Page 1: ...13 6 Oncr model c qfgy RI061GJ Features p8 Microwave AUTO ROAST feature pm Microwave DELAY START feature p13 Microwave QUICK SET feature p16 How tooperate the self cleaning lower oven p30 Questions us...
Page 2: ...mber Serial Number Usethesenumbersinany correspondence or servicecalls concerningyourCookingCenter Theelectricoutputofthis microwave ovenis625watts Besureyourovenis registered It isimportantthatwe the...
Page 3: ...rapcanbeusedtocover dishesinordertoretainmoisture andpreventspattering Somemicrowaved foodsrequire stirring rotating or rearranging CheckyourCookbookforspecific instructions Steambuildsuppressurein fo...
Page 4: ...RANGE ORONTHE BACKSPLASH OFARANGE CHILDREN CLIMBING ON THERANGE TOREACH H EM COULD BESERIOUSLY INJURED Wearproper clothing Loose fittingorhanging garments should neverbewornwhileusingthe appliance Fl...
Page 5: ...s maybecome hotbecauseofheattransferred fromtheheatedfood Thisis especially trueifplasticwraphas beencovering thetopandhandles oftheutensil Potholders maybe neededtohandletheutensil Sometimes theovenf...
Page 6: ...atingelementto directcontactandmayresultin ignitionofclothing Proper relationship ofutensiltoburner willalsoimprove efficiency Never e ve surfaceuni unattended athighheatsettings 130ilover causes smok...
Page 7: ...s good lo rig term lifeofoven 4 e Duringbkng avoidfrequent dooropenirigs Keepdooropefias shortatimeaspossible when itis opened eUse cook g utensilsofmedium Forself cleaning oven be sure we ght aluminu...
Page 8: ...ntlypreparedfoods IA ModelandSerialNumbers Locatedinsideupperovenonleft fhokkg CompleteReminder ForallAUTOROASTcodes exceptCode6 TIMECOOK TEMPCOOK DEFROST and QUICKSETcycIes Toremindyouthatyouhavefood...
Page 9: ...laydirectingyou to touch START thus settingthe clock To resetor changetime simplyrepeat above process NUMBER PADS Touchthese padsto entercooking defrosting time time ofday temperature PowerLevel and Q...
Page 10: ...crowave safe dish Insertprobe from the front horizontallyinto centermeatyarea not touching bone or fat Coverwithwaxpaper Poultry pork or ham roasts need no trivet Add CUPwater to roast dish cover with...
Page 11: ...ell Plastictrivetsmayrequiremeatto be turnedovermoreoftenthanglass trivetsdo becausethegriddesignand legsletthebottomofthemeatstay coolerthanglasstrivetsdo Q WhenIirrcookingwithAuto Roast whydoesnl my...
Page 12: ...can be frozen in shallow foil trays and heated for later use Do not heat on DOUBLE DUTVMshelf TV dinners can be microwaved using wire shelf if metal tray is returned to box before placing on wire shel...
Page 13: ...delay To tke IX4ay i art Step 1 Enter your desired cooking program Step 2 Touch DELAY START pad instead of START pad Step 3 Enterthe timeyouwant the ovento start Besureyourmicro waveovenclockshowsthe...
Page 14: ...time e 13esure frozen food has been completely defrosted before inserting probe Probe may break off if used in frozen foods e Always insert probe into the center of meaty areas take care not to touch...
Page 15: ...tep 4 Set standing or hold time by touching MIN SEC TIMER 0 appears on display and ENTER TIME flashes Step 5 Touch 1 0 0 and Oto hold for ten minutes 10 00appears on display Step 6 Touch TIME COOK pad...
Page 16: ...the length of cooking time desired and a final digit for the PowerLevel required The Codes given on the guide are for the minimum time needed to avoid overcookingwhich can dry out food and make it tas...
Page 17: ...ast 1 loaf 105 e ChocolateChip Bars 50 Nut Bread Mix 1 loaf 97 Pudding M x 3 oz pkg 60 Beverages Coffee Soup 1 cup 10 Milk Bases 1 cup 28 FrozenFoods Defrost Note Timesgivenbeloware for entiredefrostc...
Page 18: ...tep1 Graspcontrolknoband pushin Step2 Turneitherclockwiseor counterclockwise todesiredheat setting Controlmustbepushedintoset onlyfromOFFposition When controlisinanypositionother thanOFF itmayberotate...
Page 19: ...l inchbeyondedgeof trim ring is not recommended However when canning with water bath or pressure canner large diameter utensils may be used This is because boiling water temperatures even under pressu...
