STOP Stops a videocassette from playing, recording, pausing, rewinding -
or anything it is doing.
LIGHT Illuminates key function buttons for a few seconds.
When the Remote Doesn't Work Right
Check out these possibilities:
Low Battery
If the remote is not working even at close range, try putting in two fresh AA
When replacing the batteries, remove the old batteries and press the
POWER button on the remote and hold it for about 10 seconds, then insert
two fresh batteries.
Objects in the Way
There may be objects between the remote and the VCR - for instance, a
stack of books on the coffee table, your 2-year-old child, the dog. Hold the
remote so that it points at the VCR with nothing in the way.
If You Just Want to Watch TV
For normal TV viewing, you do not need to disconnect the VCR. When the
TV and VCR are already on, press POWER on the remote control. The VCR
will shut off, but the TV will stay on.
If you are recording on the VCR but want to watch a different channel on the
TV, press the VCR/TV button to switch back and forth between the TV
channel and the recording channel.
VCR Controls
POWER Turns VCR power on and off.
STOP/EJECT Cancels any videotape action, and when pressed a second
time, ejects tape.
PLAY Play the loaded videotape.
DISPLAY Shows time, channel, and status indicators.