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In order to achieve maximum circulation of heat produced by the stove, it is
recommended that the stove be centrally located. Remember that the heat will rise.
Therefore, if the stove is put next to a stairwell, much of the heat will rise to the second
floor before the ground floors are warm. One should consider the construction and layout
of the home to be heated and, therefore, make placement so as to achieve maximum
benefit from the stove.
A good chimney is essential. This unit must be connected to either a listed type
HT (2100
F) chimney per UL 103 or ULC S629 or a code approved masonry chimney
with flue liner. The chimney size should not be less than the flue outlet on the stove, or
more than 3 times greater than the cross sectional area of the flue. Should you intend to
use an existing chimney for your stove, make sure that it is sound and has a flue lining
free from defects and corrosion. A chimney sweep should be consulted to assure there is
no existing creosote or soot build up present. Should the chimney lack flue tiles or if the
masonry is cracked, consult a mason about repairs or line the flue with a stainless steel
flue liner. Fire in an unlined or cracked chimney can spread into the house. The top of
the chimney should be at least 3 feet higher than the roof at the point of exit. With
pitched roofs, the top of the chimney must be at least 2 feet higher than any point on the
roof within 10 feet of the chimney. Check with your local building inspectors for local
building code compliances. The ideal installation would be for the chimney to extend
below the thimble with a clean out door.
The use of aluminum Type B gas vent for solid fuels in unsafe and prohibited by
the National Fire Protection Association Code.
Your chimney and chimney connectors should be inspected at least twice monthly
during the heating season to determine if a creosote or soot build up has occurred. If
material has accumulated, it should be removed to reduce the risk of a chimney fire.
Your chimney should be cleaned at least once a year. REMEMBER, a clean chimney
and a controlled fire will eliminate almost any chance of a chimney fire. Above all,
REMEMBER, if a chimney fire does occur, the fire department should be called
immediately and the draft control on the stove closed. DO NOT TAKE CHANCES BY