ACPS-610/E Manual —
P/N 53018:A1 07/31/2007
Configuration and Programming
Two Stage Alert/Evacuation (Canada Only)
The sequence of operations is as follows.
A general alarm activates FCM L1M1 (Type code APND).
L1M2, which has been programmed via CBE for OR(L1M1), activates (Type code FORC).
L1M3 (Type code NONA) physically monitors L1M2 contacts. L1M3 activates.
Software Zone Z200 (RZON) is programmed to activate after a 5 minute delay with the
equation Z200 = DEL(00.05.00(L1M3)). Z200 will clear (or never activate) if L1M1 is
acknowledged or if the system is reset before the 5 minute timer expires.
Software Zone Z201 (RZON) is programmed to activate after a 0 delay when Z200 activates.
Z201 will only clear from a system reset.
Alert Software Zone Z1 will activate when the Z1 equation is satisfied. ALERT = OR(Z1). A
CBE (Control-by-event) in this equation refers to any local CBE that is programmed into this
point. It could be a CBE that programs four cross-zoned detectors, for example.
EVAC Software Zone Z2 will activate when the Z2 equation is satisfied. EVAC = OR(Z2,
Z201). The CBE in this equation refers to any local CBE that is programmed into this point. It
could be a CBE that programs four or more cross-zoned detectors, for example.
Refer to the programming section of the FACP manual for more information on programming.