Compressor Stage 2
Heat Pump Compressor/Heater Stage 2
Heater Stage 2
Heater Stage 3 / Secondary Heating
Free Heat/Free Cool Damper
(Economizer Output)
Transformer Configurations
Comfort Window also offers a number of
different configurations for transformer setup.
Depending on how your HVAC system is
designed, Comfort Window can work with up
to 3 separate transformers with 3 separate
ground planes. For example, if your
compressor is powered off of a separate
transformer from your furnace, or if your heat
pump is powered off of a separate transformer
from a secondary heating unit, Comfort
Window works seamlessly to provide the
correct energizing signals to all of your
Set Date/Time
Comfort Window contains a self-contained
real-time clock which maintains local calendar
time. In order to use the program settings, it is
important to set the local time using the set
date/time feature. If the thermostat has been
paired with an online user account and
communicating over Wifi, the date/time are set
automatically by the server.
Comfort Window is also capable of
automatically adjusting for daylight savings
time to keep your program settings in line with
the current time. This is accessible through
the settings by touching the Settings Icon.
Persistent Settings
Comfort Window includes a backup battery
that will maintain the current time if power is
lost. Also, Comfort Window will not lose any
settings that you have already programmed
into the device in the case of power failure so
it should never be necessary to re-program
any settings once it is initially set up. The
backup battery has ~10 years of battery life.
Fahrenheit or Celsius
Comfort Window has the option to display
temperatures in Fahrenheit or Celsius,
depending on your preference. Change this
setting by touching the Gear Icon and scrolling
to the Temperature Display setting. Touch set
and make your selection.
19 of 24
Figure 30: Auto-Adjust Daylight Savings
Figure 29: Setting Date/Time