentation on the burner, heating regulator etc.,
he is therefore sufficiently familiar with the system.
• The handover report is on the last page of the docu-
A preprinted form (in duplicate) for this confirmation can
be found on the last page of these installation instructions.
In addition, on request, official preprinted forms for sub-
mis sion to the trade supervisory board or for the approval
pro cedure can be prepared via the responsible local tech-
nical inspection agency and supplied with the boiler.
The operating instructions and technical infor-
ma tion are always to be kept in the boiler in-
stal lation room.
4.7.2 Checking the water level
The customer must be informed of the two values be-
tween which the movable pointer on the pressure gauge
may move. The customer should be shown how to top up
and vent the system.
4.7.3 Maintenance
On handover, the customer must be notified that inspec
tion and cleaning of the gas combustion system and heat-
ing surface and the condensate neutralisation unit which
may be mandatory must be performed regularly - normally
once per year – by the licensed installer or responsible
customer service organisation. The conclusion of a ser-
vice contract is also an important contribution towards
eco no mi cal operation in accordance with energy conser-
va tion laws and ensuring that the burner is always correc-
tly adjusted so that the system passes the inspections for
flue gas losses and emission of pollutants prescribed by
Summary of Contents for TopGas classic 100
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