Hotpoint CTX23 Use And Care Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for CTX23

Page 1: ... toget stfmm use and care of No Frost model CTX23 Energy saving tips p2 L e HowtheEnergy saver switchworks Howlong should you foods store p5 p6 ...

Page 2: ...nership Registration Cardthatcamewith yourrefrigerator Beforesendingintheregistration card pleasewritethesenumbers here Model Number 9 Serial Number Usethesenumbersinany correspondence or servicecalls concerning yourrefrigerator Myoureceiveda damaged refrigerator immediately contact thededer orbuilder thatsoldyou therefrigerator Savetime and money Before you request service check theProblemSolvero...

Page 3: ...zen andshouldnotbeeaten Thawed icecreamshotidbediscarded If tie odoror colorofanyfoodis pooror questionable getridofit Thefd maybedangerous toeat Even d thwingmd wg reducetheeatingqualityoffoods partictiarlyfiits vegetables and preparedfinds Theeatingquality ofredmeatsisaffectedlessthan 1 1 7 ForFH ndsafety thk app iance mmt be properlygmumde Thepowercordofhis applianceis eq ipped witha three pron...

Page 4: ...grounding typeplugandoutlet andthattheelectricalratingofthe cordbe 15amperes minimum and 120volts Suchextension cordsare obtainable throughyourlocal serviceorganization The refrigerator should always be pl ged hh ik own hdividud el trical outlet 115 volt 60Hertz or 100volt 50 Hertz singlephaseAC Thisis recommended forbestperformance andtopreventoverloading house wiringcircuits whichcouldcause afir...

Page 5: ...ownyour thermostat Thisisespecially importantwhenthethermostatis turneddownforanextended period Thischangeshouldhavenoeffect onyourfreshfoodcompartment However if freezingoccurs turn thenumberedcontrolonestep warmer as from 5 to 4 Whenyoustopturningthe thermostatdown turntemperature controls backtotheirregularsettings Y J I I l l 6 J r cJq E Jm 1 2 L 2 F 2 u i 3 L L TheEnergySaverSwitchislocated o...

Page 6: ...e 8 cm Fineqtity ice cm Witihighc content will normdy requireslightlylower temperatures tian more airy already pacbgedbrandswith lowcreamcontent oltw ben es toexperiment tO determinethe freezercompartment locationandtemperaturecontrol settingto keepyouricecreamat therightservingtemperature Them ofthefreezer compartment is slightlycolderthanthefront m on fmimg f Therearethreeessential requirementsf...

Page 7: ...efrigerator Engage top lug Lower to lock into place Toreplaceshelves Selectdesired shelfheight Withshelffrontraised slightly engagetoplugsintracksat rearofcabinet Thenlowerfrontof shelfuntilitlocksintoposition Tempered glassshelves onmodels soequipped areadjustable inthe sameway ShelvesondoorsofHotpoint refrigerators provideconvenient stomgeforfrequently useditems Somearedeepandroomyenough toaccom...

Page 8: ...tand thedmwerwi d dry TheSealedandFreshDraweris pafiiallyscaledbygasketsattached tothecoverat thefrontandback edges Alwaysreplacethedrawer inthiscoverandpush tile dra vcr J ll leway in Drawers willstopbeforecoming allthewayoutofrefrigerator to helppreventcontents fromspilling ontofloor Drawers caneasilybe removed bytiltingupslightlyand pullingpast stop location Toremovedrawemwhen the fresh food co...

Page 9: ...yourcoldwaterlineis alsoavailable atextracost Foronly one or two ice cubes leavethetrayright sideup twist bothendsslightlyandremove desirednumberofcubes Washtraysandstoragebucketin lukewarmwateronly Donotput themin an automaticdishwasher 9 Youricecubescanonly beasfresh tasting asthe waterthatproduces them That swhyit sa goodideatopurifyyour waterwitha Quadra KleenWaterFilter Itsactivated charcoal ...

Page 10: ... awayfromthe wall Alltypesoffloorcoverings canbedamaged particularly cushionedcoverings andthose withembossedsurfaces Ifyour refrigeratorisonwheels pullit straightoutandreturnit toposition bypushingit straightin Moving yourrefrigeratorina sidedirection mayresultin damagetoyourfloor coveringor refrigerator Thecondenserislocatedbehind thebasegrille Formostefficient operation youwillneedtokeep thecon...

Page 11: ...ather uent dooropenings Doorlefiopen Temperature controlsaresettoocold Refertoinstructions foruseOf TEMPERATURE CONTROLS onpage5 Gfle andcondenserneedcIeaning Refertopage10 CheckENERGY SA G TWSonpage2 Temperature controlstartsandstopsmotortomaintaineventemperawres If refrigeratorvibrates morethanlikelyit isnotrestingsolidlyonthefloorand frontrollerscrewsneedadjusting or floorisweakor uneven Refert...

Page 12: ...pen e Package blockingairductinfreezercompartment FOODSDRYOUT Foodsnotcovered wrappedor sealedproperly FROSTORICE Doormayhavebeenleftajarorpackageholdingdooropen CRYSTALS ON e Toofrequentandtoolongdooropenings FROZENFOOD Frostwithinpackageisnormal e Heavilyloadedfreezercompartment cancausereducedairflowaroundfoodpackages SLOWICECUBE DoormayhavebeenIefiajar FREEZING m temperature offreezercompartme...

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Page 14: ...p FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations Hotpoint Appliance Park Louisville Kentucky 40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemisstill notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois60606 Pan No 2P...

Page 15: ... during normal working hours Look in the White or Yellow Pages of your telephone directory for HOTPOINTFACTORYSERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINT FACTORYSERVICEor HOTPOINT CUSTOMERCARE SERVICE Mli Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product Read your Use and Care material If you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs ...
