8029HEPTA-V2/GPS GPS - NTP Time Server with LAN Interface - V08.00
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Elektronik GmbH
Nottebohmstr. 41
• D-58511 Lüdenscheid • Tel.: +49 (0)2351 9386-86 • Fax: +49 (0)2351 9386-93 • Internet: • E-Mail: [email protected]
LCD-Display with Pushbutton – Function
System settings cannot be changed via the pushbutton nor the display. The display allows the
readout of important system and operation parameters directly at the device, even without
WebGUI access.
The data indicated in the display are applicable to updating-cycles such as the WebGUI. An
on-going process is indicated via the display.
When the display has been activated by pressing a key, the backlight turns off after approx.
4 minutes without pressing any further key and the display switches to the standard image.
Switching on the System
In the 2x40digit LCD-Display the following start-up picture appears for approx. 30 seconds
after switching on or a reset:
h o p f 8 0 2 9 H E P T A _ V 2 / G P S : B o o t i n g . . .
S t a t u s - L E D s ( F r o n t ) : L E D - T e s t a c t i v e
Pushbutton Function (Light / Scroll)
The pushbutton has 3 functions right now:
1. Activation of the backlight (if not already been activated).
2. Switching to the next displayed image
3. If the pushbutton is pressed longer than 5 seconds, it is switched between UTC and
local in the display when the key is released. This switching over is failsafe stored.
Standard Display Image
This chapter describes the different elements and functions of the standard display image.
7.2.1 Standard Display Image without valid Time
The following picture (with incrementing second) is displayed after the start screen:
U T C 0 0 : 0 0 : 3 8 G P S S Y S T E M - S T A T U S : I N V A
M O 0 1 / J A N / 0 0 0 0 T : 0 0 N T P : S T R A T U M - - / L O W
If the Sync Source ERROR "RTC error" is enabled after switching on
without valid time, this can be corrected by releasing a Reset of the Sync