Modbus Server - KNX
User Manual r1.2 eng
© HMS Industrial Networks S.L.U - All rights reserved
This information is subject to change without notice
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Points definition
Every point defined in the gateway has the Modbus
Format, Point and R/W
features associated to it that can be
configured. These features are explained in section 5.2.4.
Each point defined in Intesis has the following Modbus features associated to it:
One of the following bit lengths can be used:
1 bit
16 bits
32 bits
Data Coding
One of the following Modbus data coding formats can be used:
16/32 unsigned.
16/32 bits signed (one
’s complement – C1).
bits signed (two’s complement – C2).
16/32 bits Float.
16/ bits Bitfields.
Error comm
Function code
One of the following Modbus function codes can be used:
1- Read Coils.
2- Read Discrete Inputs.
3- Read Holding Registers.
4- Read Input Registers.
5- Write Single Coil.
6- Write Single Register.
15- Write Multiple Coils.
16- Write Multiple Registers.
Byte Order
Big Endian
Little Endian
Word Inverted Big Endian
Word Inverted Little Endian
Register Address
The Modbus register address inside the slave device for the point.
Bit inside the
Bit inside the Modbus register (optional). The gateway allows bit decoding from
generic 16 bits input/holding Modbus registers.
Bit coding into 16 bits input/holding Modbus registers is used for some devices to
encode digital values into this type of registers, being these registers normally
accessible using Modbus function codes 3 and 4 (read holding/input registers).
0: Read
1: Write
2: Read / Write