– BACnet Client
User Manual r1.2 EN
© HMS Industrial Networks S.L.U - All rights reserved
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Points definition
Every point defined in Intesis has the following BACnet features associated to it:
BACnet Device
BACnet device to which belongs the point, from a list of BACnet devices that can
be defined in Intesis (up to 256).
For every BACnet device defined, a virtual signal is created automatically in Intesis
to inform about the communication with the BACnet device, this signal is available
also from the KNX interface like the rest of points.
BACnet object type
BACnet object type for the point. It can be one of the following BACnet object types
supported by Intesis:
AI = Analog Input.
AO = Analog Output.
AV = Analog Value.
DI = Digital Input.
DO = Digital Output.
DV = Digital Value.
MI = Multistate Input.
MO = Multistate Output.
MV = Multistate Value.
LOOP = Loop
ACUM = Accumulator
Consult documentation of BACnet device(s) to integrate for information about BACnet object types of
the points desired to integrate.
BACnet object
BACnet object instance for the point on the external BACnet device.
Consult documentation of BACnet device(s) to integrate for information about BACnet object instance
of the points desired to integrate.
Note that configuration tool used with Intesis enables for discovery of existing BACnet devices in the network, as well
as their BACnet objects and types, which can be later directly added in configuration. This facilitates the process of
choosing suitable parameters above for every BACnet object on every BACnet device to integrate.
KNX System
In this section, a common description for all Intesis KNX series gateways is given, from the point of view of KNX
system which is called from now on
internal system
The BACnet system is also called from now on
external system
Intesis KNX connects directly to the KNX TP-1 (EIB) bus and behaves as one more device into the KNX system, with
the same configuration and operational characteristics as other KNX devices.
Internally, the circuit part connected to the KNX bus is opto-isolated from the rest of the electronics.
Intesis-KNX receives, manages and sends all the telegrams related to its configuration to the KNX bus.
On receiving telegrams of KNX Groups associated to internal datapoints, the corresponding messages are sent to
the external system (BACnet) to maintain both systems synchronised in every moment.