HH490 User Guide
All Symbologies
For best scanner performance, you should only enable the symbologies that you
need. Scan All Symbologies Off to disable all symbologies, then enable the
symbologies you need by scanning the On barcode for each symbology.
All Symbologies Off
Message Length Description
You are able to set the valid reading length of some of the barcode symbologies.
You may wish to set the same value for minimum and maximum length to force
the scanner to read fixed length barcode data. This helps reduce the chances of a
Example: Decode only those barcodes with a count of 9-20 characters.
Min. length = 09
Max. length = 20
Example: Decode only those barcodes with a count of 15 characters.
Min. length = 15
Max. length = 15
For a value other than the minimum and maximum message length defaults,
scan the barcodes included in the explanation of the symbology, then scan the
digit value of the message length and Save barcodes from the
beginning on page 211. The minimum and maximum lengths and the
defaults are included with the respective symbologies.
<Default All Codabar Settings>
Codabar On/Off
* On