Cenova Image Analytics Server 3.0 Installation & Service Manual
Chapter 2: System Description
Page 14
MAN-05205 Revision 003
2.3 Clinical Workflow
Review of the digital mammography images by the radiologist is typically conducted
using a protocol similar to the sequence shown in the following table:
For this step…
The radiologist…
Preliminary Review
Reviews the mammography images to get a preliminary
sense of the patient’s status.
Hologic Imaging
Reviews and notes the Biomarker findings.
DigitalNow HD
Compares prior digitized film images to the new
mammography images.
Examines the mammography images in detail and forms a
primary diagnosis.
Computer Aided
Views CAD marks and evaluates related ImageChecker
data to determine if other areas on the images warrant
further review.
Final Assessment
Makes a final assessment and creates a report.