Timer/Event Counter Interrupt
For a Timer/Event Counter interrupt to occur, the global interrupt enable bit, EMI, and the
corresponding timer interrupt enable bit, TE, T0E or T1E, must first be set. An actual Timer/Event
Counter interrupt will take place when the Timer/Event Counter request flag, TF, T0F or T1F, is set, a
situation that will occur when the relevant Timer/Event Counter overflows. When the interrupt is
enabled, the stack is not full and a Timer/Event Counter n overflow occurs, a subroutine call to the
relevant timer interrupt vector, will take place. When the interrupt is serviced, the timer interrupt
request flag, TF, T0F or T1F, will be automatically reset and the EMI bit will be automatically cleared
to disable other interrupts.
EEPROM Interrupt
The EEPROM Interrupt, is contained within the Multi-function Interrupt. An EEPROM Interrupt
request will take place when the EEPROM Interrupt request flag, DEF, is set, which occurs when an
EEPROM Write cycle end. To allow the program to branch to its respective interrupt vector address,
the global interrupt enable bit, EMI, EEPROM Interrupt enable bit, DEE, and associated
Multi-function interrupt enable bit, must first be set. When the interrupt is enabled, the stack is not full
and an EEPROM Write cycle end, a subroutine call to the respective Multi-function Interrupt vector,
will take place. When the EEPROM Interrupt is serviced, the EMI bit will be automatically cleared to
disable other interrupts, however only the Multi-function interrupt request flag will be also
automatically cleared. As the DEF flag will not be automatically cleared, it has to be cleared by the
application program.
Touch Key Interrupts
For a Touch Key interrupt to occur, the global interrupt enable bit, EMI, and the corresponding Touch
Key interrupt enable TKMnE must be first set. An actual Touch Key interrupt will take place when the
Touch Key request flag. TKMnF, is set, a situation that will occur when the 13-bit time slot counter in
the relevant Touch Key module overflows. When the interrupt is enabled, the stack is not full and the
Touch Key time slot counter overflow occurs, a subroutine call to the relevant timer interrupt vector,
will take place. When the interrupt is serviced, the Touch Key interrupt request flag, TKMnF, will be
automatically reset and the EMI bit will be automatically cleared to disable other interrupts.
SIM Interrupt
A SIM Interrupt request will take place when the SIM Interrupt request flag, SIMF, is set, which occurs
when a byte of data has been received or transmitted by the SIM interface. To allow the program to
branch to its respective interrupt vector address, the global interrupt enable bit, EMI, and the Serial
Interface Interrupt enable bit, SIME, must first be set. When the interrupt is enabled, the stack is not
full and a byte of data has been transmitted or received by the SIM interface, a subroutine call to the
respective interrupt vector, will take place. When the Serial Interface Interrupt is serviced, the SIM
interrupt request flag, SIF, will be automatically cleared and the EMI bit will be automatically cleared
to disable other interrupts.
8-Bit Touch Key Flash MCU
Rev. 1.50
April 28, 2020