Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
GasLab Q2
The parameter set also called parameterization is changed or edited in the parameterization window
of enSuite (see the figures below). The online help describes this window and the parameters in
On the left side of the window the software modules are displayed in the so-called parameter tree.
The top level shows the device name; in the lower level you see the basic system and the AFBs. The
tree levels can be opened by clicking on the + prefix.
If the selected level contains parameters, you can see and edit these parameters on the right-hand
side of the window. In the
Parameters tab,
the parameters of the individual parameter branches are
listed in tabular form and offered for editing. For more complex functionalities there is sometimes a
more convenient editing dialog in a separate tab.
Depending on the situation, the values of the parameters can be changed freely or a selection list
with the corresponding options appears. Likewise, some functions can be switched on and off by
marking check boxes. See the following examples:
Figure 8.24: Example of left- and right-hand sections of the parameterization window
Figure 8.25: Example of reactions in the param. window after using a drop-down box