Page 20: ...hcool water Coverpan cook untilsteaming MEDHI Meltbutter add eggsandcoverskillet LOW Cookonly3 to4 minutesforsoftcooked 15minutesforhardcooked Continue cooking at MEDHI untilwhitesarejustset about 3to...
Page 21: ...Pancakes or Frenchtoast Skilletor Griddle MEDHI Heatskillet8to 10minutes Greaselightly Cook2to3minutes perside Thickbattertakesslightlylonger time Ibrnoverpancakes when bubblesrisetosurface R Noodles...
Page 22: ...ight comes on and remains on until preset oven temperatureis reached It reappears each time oventemperature drops belowpreset temperature Step 4 SetyourMinuteTimerto thedesiredcookingtimeasindicated i...
Page 23: ...orthinrolls ShelfBmaybeused Sweetrolls ShinyOblong orMuffinPans B A 350 3750 20 30 Forthinrolls ShelfBmaybeused Cakes without shortening Angelfood Aluminum TubePan A 325 375 30 55 Two piece panisconve...
Page 24: ...scribedonpage22 to turnovenonandoffautomatically Remember thatfoodwillcontinue tocookinthehotovenandtherefore shouldberemoved whenthedesired internaltemperature hasbeen reached 0 fioz Roasts oFrozenro...
Page 25: ...oasts 10minutes perpoundforroastsunder5pounds Defrostpoultrybeforeroasting Oven Approximate Roasting Time Internal NW Temperature Doneness inMinutesperPound Temperature F Meat 3 to5 lbs 6to8 lbs Tende...
Page 26: ...odimmediately and leavepanoutsideoventocool duringmealforeasiestcleaning Questiom Answers Q WhyshouldI Eeave thedoor closedwhenbroilingchicken A Chickenistheonlyfood recommended forclosed door broilin...
Page 27: ...s Ground Beef l lb 4patties Spaceevenly WellDone to in thick c 7 4 5 Upto8pattiestakeaboutsametime BeefSteaks Rare l inchthick c 7 7 Steakslessthan1inchcookthrough Medium 1to 1 lbs c 9 9 beforebrownin...
Page 28: one inch away from sides of oven Cleaning Outside Clean the outside of your micro wave oven with soap and water then rinse and dry The outer pane of the window is glass Wipe it clean with a damp to...
Page 29: ...under the opening in drip pan Correct positioning is important to allow moisture and vapors to be LampReplacement CAUTION Beforereplacingyour oven lampbulb disconnectthe electricpowerfor yourCooking...
Page 30: ...Caution Chrometrimringsaround thesurfaceunitsshouldneverbe cleanedin theself cleaning oven Neithershouldreflectorpansoffoil or shinychrome How to set oven for cleating Step1 km OVENSETandOVEN TEMPkno...
Page 31: ...rhavingjust usedthe oven theLOCKED lightcame onandI couldnotmovethe LATCH HANDLE Why A Afterseveralcontinuous high temperature xdcings or broilings theLOCKEDlightmaycomeon Theovendoorcan tbelatchedfor...
Page 32: ...beunder thetrimring e e TOclean oWipearoundtheedgesofthe surfaceunitopeninginthe ange top Cleantheareabelow Rinse allwashedareaswitha dampcloth or sponge Toreplace e Placedrippaninthesurfaceunit cavit...
Page 33: ...cle If spilloverorspatteringshould occurincookingfunction wipethedoorwithsoapandwater DON rubor damagegasket Avoid gettingsoapandwateronthegasketor intherectangular flangesonthedoor OvenGasket Avoid g...
Page 34: ...donthebroilpanrackhasnotbeenfikedor slitproperly oOVENSETknobnotsetonBAKE o OVENTEMPknobnotsetcorrectly Shelfpositionis incorrect CheckRoastingor BakingGuides o Ovenshelfis notlevel o Wrongcookwareisb...
Page 35: ...because of starting food temperature fooddensity or OVERCOOKED OR amount of food in oven TouchTIME COOK and add cooking time for completion UNDERCOOKED Incorrect power levelentered Check Cookbook for...
Page 36: ...othefilters TOclean agitateinhotdetergent solution Lightbrushingmaybe usedtohelpremoveimbeddedsoil anddust Withcarefiduseand handling filterswilllastforyears However if replacementbecomes necessary ob...
Page 37: ...ST contact the people who serviced your appliance Explain why you are not pleased Inmost cases this will solvethe problem NEXT if you are still not pleased write all the details including yourphone nu...
Page 38: ...OTPOINT FACTORY SERVICE 11 11 GENERALELECTRIC HOTPOINT Ilw Iimi FACTORY SERVICE or HOTPOINT I _ CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE II 11 11 Read your Use and Care materiaL Ifyouthen haveanyquestions aboutoperating...