Installation Instructions for the
Quadrature Speed and Direction Sensors
SNG-Q Series
Issue C
Sensing and Internet of Things
General Information
Honeywell’s SNG-Q Series Quadrature Speed and Direction
Sensors are designed to provide both speed and direction
information. Speed information is provided from digital square
wave outputs; direction is provided using a quadrature output
with signals 90° phase shifted from each other. With the
quadrature output, target direction is determined by output
lead/lag phase shifting.
The product is designed for applications where enhanced
accuracy is required to detect small target features. This
accuracy is enabled by dual differential Hall-effect sensor IC
technology. The SNG-Q Series is designed for a wide operating
temperature range, robust electrical noise immunity and
industry leading environmental sealing capability.
This product includes an O-ring seal for pressure applications,
and a fixed mounting flange for simple installation using one
Table 1. Electrical Specifications
Supply voltage
4.5 V to 26 V
Output signal:
duty cycle
phase shift
load current
rise time
fall time
square wave
50% ±10%
90° ±45°
>Vs - 0.5 V
<0.5 V
<1.75 V
40 mA max.
10 us max.
5 us max.
3 Hz to 20 kHz
Two channel, phase shifted by 90° either channel, may lead or lag.
Dependent on target geometry and sensor-to-target orientation; see Figures 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9 for recommended orientation.
Dependent on target geometry and sensor-to-target orientation; see Figures 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9 for recommended orientation.
Applies to each output at all conditions.
1 kOhm pull-up resistor, dependent on load resistor.
1 kOhm pull-up resistor, dependent on load resistor.
Frequencies >10 kHz may be dependent on target geometry and air gap.
Short circuit protection 50 mA max.
Supply current:
12 mA
18 mA
all conditions
Reverse voltage
-26 V max.
10 min duration
Duty cycle = Time high/time total.