Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide
Getting Help
If you need to call the Hitachi Data Systems Support Center, be sure to
provide as much information about the problem as possible, including:
The circumstances surrounding the error or failure.
The content of any error messages displayed on the host system(s).
The content of any error messages displayed by Storage Navigator.
The USP V/VM Storage Navigator configuration information obtained by
using the FD Dump Tool
The service information messages (SIMs), including reference codes and
severity levels, displayed by Storage Navigator and/or logged at the host.
The Hitachi Data Systems customer support staff is available 24 hours/day,
seven days a week. If you need technical support, please call:
United States: (800) 446-0744
Outside the United States: (858) 547-4526
Please send us your comments on this document. Make sure to include the
document title, number, and revision. Please refer to specific section(s) and
paragraph(s) whenever possible.
Technical Writing, M/S 35-10
Hitachi Data Systems
10277 Scripps Ranch Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92131
Thank you!
(All comments become the property of Hitachi Data Systems