Master-Slave Synchronization
If Master Sync Enabled is true, this property will be synchronized between master and slaves in case a master sync
operation is performed. The source device setting will be synced to a target device during master sync operation. If the
source device has set the flag to false, then this parameter will not be synced to all target devices.
Automatic Creation and Mapping of Reference Points via Drag & drop (B)
Niagara allows the automatic creation of reference points when BACnet points are dragged & dropped onto the
wiresheet. Thus, you do not have to enter the values for device instance, object type, and object instance of the target
controller and point manually, since they come with the BACnet point automatically.
This automatic creation is always executed whenever a BACnet point is dragged & dropped onto the wiresheet of another
controller or external BACnet device.
The drop result, that is, which type of reference point, input or output, is to be created, can be defined in the control
manager as described in the following.
Drop Settings in Control Manager
When using reference points in the application via drag & drop, the dropping result depends on the pre-setting for drop
in the control manager of the device to which the BACnet point is dragged & dropped.
In the control manager, the result for dropping a BACnet output and a BACnet value point can be selected. For both
point types, either a reference output or a reference input can be selected as drop result.