Menu Descriptions
NFN Config Tool Reference Information
NFN Gateway Installation & Operation Manual - P/N: 52306:Rev: D 06/01/07
4.3 Menu Descriptions
4.3.1 File
Login... - Is used to gain editing control over the gateway. The factory default password is
00000000 (eight zeros). Refer to
“Login Password Settings” on page 37
Reboot Gateway - Restarts the gateway on its NFN network.
Exit - Closes the NFN Config Tool window.
4.3.2 View
All these choices display read only information windows, no editing can be done on the
information displayed from these windows.
Refresh Gateway List - Used to generate a new list of gateways that will be available and
displayed when the NFN Config Tool’s Address field down arrow is clicked.
Refresh Nodes List - Used to ping the nodes connected to the current gateway and display their
Node Table - Displays all the nodes connected to the gateway and their respective version
Connected Clients - Used to display a window which lists the clients that are connected to the
The NCM version for panel must match the NCM version displayed in the Local Node
entry. When it does not match the non-matching version is displayed as a red entry. Contact
Technical Services for assistance in acquiring the correct version. Also panels that do not use an
NCM are displayed as a red entry.
NCM versions that do not match will result in an unstable NFN network.