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Automatic Opposed Blade Dampers
The opposed blade dampers are rectangular dampers with a
24-volt, two-position, power open and closed damper motor
used to control the volume of circulating air in heating, cooling,
and ventilating system.
Anodized extruded aluminum.
Three models available:
AOBD with side-mounted motor.
AOBD-BM with bottom-mounted motor.
IOBD with internally-mounted motor.
Fully assembled and ready for installation.
For odd-size dampers, contact Honeywell Customer
Service or your local Honeywell Sales Representative
for pricing.
Order dampers by size and model:
Order AOBD and IOBD using width by height.
(AOBD motor and end plate are mounted on the
height dimension.)
Order AOBD-BM using height by width. (AOBD-BM
motor is mounted on the width dimension.)
AOBD-BM is available only up to 20 in. wide with-
out a filler strip.
When ordering AOBD-BM dampers up to 24 in. wide, a
filler strip up to 4 in. is built-in.
For odd-size dampers, order a one-inch filler strip for
each odd dimension.