Appendix – Additional Information
Possible Cause
‘Time-out error’
or ‘No response
from logger’ whilst attempting
communications between Lo Log
and PC/PDA.
Is the infra-red reader plugged securely into a comms port
on the PC/PDA?
Is the infra-
red reader correctly located over the Lo Log’s
infra-red window?
Try rotating the IR reader to the logger by 10 degrees
Is the software port setting correct?
Is the software baud rate set to 9600?
Have you selected the correct logger type (LoLog Flash)
Download or Upload seems
Is the infra-red reader plugged securely into the PC?
Try another infra-red reader.
Are there any
‘background’ programs loaded and running
on your PC which could interfere with serial
If your PC is connected to a network it may help to
temporarily disable the connection.
Logger records zeros
Check connections for ingress of water or trapped
Check sensor for correct operation.
Check sensor lead for damage
When downloaded, flow rate
readings from the logger are
unexpectedly negative.
The meter/sensor combination is producing an output
frequency that is too high. If possible, reduce the logger
sample period or change the sensor to one with a lower
Installation checklist
Before you leave site, review the following items to be sure that the
installation is going to be a good one.
Have you calibrated and zeroed your pressure transducer?
Have you run an instantaneous value to confirm data quality?
Have you run the Radwin Wizard and set all calibration factors?
Have you sealed any joins in the pulser cable?
Have you recorded all your site information, serial nos, photos, etc?
Have you closed all open chambers and recorded any damage?
Have you left all wiring tidy and safe
– not tied to ladders?
Have you removed all your installation tools?
Have you recorded the
location of the logger?