HH1800 User Guide
left bracket (<)
The whole command line would look like this:
The data is output as:
Discard Partial Output Sequence
If you want to discard partial sequences when the output sequence operation is terminated
before completion, scan
Discard Partial Sequence
* Discard Partial Sequence
Output Sequence Timeouts
You can set a timeout for every code in the output sequence defined by the SEQBLK
command. The scanner applies the shortest timeout corresponding to any of the codes that
have been read during the current trigger session. When the timeout expires, the scanner
sends all codes that it has been read in the order they appear in the sequence defined by
To specify the timeout, use the SEQTIM command followed by a list of timeouts in
milliseconds. Each timeout is specified as a 4-decimal digit terminated by FF. The timeout
value 9999 is special and indicates that the timeout for that code is “infinite”.
The number of timeouts specified should correspond to the number of codes in the sequence
defined by SEQBLK. You can specify one additional timeout, which will apply to codes not
matching any member of the sequence. This can be useful if Require Output Sequence is
On/Not Required
. If you do not specify an additional timeout for codes not in the defined
sequence, the last timeout specified by SEQTIM will apply.
Output Sequence Timeout Example
For example, if SEQBLK defines a 4-code sequence, you can specify timeouts of 5, 6, 7, and 8
seconds for codes 1-4 respectively using the command
Codes that are not part of the defined sequence would have an implied timeout of 8 seconds
in this case (the final timeout in the list). To explicitly specify a timeout for such codes, you