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Page 2: ...onstitutio FEF Statement Safety precautions i t iH a Charging nerhod ard cdutions RYAN STA N iJL iH g Assembling sLeps for RYAN iEt iq6rr 6E FuncLions for control set E I EEH id6 Centerofgravitycheck 11 Flf EH14E i IEE E The possible problems and solutions 12 F t1 E Spare parts ist 13 10 I ...
Page 3: ...ributor can not be he d respons b e fot any ability or oss due io impropet operation E ri Safety precautions 1 EhtriE EB t 1 Do notflyoutside in iJtLXii tl tlr the thunderstorm rain and sirong winds z GA tlLrZ tr aEF HE rlFfii6 t15 2 Do not fly nearby the airpori railway road power lines 3 iF i He a Jt rli 3 Do noi fly where the re arecrowds ofpeople sk 4 Eh wftE ft trH Fl4t iE ia da g tt lt Atrt ...
Page 4: ...lastic Super easy operation easy io conirol just enjoy and have fun of it tg0tffrli tr Main specifications idi Efin E F 1000mm dl K 7aomm iE rEft 3oA U3s l3oomA 25c fig r e 4Pcs E iA6 acH rx and 6cH RX t1f E 67otr dl4 312e KVl 100 ESC 30A Bailery 35 1300mA 25C Radio Systed 4cH TX and 6CH RX lMotor 3128 KV1100 FF EfiI Product s conslitution tlE flq E E E Fuselage Wing Horizontal tail aB E EE 3 b Ve...
Page 5: ...Pobattery C h argifg curreni 0 5A Power ighl redrpower irdjcator Charging ighigreen charg ng Greencharo nolishlto beofi butpowe isht red charqe complete y Charging lRFlEiE operating 1 J rtH gFt12v F llNEii EE6 Powe lntJC i gEtrHIGqLI diH 2 F t Ai ib1ii fl fi iFi6 iDEa ItsiF il i EEf Ei T Conneci the charger to 12V power su pp y if the charger power lighi show red ii nreans we can charge the baiter...
Page 6: p ease do not make it neat f ammab e mater als 3 Lt is noi allowed to charge iwo ce L and three ce I Li poly baltery ai the same time 4 Expeci Li po y battery th s charger is not allowed for oiher kinds of battery 5 Wh Le charglng p ease keep t oui of the reach of Children 6 When ihis charqer is in se please do not go away and leave ii unwatched f any abnormalitv occLrrs such as the power indic...
Page 7: ...ot use the battery with consp cuo s damage or deformai on 9 Do not charge a warm battery Allow it to cool completely before ailempting io charge T 0 Do not reverse charge or over d scharge the battery T 1 Do not connect ihe ballery to lhe ordinary charger sockei or car c gareite jack T2 Do not use the battery for unspecified equipment 13 Do nottouch the leak ng baltery directly p ease wash your sk...
Page 8: ...elev i rhorn f avenl I 3 4 GEiEc 3 nsla th nrdd ar h i YFra 1t fi F l 2 I 4 Q E 4 lnstallthe even tai L _ 2 a il ffie E I E 5 A EE 5 nstal the verticaltai a r 6 qtEl 7 ia F T lnsta the land ng gear 6 lnstal rhe p ope er 8 ttEi l i4 8 lnsr llhe n ner r r r ...
Page 9: ... ruu n14t a b 4 LE nl gltrTtnElT6rrrF4 alEE fr 4akesureiheswitchoniheiransmitter sintheOFFposton Placelhe8AAbatteriesinthebacko thetransmtter Ensure ihe throit e js fu ly closed before turning the transmitter on EArr dfFfj1g ilEfi at1 tr A Ern H e E n E e Correct y conneci then ESC w ih the batiery and the f x ilrem in ihe proper posit on I ...
Page 10: ...ffiitrHlE 1 1j6n 44 1e i r1 61t48 i liii F 1T it ti Move a tthe joysticks to ensure correct operation so thai the contro s move in the correct sense l 4ake sLrre ihe propeller can lhurtotherpeopleorobjectswhle benglested Hodthefuselagefirmivsoihai tcan tmoveduringtest l r 1l r _ I l r _ l 5 v ...
Page 11: ... right D re i on a nstlhen ldersw t h fJ1 H iEi4 li oeo taar6 Erm The use ol mixed mode OaO switches for be owi O sw tches for ihe above Otrbtr Efi ijiF Bjnd Key Buiion EE fiirE iE Throtile ax rlant J rFrEtE Rudder eit Rudder r qht fiirF4 iH Thrott e Min h E frt H sa Trm alEats left Erlts6 right tf Eit Elevator up FFz F ie E EtrEF fr Lrovements asa nsl the rudd r switch Ot iltr EF inst the nrdder ...
Page 12: ...cT_4_ J t E AEfiEEE idl 1 i E t E i E BlFi l THROWS AND SET UP Ailerons Up 25mm Down 15mm Expo 25o o Elevator Up 25mm Expo Rudder Expo Throttel Expo Down 25mm Left 25mm Right 25mm 15 100 N one 1r ...
Page 13: ...ed downward 3 E evator are out of trim 1 H d Bt d B 2 ffi t E gt r Fi T1 3 fiIefiE q mFii Tlre balteries are a most flat ft Jd E ET solutions 01 I T Charge the ballery 2 lnslall new dry cel s 3 Contact the distribuior 4 Re binding Wel r ia rEi 2 F ffFt Bt rH 3 1iiFrl H6 4 E txifi Adiusl the tr m sw tch ofthe appropriate control io be correct Adjust Rudder trlm lo be correci i Er g t tt f l _L a t ...
Page 14: ...EErilrr Hor zontal Tail E VerticalTail EE L pol_v a i9 M o c si r Esc r E Spare Parts E t a B alance Charger f R Land nc G Er Se Radio iE 38 B N lain Wing Set lt Fuselage IIIH ttr Servo r1ti l tE Propeller Set wft E t3 ...
Page 15: ... EEUlf iIE lPCS EEESSdI 160mm iIE l PCS EUtr lEdl 310mm 2 PCS E EGK4 Y9i 100mm lPCS The manufacturer reserve the rghl to modifythe specificaiion oi this model ai any time without notice 14 ...