Timer F
Timer F is a 16-bit timer with an output compare function. Compare match signals can be used to
reset the counter, request an interrupt, or toggle the output. Timer F can also be used for external
event counting, and can operate as two independent 8-bit timers, timer FH and timer FL.
Features: Features of timer F are given below.
Choice of four internal clock sources (ø/32, ø/16, ø/4, ø/2) or an external clock (can be used as
an external event counter).
Output from pin TMOFH is toggled by one compare match signal (the initial value of the
toggle output can be set).
Counter can be reset by the compare match signal.
Two interrupt sources: counter overflow and compare match.
Can operate as two independent 8-bit timers (timer FH and timer FL) in 8-bit mode.
Timer FH
8-bit timer (clocked by timer FL overflow signals when timer F operates as a 16-bit timer).
Choice of four internal clocks (ø/32, ø/16, ø/4, ø/2).
Output from pin TMOFH is toggled by one compare match signal (the initial value of the
toggle output can be set).
Counter can be reset by the compare match signal.
Two interrupt sources: counter overflow and compare match.
Timer FL
8-bit timer/event counter
Choice of four internal clocks (ø/32, ø/16, ø/4, ø/2) or event input at pin TMIF.
Output from pin TMOFL is toggled by one compare match signal (the initial value of the
toggle output can be set).
Counter can be reset by the compare match signal.
Two interrupt sources: counter overflow and compare match.