l i m i t e d w a r r a n t y
l i m i t e d w a r r a n t y
Instruction Manual and
Warranty Information
r LCD Back Massage System
Two Year Limited Warranty
(Valid in USA only)
HoMedics, Inc., guarantees this product free from defects in material
and workmanship for a period of two years from the date of purchase,
except as noted below.
This HoMedics product warranty does not cover damage caused by
misuse or abuse; accident; the attachment of any unauthorized acces-
sory; alteration to the product; or any other conditions whatsoever
that are beyond the control of HoMedics. This warranty is effective
only if the product is purchased and operated in the USA. A product
that requires modification or adaptation to enable it to operate in any
country other than the country for which it was designed, manufac-
tured, approved and/or authorized, or repair of products damaged by
these modifications is not covered under warranty. HoMedics shall not
be responsible for any type of incidental, consequential or special
damages. All implied warranties, including but not limited to those
implied warranties of fitness and merchantability, are limited in the
total duration of two years from the original purchase date.
To obtain warranty service on your HoMedics product, either hand
deliver or mail the unit and your dated sales receipt (as proof of pur-
chase), postpaid, along with check or money order in the amount of
$10.00 payable to HoMedics, Inc. to cover handling.
Upon receipt, HoMedics will repair or replace, as appropriate, your
product and return it to you, postpaid. Warranty is solely through
HoMedics Service Center. Service of this product by anyone other than
HoMedics Service Center voids warranty.
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Mail to:
Consumer Relations
Service Center Dept. 168
3000 Pontiac Trail
Commerce Township, MI
[email protected]
©2000-2001 HoMedics, Inc. and its affiliated companies, all rights reserved.
HoMedics® is a registered trademark of HoMedics Inc. and its affiliated companies.
BackExpert™ and The beauty of living well.™ are trademarks of HoMedics Inc. and its affiliated
companies. All rights reserved.
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