8029HEPTA-V2/GPS GPS - NTP Time Server with LAN Interface - V08.00
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Elektronik GmbH
Nottebohmstr. 41
• D-58511 Lüdenscheid • Tel.: +49 (0)2351 9386-86 • Fax: +49 (0)2351 9386-93 • Internet: http://www.hopf.com • E-Mail: [email protected]
System Structure
The system 8029HEPTA/GPS consists of the following:
1/1 19" module rack 1U/84HP (Slim Line)
System front panel with LCD-Display (2x40), pushbutton and status LEDs
System front view:
Wide-ranging power supply unit from 100-240V AC / 20VA (47-63Hz)
Other input voltages available
Voltage feed with power switch with connections in accordance with
IEC/EN60320/C14 including EMI line filter
Connection for protection earth (PE) cables up to 16mm²
Module 8029HEPTA
Module 8024GPS
Space for up to 6 additional output modules
System rear side:
The new designed housing concept allows customized system extensions for additional signal
outputs (processed ex-works) easily and fast.