How to Use Muscle Mass Chart
1) Find your weight (approximate) on the left side of the chart.
2) Follow that row across until you find your Muscle Mass in pounds,
as shown on the scale.
3) Lastly, follow that column down to Muscle Mass %.
Remember, 30% is normal for a female and 40% is normal for a male.
* You may also use the formula on page 7 to better approximate your Muscle Mass %.
Why Should I Monitor Bone Mineral Content?
Your bones contain blood vessels, nerve cells and living bone cells. These are all held
together by a framework of hard, non-living material containing calcium and
This body composition scanner estimates the weight of the non-living bone mineral
content. This is important information for monitoring and maintaining healthy bones
through exercise and a calcium-rich diet.
A healthy level of bone mineral content differs according to age and sex. For example,
a 26-year-old FEMALE should have approximately 6 pounds of bone mineral content,
where a 26-year-old MALE is considered to have healthy bone mineral content between
6 and 8 pounds. (Rico et al. 1993). For children, 10-16 years old, healthy bone mineral
content is between 1.76 pounds and 4.85 pounds (Faulkner et al. 1993)
The measurements provided are not substitutes for physician
assessments of bone mineral density or osteoporosis. Always consult your physician to
determine what is right for you.
What is the definition of an Athlete?
An athlete is considered a person who does 10 hours or more per week of aerobic
activity and has a resting heart rate of 60 beats per minute. These individuals should
select Athlete Mode for the most accurate results. The Athlete Mode is available only
for adults 18 years of age or older.
Trouble Shooting
You must have bare feet when using body composition measurements. To get the most
accurate and consistent reading, wipe your feet with a damp cloth, leaving them slightly
moist before stepping on the HealthStation.
Be sure your feet are centered on the electrodes.
The condition of the skin on the bottom of your feet can affect the reading. The natural
effects of aging or activity can make this skin hard. Take a reading with clean, slightly
moist feet for best accuracy.
: Initialization error. The user is advised to take the measurement again
for an accurate result.
: Wrong usage or body not stable. Repeat measurement again.
: Overload Warning. Remove the weight immediately; otherwise
permanent damage to the unit will occur.
: Contact error. Impedance cannot be measured. Make sure that you
are standing still and maintain maximum contact between your feet
and metal contacts. Clean bottom of feet with a damp cloth, leave
slightly moist, and repeat measurement again.
: Body fat percentage is beyond the technical limit. Clean bottom of
feet with a damp cloth, leave slightly moist, and repeat
measurement again.
: Total body water percentage is out of range. Moistening your feet
may help to improve the contact.
Replace the battery when “
” is displayed.
Care and Maintenance
Do not disassemble the HealthStation other than replacing the battery; it contains
no user serviceable parts. Damage to the unit may occur as a result of
improper handling.
Remove battery when the unit is not used for a prolonged period of time.
Clean the unit after use with a lightly dampened cloth. Do not use solvents or
immerse the unit in water.
Avoid excessive impact or vibration to the unit, such as dropping it on the floor.
The product is intended for home/consumer use only; it is not intended for
professional use in hospitals or medical facilities.
If you are having any problems operating this HealthStation, please call
800-466-3342, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST or contact
Customer Service by e-mail: [email protected]
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