as pole slipping. The main purpose of the pole slip
protection (PSPPPAM) is to detect, evaluate, and take the
required action for pole slipping occurrences in the power
Out-of-step protection OOSPPAM
GUID-BF2F7D4C-F579-4EBD-9AFC-7C03296BD5D4 v8
The out-of-step protection (OOSPPAM ) function in the IED
can be used for both generator protection and as well for
line protection applications.
The main purpose of the OOSPPAM function is to detect,
evaluate, and take the required action during pole slipping
occurrences in the power system.
The OOSPPAM function detects pole slip conditions and
trips the generator as fast as possible, after the first pole-
slip if the center of oscillation is found to be in zone 1,
which normally includes the generator and its step-up power
transformer. If the center of oscillation is found to be further
out in the power system, in zone 2, more than one pole-slip
is usually allowed before the generator-transformer unit is
disconnected. A parameter setting is available to take into
account the circuit breaker opening time. If there are
several out-of-step relays in the power system, then the one
which finds the center of oscillation in its zone 1 should
operate first.
Two current channels I3P1 and I3P2 are available in
OOSPPAM function to allow the direct connection of two
groups of three-phase currents; that may be needed for very
powerful generators, with stator windings split into two
groups per phase, when each group is equipped with
current transformers. The protection function performs a
simple summation of the currents of the two channels I3P1
and I3P2.
Phase preference logic PPLPHIZ
SEMOD153619-5 v3
The optional phase preference logic (PPLPHIZ) is used with
the ZMQPDIS and FDPSPDIS distance protection. The
main purpose of this function is to provide a selective
tripping for cross-country faults in isolated or high
impedance-earthed networks.
Phase preference logic PPL2PHIZ
GUID-39785DEB-E5D7-447C-977B-9E940CA8E774 v2
The Phase preference logic function (PPL2PHIZ) is used
with the high speed distance protection, quad and mho
characteristic (ZMFPDIS). It is intended to be used in
isolated or high impedance earthed networks where there is
a requirement to operate on only one of the faulty lines
during a cross-country fault. It can be used without
preference to restrain operation for single earth faults with a
delayed zero-sequence current release.
For cross-country faults, the logic selects either the leading
or lagging phase-earth loop for measurement. It initiates
operation on the preferred phase based on the selected
phase preference scheme. A number of different phase
preference schemes are available.
PPL2PHIZ provides an additional phase selection criteria,
namely under voltage criteria, suitable for phase selection
during cross-country faults. In radial networks, where there
is no fault current in the phase with the external fault,
current or impedance based phase selection methods
become ineffective. Hence, only voltage can be used for
phase selection. The phase selection result will be the same
for all bays on a bus since the voltage is the same, which is
an important condition for operating with phase preference.
In meshed and stronger networks, it may be difficult to find
appropriate under-voltage settings for phase selection.
Therefore an automatic phase selection logic is made
available which works in parallel with a set under-voltage
criterion in order to detect the two faulty phases even for
complex networks. If for any reason the PPL2PHIZ is
unable to detect the two faulty phases, then after a short
time delay all three phase-to-earth loops of the distance
protection will be released for operation. The final result
might be that both faulty feeders are disconnected. In other
words, protection operation is prioritized over strict
adherence to preference.
Automatic switch onto fault logic, voltage and current
M13829-3 v4
Automatic switch onto fault logic (ZCVPSOF) is a function
that gives an instantaneous trip at closing of breaker onto a
fault. A dead line detection check is provided to activate the
function when the line is dead.
6. Wide area measurement system
Synchrophasor report, 8 phasors
GUID-7539462D-A3D6-492D-9926-E67C5B7C72D9 v1
Configuration parameters for IEEE 1344 and IEC/IEEE
60255-118 (C37.118) protocol PMUCONF
GUID-33694C62-A109-4D8F-9063-CEFA5D0E78BC v5
The IED supports the following IEEE synchrophasor
• IEEE 1344-1995 (Both measurements and data
• IEEE Std IEC/IEEE 60255-118 (C37.118) (Both
measurements and data communication)
• IEEE Std IEC/IEEE 60255-118 (C37.118) and IEC/IEEE
60255-118 (C37.118).1a-2014 (Measurements)
• IEEE Std IEC/IEEE 60255-118 (C37.118) (Data
PMUCONF contains the PMU configuration parameters for
both IEC/IEEE 60255-118 (C37.118) and IEEE 1344
protocols. This means all the required settings and
parameters in order to establish and define a number of
TCP and/or UDP connections with one or more PDC clients
(synchrophasor client). This includes port numbers,
TCP/UDP IP addresses, and specific settings for IEC/IEEE
60255-118 (C37.118) as well as IEEE 1344 protocols.
Line differential protection RED670
1MRK 505 379-BEN R
Version 2.2
Hitachi Energy
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