March 12, 2020
31 | 191
5.5 View Diags
The View Diags Sub-Menu displays up to 11 System Diagnostics, none of which are editable.
The first two System Diagnostics are critical. If either of these indicate a Fault condition, the
EXL6 OCS will not enter or remain in Run mode, and the problem must be investigated and
Logic Error:
Ok = All executed ladder instructions are legal for loaded firmware
Fault = A ladder instruction not supported by firmware was found
User Program:
Ok = Ladder program and I/O configuration loaded successfully
Fault = Ladder program or I/O configuration not loaded or load failed
The last nine System Diagnostics are informational. If any of these indicate a warning condition,
the EXL6 OCS can still enter and remain in Run mode, but the problem should be investigated
and corrected.
User Graphics
Ok = Application graphics objects loaded successfully
Fault = Application graphics objects not loaded or load failed
W-Dog Trips
0 = Watchdog timer has not tripped since the last power-up
x = Number of times watchdog timer has tripped
Net Errors
0 = No CAN network bus-off errors have occurred
x = Number of CAN network bus-off errors that have occurred
Network State
Ok = At least one other node was found on the CAN network
Warning = No other nodes were found on the CAN network
Network ID
= This node’s CAN Network ID is in the range 1 to 253
= This node’s CAN Network ID was out of range at power
Dup Net ID
= This node’s Network ID is unique on the CAN network
Warning = This nod
e’s Network ID is duplicated in another node
Clock Error
Ok = Time and date have been set
Warning = Time and date need to be set
I/O System
Ok = I/O configuration matches the installed I/O and COM modules
Warning = I/O configuration needs updating to match installed modules
Ok = Backup battery operating properly
Warning = Backup battery needs to be replaced