Bit 4: Framing Error (FER): Bit 4 is a status flag indicating that a framing error has occurred
during asynchronous receiving.
Bit 4: FER
Indicates that data receiving is in progress or has been completed
(initial value)
[Clearing condition]
After reading FER = 1, cleared by writing 0 to FER
Indicates that a framing error occurred in data receiving
[Setting condition]
The stop bit at the end of receive data is checked and found to be 0
Notes: 1. When bit RE in serial control register 3 (SCR3) is cleared to 0, FER is unaffected and
keeps its previous state.
2. When two stop bits are used only the first stop bit is checked, not the second. When a
framing error occurs, receive data is transferred to RDR but RDRF is not set. While
FER is set to 1, data receiving cannot be continued. In synchronous mode, data
transmission and reception cannot be performed if FER is set to 1.
Bit 3—Parity Error (PER): Bit 3 is a status flag indicating that a parity error has occurred during
asynchronous receiving.
Bit 3: PER
Indicates that data receiving is in progress or has been completed
(initial value)
[Clearing condition]
After reading PER = 1, cleared by writing 0 to PER
Indicates that a parity error occurred in data receiving
[Setting condition]
When the sum of 1s in received data plus the parity bit does not match the
parity mode bit (PM) setting in the serial mode register (SMR)
Notes: 1. When bit RE in serial control register 3 (SCR3) is cleared to 0, PER is unaffected and
keeps its previous state.
2. When a parity error occurs, receive data is transferred to RDR but RDRF is not set.
While PER is set to 1, data receiving cannot be continued. While PER is set to 1 in
synchronous mode, data transmission and reception cannot be performed.