Modbus Server - KNX
User Manual r1.2 eng
© HMS Industrial Networks S.L.U - All rights reserved
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5.2.5 Sending the configuration to Intesis
When the configuration is finished, follow the next steps.
1.- Click on
button to save the project to the project folder on your hard disk (more information in Intesis
MAPS User Manual).
2.- You will be prompted to generate the configuration file to be sent to the gateway.
a.- If
is selected, the file containing the configuration for the gateway will be generated and saved
also into the project folder.
b.- If
is selected, remember that the file with the project needs to be generated before the Intesis
starts to work as expected.
3.- Press the
Send File
button to send the file to the Intesis device. The process of file transmission can be
monitored in the Intesis Communication Console window. Intesis will reboot automatically once the new
configuration is loaded.
Figure 5.4
Intesis MAPS Receive/Send tab
After any configuration change, do not forget to send the configuration file to the Intesis using button
Send File.
5.2.6 Diagnostic
To help integrators in the commissioning tasks and troubleshooting, the Configuration Tool offers some specific tools
and viewers.
In order to start using the diagnostic tools, connection with the Gateway is required.
The Diagnostic section is composed by two main parts: Tools and Viewers.
Use the tools section to check the current hardware status of the box, log communications into
compressed files to be sent to the Support Team
, change the Diagnostic panels’ view or send
commands to the gateway.
In order to check the current status, viewer for the Internal and External protocols are available. It is
also available a generic Console viewer for general information about communications and the
gateway status and finally a Signals Viewer to simulate the BMS behavior or to check the current
values in the system.