It’s a proven fact: helmets significantly
reduce the number and severity of head
injuries, so don’t ride without one. We also
recommend that you wear eye protection,
sturdy boots, gloves and other protective
gear (page ).
Your motorcycle is designed for one person
only. There are no handholds, footrests, or
seat for a second person so never carry a
passenger. A passenger could interfere with
your ability to move around to maintain
your balance and control of the motorcycle.
There is much that you can do to protect
yourself when you ride. You’ll find many
helpful recommendations throughout this
manual. Following are a few that we
consider most important.
Your motorcycle can provide many years of
service and pleasure
if you take
responsibility for your own safety and
understand the challenges that you can
meet on and off-road.
Always Wear a Helmet
Never Carry a Passenger
02/03/08 18:51:57 32KHA600_011