Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
GasLab Q2
Changing the IP address basic network and I/O settings
As mentioned, the connection is usually established via the IP address of the device. The IP
address is part of the existing parameter set. This information used to establish the first
connection is given on the device and in attached documents.
After this first connection, has been established, enSuite creates the device and the connection
data in the parameter tree (shown in navigation window). After "
readout parameterization"
can change the settings (offline) on the following page:
Figure 8.32: I/O Settings in enSuite
Do not change the network settings without consulting the IT administration.
Note all changes and show them on the device or its documents!
Ne modifiez pas les paramètres du réseau sans consulter l'administration informatique -
notez toutes les modifications et affichez-les sur l'appareil ou dans des documents!
Change or activate the following I/O interfaces (the parameters open after clicking the folder) for
communication and data exchange with other devices.