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5.14 Removable Media
The Removable Media Sub-Menu displays the Removable Media Manager. Having selected
Removable Media from the Main Menu, one of four Sub-Menu screens will appear:
If a directory name is highlighted, pressing Enter will switch to that directory showing its files
and sub-directories. In a sub-
directory, highlighting “..”
(dot dot) and pressing Enter will move
up one directory.
Media Directory
No Card
Media Directory
Dir Empty
Media Directory
= No microSD card has been installed in the Memory slot
= microSD card is installed, but it is still initializing.
= microSD card is installed and initialized, but contains
no files.
Shows size of highlighted file or shows <DIR> if directory is highlighted.
Shows the date file or directory was created or last modified.
Shows the time file or directory was created or last modified.
= microSD card is installed and initialized, and it contains